• 做到必须帮助孩子学习找到乐趣学校视为快乐源泉

    To make that happen, you have to help the child find pleasure in learningto see school as a source of joy.


  • 事实上那些数学强迫数千小时的学习,为的是成绩不是乐趣没有任何实际用途正是这一使数学显得如此艰难恐怖

    In fact, those thousands of hours of forced work at math, done for a grade and not for fun or for any practical use, are what make math seem so difficult and intimidating.


  • 有一非常重要,就是始终牢记我们事情令人愉快的,不要丧失了这种愉悦,要享受探索乐趣,认为成为一名工程师从某种程度上来说,意味着解决问题,提出创意。

    It's important to keep in mind always that what we do can be fun And never lose that sense of fun and enjoy exploring things I think being an engineer is partly just problem-solving and mind-set.


  • 没有,没有,不过是个凡夫俗子,虽然过有关材料,但总觉得是被逼读,一乐趣也没有,来说有意思的事莫过于喝啤酒看足球赛了。

    I read that material, more out of obligation than enjoyment. For enjoyment, for me, it’s a beer and the football game.


  • 大多数人来说,狩猎松鼠只是刚刚开始(一般出售野味是非法所以必须巴迪一样获得一个渠道),这提供你的只是单纯的一乐趣

    For most, it was an initiation (it's generally illegal to sell wild game, so you have to have a source like Buddy), but seemingly not to be an isolated instance of enjoyment.


  • 这个实验没有惊慌失措,我只是当成一种乐趣,”

    'I don't really see this experiment as scary, I see it almost as an amusement,' she said.


  • 她咕哝道,把抽屉猛地一推关上,”终生劳碌只能偶尔得到乐趣,逐渐变丑,变得尖酸刻薄,就因为不能其他女孩子一样享受生活

    I shall have to toil and moil all my days, with only little bits of fun now and then, and get old and ugly and sour, because I'm poor and can't enjoy my life as other girls do.


  • 使用一种不寻常存储库确实可以映射过程带来乐趣认为内容集成乐趣但是可能这么想。

    Working with an unusual repository can actually add a little fun to the mapping process; but that's assuming that content integration is your idea of fun, which may be true only for me.


  • 身处何地、你需要关切东西了解科技你带来许多乐趣有趣的东西

    There are lots of fun, interesting things technology can do for you when it knows a little bit about where you are, what you need and what you care about.


  • 在这里设法使团队优秀,设法提高可以组织增加价值,设法通过工作中添加一乐趣使自己生活美好

    You're trying to make your team better here, trying to increase the value you can add to the organization, trying to make your own life better by putting the fun back into work.


  • 如果青春亮丽,一皱纹都没有,或者如果你仅仅为了享受化妆乐趣担心带来鱼尾纹,那你就随心所欲吧。

    If you're young with nary a wrinkle in sight, or if you just want to have fun with makeup rather than worry about whether it brings out your crow's feet, be as experimental as you'd like.


  • 诚实地回答了,带来乐趣,也任何掌控

    I used to answer honestly, but that brought little joy and did little to give me any sense of control.


  • 甚至连本来充满乐趣活动——比如朋友来家里吃饭——都会变得压力巨大,因为需要一整天准备(同时也时间相关)。

    Even events that are supposed to be fun, like having friends over for a dinner party, become stressful as it can take all day to prepare (this also links into the first point - Time).


  • 不是,我当之无愧生活乐趣他引以自豪人——请相信,我明白这一——,事实上我又确实那样的。

    I don't mean to say that I deserve to be the pride and delight of his life - you believe me, I know - but I am.


  • 重要就是不断地生活寻找乐趣

    An important step is continually looking for joy throughout your life. This happens in a variety of ways.


  • 最后虽然上个礼拜的播放激动,一也没、任何时候谈论都是,可是我想‘这只是一部分乐趣“ 。

    So finally, while I was so excited about the show last week, and slept so badly and could only talk about it, I was thinking "this is also part of the fun".


  • 现在记得我们那里都没有去过,我们总是一直在工作乐趣没有?

    Frank: Now remember all the times you said we never go anywhere and we're always working and we never have any fun?


  • 生命如此地短暂不要在你挂掉之前就让过去了乐趣没有享受到。

    Life is short, don't let it pass without having some fun before the whole thing is over!


  • 毕竟,在选择运动器材重要锻炼充满乐趣

    After all, it is important to choose exercise fitness equipment that will make the session fun.


  • 如果寻找不是乐趣学着告诉只想件事家伙们除了那些提供你爱的人。

    If you're looking for love rather than a bit of fun, learn to tell the guys only after one thing apart from those who can offer you more.


  • 不要只小猫两只乐趣而且不会多出什么麻烦。

    Do not just keep a cat, the raising of two will have more fun and a little more will not be any trouble.


  • 领队旋转作用一个伟大的乐趣

    The role of lead car has been rotated which is great and a bit of fun.


  • 领队旋转作用一个伟大的乐趣

    The role of lead car has been rotated which is great and a bit of fun.


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