• 丰田汽车销售公司首席发言人Mike Michels表示,并没有丰田的高管们提及此次NHTSA的相关调查丰田证实自己的测试结果

    Toyota officials haven’t been briefed on NHTSA’s findings, but they corroborate its own tests, said Mike Michels, chief spokesman for Toyota Motor Sales.


  • 丰田汽车销售公司首席发言人Mike Michels表示,并没有丰田的高管们提及此次NHTSA的相关调查丰田证实自己的测试结果

    Toyota officials haven't been briefed on NHTSA's findings, but they corroborate its own tests, said Mike Michels, chief spokesman for Toyota Motor Sales.


  • 丰田公司现在希望今年一直明年三月销售更多汽车660万辆提高到703万辆。

    The company now expects to sell more vehicles in the year to March, raising its projections to 7.03m vehicles from 6.6m.


  • 为了应对销售下滑丰田汽车公司第一美国工厂工人们实施买断性裁员计划,一些工厂每周的上班时间缩短至原来的10%。

    Toyota Motor Corp. is offering widespread job buyouts to its U.S. workers for the first time and cutting the workweek at some of its American plants by 10% to contend with falling sales.


  • 目前公司85%销售收入来自本田丰田合作生产的汽车

    Currently the company derives 85 per cent of sales from vehicles co-produced with Honda and Toyota.


  • 零部件短缺导致全球畅销汽车制造商丰田公司销售利润大幅下降。

    Shortages of parts led to a big drop in sales and profit for Toyota, the world's top selling carmaker.


  • 来自IHS汽车行业资讯公司丽贝卡表示降低丰田2025年汽车销售的预

    Rebecca Lindland, with the research firm IHS Automotive, said she had reduced her forecast for Toyota's sales through 2025, which is as far into the future as IHS currently projects.


  • 丰田汽车总裁边捷昭(Katsuaki Watanabe)表示公司计划通过扩大中国俄罗斯快速增长的新兴市场上的销量实现这一雄心勃勃的销售目标

    Katsuaki Watanabe, Toyota's President, said the company aims to achieve its bold sales targets by expanding in fast-growing emerging markets, particularly China and Russia.


  • 去年丰田美国召回了700万汽车大型汽车制造商销售有所下降公司

    Toyota recalled seven million vehicles in the United States last year, and it was the only major carmaker whose sales here declined.


  • 今年迄今丰田公司美国销售已经下跌了23.8%,大众汽车销售额仅下降6.6%。

    And whereas Toyota's sales have fallen by 23.8% in America so far this year, VW's sales have dropped by only 6.6%.


  • 丰田通过在美国销售追赶第二汽车制造商福特汽车公司

    Toyota also is looking to overtake Ford Motor Co. as the No. 2 automaker by U.S. sales.


  • 日本汽车销售协会联合会8日公布数据显示,2009年,丰田公司出品的环保车"普锐斯"成功问鼎日本畅销车排行榜榜首,也是混合动力车首次夺取日本年度销量排行榜第一的宝座。

    The Toyota Prius became the first hybrid car to become a best seller in Japan in 2009, according to statistics released Friday by the Japan Automobile Dealers Association.


  • 克莱斯勒公司福特汽车公司销售8月稍有提升,通用汽车销售有所下滑丰田汽车销售持平。

    Sales at Chrysler Group LLC and Ford Motor Co. rose slightly from August.


  • 日本丰田汽车公司北美销售汽车三分之一美国制造的。

    As for Toyota company of Japan, one third of the cars sold in North America is made in America.


  • 公司专业生产销售金杯日产尼桑长城丰田汽车等底盘配件橡胶油封发动机零件

    Our company specializes in the production and sales: the gold cup, Nissan, the Great Wall, Toyota automobile chassis parts, engine parts, oil seals, rubber parts.


  • 丰田汽车公司华负责销售高管野崎松寿(ShojuNozaki本周出席广州汽车期间表示,该公司预计中国汽车销量2010年增长14%,达到80万

    Toyota expects its China sales to grow 14% to 800,000 vehicles in 2010, Shoju Nozaki, a senior Toyota sales executive in China, said on the sidelines of the Guangzhou auto show that began this week.


  • 最近汽油价格猛涨,以生产的省油汽车著称丰田汽车公司7月份销售出现两位数的增长美国本土的销量首次超过福特汽车公司

    Amid steep gas prices, Toyota Motor Corp. rode its reputation for fuel-efficient cars to a double-digit sales increase in July and outsold Ford in the U. S. for the first month ever.


  • 最近汽油价格猛涨,以生产的省油汽车著称丰田汽车公司7月份销售出现两位数的增长美国本土的销量首次超过福特汽车公司

    Amid steep gas prices, Toyota Motor Corp. rode its reputation for fuel-efficient cars to a double-digit sales increase in July and outsold Ford in the U. S. for the first month ever.


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