• 个例子特勒认为

    Nettle, for one, believes it can.


  • 个例子说如果遇到显然正要去食堂

    For example, if you meet someone who is obviously going to the dining hall, you may make a comment like 'Going to dinner! '


  • 个例子说可能结束了段婚姻关系,与生意伙伴分开或者离开代理商

    You may have had to leave a marriage, break up a business partnership, or leave an agent, as a few examples.


  • 学习语法很多坏处个例子说不知道特指的情况下,该时态

    There are many disadvantages if you do not learn grammar. For instance, you will not know what tense to use for a particular situation.


  • 个例子说如果目的地风景秀丽,我们可以允许员工周末多呆或几晚上休闲

    For instance, if the destination is an attractive one, we can allow our employees to stay one more night at leisure when it is weekend.


  • 个例子说如果男的想要结婚,那准备所有的东西,包括房子车子等等

    For example, if a man want to get married, he should prepare everything, including department, cars, etc.


  • 个例子说假设乡村湖畔度假希望度假的地方离生病母亲近一些。

    For instance, let's say that I want to go on a vacation out into the lake country, and you want to go on a vacation closer to your 4 ailing mother.


  • 美国语气强硬,但是个例子说,他们热衷允许银行保留未来抵押贷款相关的费用作为资本

    America talks tough but is keen to allow Banks to include future mortgage-related fees as capital, for example.


  • 举个例子有一件事情-自己也很多,我会一点扑克而且我对游戏非常兴趣。

    I mean, one thing--I play a fair amount of I play a little bit of poker and I'm very interested in the game.


  • 气温变化看似微小但是个例子说,渐温差可能会加剧海面水汽蒸发,从而使暴风雨愈演愈烈。

    Though such a change appears small, incremental differences can, for example, add to the ferocity of storms by evaporating more steam off the ocean.


  • 所以个例子说就是给一杯热饮确实会使行为热情一杯冷饮,也的确会让人产生疏离感并且彼此冷漠

    So, for example, giving someone a warm drink actually makes people feel and behave more "warmly" toward others, while a cold drink evokes the "cold shoulder" and promotes distant behavior.


  • 所以个例子说就是给一杯热饮确实会使那行为热情一杯冷饮,也的确会让人产生疏离感并且彼此冷漠

    "So, for example, giving someone a warm drink actually makes people feel and behave more" warmly "toward others, while a cold drink evokes the" cold shoulder "and promotes distant behavior."


  • 可以个例子如果那样穿一条亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander McQueen)的裙子从而宣传了该品牌,那么为什么不该自己的品牌这么做?

    You could say that if she wears, for example, an Alexander McQueen dress, as she did on election night, she is giving that brand a boost, so why shouldn't she do the same for her own brand?


  • 个例子,比方需要检查某种类型约束例如结构性约束

    An example is that only a certain type of constraint needs to be checked such as structural constraints.


  • 举个例子比如吧,如果是不是想要孩子回答我也不知道,从某种角度,我不想我的孩子影响我的浪漫生活

    Like me, for instance. Do I want children? My answer is: I don't know. But somewhere along the way, I decided to not let my biology dictate my romantic life.


  • 灯箱特点个例子,“确实花了星期实现,”产品经理内特·史密斯

    The lightbox feature, for example, "honestly took only a week to implement," said product manager Nate Smith.


  • 个例子吧,梅耶尔公司要知道用户多少搜索结果最好,是惯常的10还是20,25,或是30呢?

    For example, Mayer said, the company wanted to find out how many search results to show usersthe customary 10, or 20, 25, or 30?


  • 举个例子如果安吉丽娜·朱莉孩子婴儿车意味着款婴儿车非常也就是款婴儿车在任何地方都会被抢购一空。

    An example: If Angelina Jolie put her kids in a certain stroller, it meant that stroller was good for humankind, which meant the stroller sold out everywhere.


  • 既然已经了解——个例子如果你在显示方面发生了问题,拜托是一ATI 的显卡”,请告诉我型号。

    Now that you know this - if you have a question about video, forexample, don't just say, "I have an ATI video card".


  • 文化语言界定会失败个例子,有多少罗马着罗马尼语?

    Cultural or linguistic definitions also fail: how many Roma speak Romani, for instance?


  • 例子比方那种火车经过时,它的声音别的方向传来。

    I'm going to give an example or example of that — of the train kind of going by you, and the sound heading off in the other direction.


  • 中文太差,所以不能中文。 还要个例子

    M: For instance, I have no business teaching Chinese because I don't speak it very well.


  • 举个例子比如公司决定采用一套新的计算机系统觉得系统已经能够满足您的需要

    For example, let's say that the company has decided to go with a new computer system. And let's say that you feel the old system is currently giving you what you need.


  • 个例子吧,Lindgren并不知道在什么时候进行飞行或者宇航员生涯有多久

    Lindgren, for example, doesn't know when he'll fly, or how long his astronaut career may last.


  • 举个例子目睹了勇勇蓝妹妹面前令人作呕表现,一蓝精灵:“认为我过去只在嘴里蓝精灵。”

    Here, for example, after witnessing Gutsy smurf getting his bum out in front of Smurfette, Generic smurf says: "I think I just smurfed in my mouth."


  • 个例子鲍威尔:“被调查者开始提到他们看到Lynne Cheney电视上谈论女儿影响人们有可能词。”

    Respondents began to mention, for example, "the impact of seeing Lynne Cheney talking about her daughter on TV," Powell says, and "people became much more likely just to say the word."


  • 个例子鲍威尔:“被调查者开始提到他们看到Lynne Cheney电视上谈论女儿影响人们有可能词。

    Respondents began to mention, for example, “the impact of seeing Lynne Cheney talking about her daughter on TV, ” Powell says, and “people became much more likely just to say the word.


  • 举个例子如果我们l等于m小标l,最小多少?

    So, if we think of just an example, 2 we could say that 4 l equals 2, what would be our lowest value of m sub l?


  • 举个例子如果我们l等于m小标l,最小多少?

    So, if we think of just an example, 2 we could say that 4 l equals 2, what would be our lowest value of m sub l?


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