• 涂料含有可燃物质远离火花禁止临近地区吸烟

    Paint products contain flammable materials. Please keep them away from sparks and prohibit any smoking in the vicinity.


  • 但是大城市大量人口可能它们临近地区生产食物来养活。

    But the vast population of large cities cannot be fed with food produced in their immediate vicinity.


  • 作为经济事情供电局公司多数一个更多其他家在临近地区分享发行变压器

    As a matter of economics for the power utility company, most homes share a distribution transformer with one or more other homes in the immediate vicinity.


  • 去年12月朋友母亲说,侄子最近娶了一个四川省临近地区来的女孩

    Last December a family friend told his mother that her nephew recently married a girl from neighboring Sichuan province.


  • 壁虎比较特化沙生蜥蜴类,主要分布中亚及其临近地区低海拔荒漠中。

    Teratoscincus is more specialized psammophilous lizards in the family Gekkonidae, and primarily distributing in the low-altitude deserts of Central Asia and its adjacent regions.


  • 许多阵亡卡扎非士兵军装下面穿着平民服装——临近地区,也有居民报道发现了被丢弃军装

    There were multiple accounts of dead Qaddafi fighters found wearing civilian clothing under their fatigues - and in some neighborhoods, residents reported finding discarded military uniforms.


  • 反对这一法案州议员认为法案措辞未能恰当地保护临近地区,而桥梁底特律一侧在该地区之内。

    The lawmakers who opposed the bill said its language did not adequately protect the neighbourhood where the Detroit side of the bridge will be located.


  • 正在准备开展以99 400人为目标疫苗接种运动目前临近地区正经历脑膜炎球菌暴发乌干达同步开展运动。

    A vaccination campaign targeting 99 400 people is being prepared and will be synchronized with Uganda, which is currently experiencing an outbreak of meningococcal disease in the neighbouring area.


  • 公寓循环系统旨在完美地迎合临近地区的环境,同时定义出广阔的空间,实现居住持续性,并利用公共空间成为城市本身一个组成部分

    The circulation of the apartments manages to fit perfectly into the continuity of the neighborhood. The project became a part of the city itself.


  • 华盛顿大力支持巴基斯坦这次进攻。此次进攻看作考验巴基斯坦对抗西北边境临近阿富汗地区武装分子决心

    The offensive, strongly backed by Washington, is seen as a test of Pakistan's resolve against militants in the northwestern border region near Afghanistan.


  • 随着2008年奥运会临近NBC作为北美地区独家转播商,进一步加强对华报道

    With the 2008 Olympic Games approaching, NBC as the exclusive broadcaster in North America will report more news on China.


  • 巴基斯坦有关官员交战迫使数以万计逃离地区临近西北边境躲避战乱。

    Pakistani officials say that the fighting has forced tens of thousands of people to leave the area and take refuge in the adjoining NorthWest Frontier Province.


  • 布基纳法索卫生部于2008年103报告了该国北部临近马里边境地区瓦希古亚卫生发生起已获实验室确认黄热病病例

    On 3 October, the Ministry of health, Burkina Faso reported two laboratory confirmed cases of Yellow fever in the health district of Ouahigouya, in the North of the country, near the border with Mali.


  • 克莱姆山地区安东尼•帕多教堂教友理·赫德森谈论临近教区学校片荒芜的地方

    In the Cramer Hill district Brother Jerry Hudsonof the st Anthony of Padua church talks about the run-down place next door to the parish school.


  • 因为临近的都没有可用于铺路材料新奥尔良周围地区都是淤积组成的。

    Because the region around New Orleans is composed of alluvial soil, there is no paving material close at hand.


  • 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省南部一个城市临近奥卡诺根北端伐木地区加工业中心人口9,987。

    A city of southern British Columbia, Canada, near the northern end of Okanagan Lake. It is a processing center in a lumbering region. Population, 9,987.


  • 副热带亚热带的:属于,关于或是临近热带地区的。

    Of, relating to, or being the geographic areas adjacent to the Tropics.


  • 临近毕业前有了这个极端想法就是低收入地区工作一名社区组织者

    When I was on the brink of graduating from college, I had this crazy idea that I wanted to be a community organizer and work in low-income neighborhoods.


  • 临近中产阶级地区Chandler这座城市富有居民周围开店

    In nearby Chandler, a middle-class area, it will be building its stores within reach of the city's richest inhabitants.


  • 出现过去1万人类年前近代法老周期只是远古梦想重演在远古时候的埃及临近今天加拿大地区群岛。

    The recent cycle of Pharaohs in the past 10,000 human years was only a repeat of an ancient dream in which Egypt was an island chain near the region known as Banff Canada today.


  • 此次临近兰博尔地区诺曼底乡村泄露事件已经产生十分严重后果

    This time approached the blue Bor husband area the Normandy village to reveal the event already to have the extremely serious consequence.


  • 历史德国东北部地区临近波罗

    A historical region of northeast Germany on the Baltic Sea.


  • 伊朗北部由于临近里海气候温和从而成为了许多伊朗人热衷度假地,许多城市中产阶层地区拥有房产

    Due to its milder climate the region around the Caspian Sea in Northern Iran has been a popular holiday destination for Iranians. Many of the urban middle class own real estate in this region.


  • 适当的地方,临近城市边界开发作为邻里地区进行组织,与现存的城市开发模式结合到一起。

    Where appropriate, new development contiguous to urban boundaries should be organized as neighborhoods and districts, and be integrated with the existing urban pattern.


  • 酒店临近新的中关购物中心,位于三环北四环之间对面中关村地区最大生活广场

    The hotel is adjacent to the new ZhongGuan CITY MALL, it's between the north third ring road and north forth ring road, the largest life square in the ZhongGuanCun areas is just across the street.


  • 公司一家专业生产产品制造商,全国经济发达江苏地区临近上海

    Our company is a professional manufacturer of hand crochet products, located in Jiangsu province, near Shanghai, a place which is flourishing in private business.


  • 公司一家专业生产产品制造商,全国经济发达江苏地区临近上海

    Our company is a professional manufacturer of hand crochet products, located in Jiangsu province, near Shanghai, a place which is flourishing in private business.


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