• 临床研究杂志一项研究表明,维持大脑中的葡糖糖水平就是身段苗条秘诀

    Making sure the brain's glucose levels do not drop could be the secret to staying slim, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation suggested.


  • 这个目前已经发表在临床研究杂志研究表明肥大细胞可能以前所不知道方法导致慢性炎症

    The study, which is presented online by The Journal of Clinical Investigation, shows that mast cells can be activated in a previously unknown way that might lead to chronic inflammation.


  • 根据最新一咨询临床心理学杂志研究身体项目参与者出现饮食失调风险降低61%。

    According to a study in the latest issue of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, the risk of developing eating disorders was reduced 61% among Body Project participants.


  • 事实上根据英国临床牙周病杂志2005年一项研究吸烟的人牙龈疾病的风险不吸烟的人高牙龈疾病可能导致牙齿脱落

    In fact, according to a 2005 U.K. study in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, smokers are up to six times more likely than nonsmokers to develop gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss.


  • 2008年项受尊敬发表临床精神病学杂志研究发现,服用此类药物的青少年抑郁的风险增加了一倍

    A well-respected 2008 study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found a doubled risk for depression among teens who took the drug.


  • 他们美国临床营养学杂志》表示:“研究结果说明服用复合维生素乳腺癌患癌风险增加关联的。”

    They told the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 'These results suggest multivitamin use is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.


  • 刚刚发表美国临床营养学杂志》上研究将一组年近七旬的老年人25岁的年轻人进行了对比,两组拥有相同数量男性女性

    Research just published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared one group of people in their late 60s to a group of 25-year-olds, with equal Numbers of men and women.


  • 研究报告发表11月美国临床营养学杂志

    The studies were published in the November issue of the American Journal of Clinical nutrition.


  • 发表临床精神病学杂志》上这些研究结果使人们Omega - 3脂肪酸是否真的能帮助减轻压抑感到困惑

    These findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, add to the confusion about whether omega-3 fatty acids really help depression. Different studies have reported conflicting results.


  • 关于生姜的研究结果于本月晚些时候向美国临床肿瘤学会年度会议提交,药物研究结果本周柳叶刀肿瘤学杂志发表。

    The ginger results will be presented later this month at the American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting; the drug study was published this week in the Lancet Oncology journal.


  • 艾米丽目前美国临床营养学杂志发表研究报告主要作者

    She is the main author of a study that is currently being published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


  • 酒精中毒临床实验研究杂志一项研究发现波旁威士忌这样颜色烈酒引起宿醉要像伏尔加这种无色的烈酒严重。

    A study in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research finds that lighter colored spirits, such as vodka, may cause lesser hangovers than darker drinks, such as bourbon.


  • 研究结果已经发表临床实验——酒精成瘾》杂志上。

    The findings have been published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.


  • 最近美国肾脏病学会杂志发表临床研究表明含钙丰富食物-低脂牛奶酸奶-可以起保护作用

    The most recent study published in Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology suggests that calcium-rich foods - such as low-fat milk and yogurt - can be protective.


  • 但是研究结果提升这种可能性”,研究人员刊登于《美国临床营养学杂志报告中提出

    But the findings raise that possibility, the researchers report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


  • 研究吃零食腰围会不会增加调查结果将美国临床营养杂志发表

    The findings, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, add to a conflicting body of research on whether snacking is good or bad for the waistline.


  • 这一研究通过网络发表于《变态反应临床免疫学杂志》。

    The study is published online in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.


  • 发表美国临床营养杂志这项发现,是大豆绝经健康研究一个反例补充

    The findings, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, add to a conflicting body of research on soy and postmenopausal bone health.


  • 发表临床精神病学杂志》上这些研究结果使人们Omega - 3脂肪酸是否真的能帮助减轻压抑感到困惑

    These findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, add to the confusion about whether omega-3 fatty acids really help depression.


  • 这项研究结果同时刊登英国皮肤病学杂志临床试验皮肤病学》杂志

    The results were published in 2003 in both the British Journal of Dermatology and the journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology.


  • 更多牛奶或是其它乳制品帮助赢得减肥战役,这一新的研究发表于美国临床营养杂志在线版。

    Drinking higher amounts of milk or eating other dairy foods may help you win the battle of the bulge, according to new research published online in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


  • 该项研究成果发表美国临床营养学杂志,该研究结果基于正在十个欧洲国家进行的癌症潜在风险因素调查

    The findings, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, come from an ongoing study in 10 European countries investigating potential risk factors for cancer.


  • 这项研究发表于《美国临床营养学杂志》(the AmericanJournalof Clinical Nutrition)。研究因实验安排可操作、实验参与对象数量多使用经充分验证过饮食问卷调查而具有显著优势

    The study, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, has significant strengths in its prospective design, large sample and use of a well-validated dietary questionnaire.


  • 这项研究成果分为篇论文发表在在915临床癌症研究杂志上。 这项研究航空乘务员医学研究资助的。

    The research, which was published as three papers in the Sept. 15 issue of Clinical Cancer Research, was funded by the Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute.


  • 她们的研究结果已经临床心理学杂志(the Journalof Clinical Psychology)上发表

    The results were published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology.


  • 美国心脏杂志报道这项发现,该发现是建立心脏病临床研究观察到现象上的。

    The findings, reported in the American heart Journal, build on a phenomenon seen in clinical trials studying heart disease.


  • 美国心脏杂志报道这项发现,该发现是建立心脏病临床研究观察到现象上的。

    The findings, reported in the American heart Journal, build on a phenomenon seen in clinical trials studying heart disease.


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