• 听到乔治亚大学海洋学家曼迪·乔伊采访。

    You are listening to University of Georgia oceanographer Mandy Joye.


  • 乔治亚大学保罗·舒兹博士说:观察者许可就能得到反馈

    Give the observer permission, suggests Paul Schutz, Ph. D., of the University of Georgia, and you will receive feedback.


  • 乔治亚大学保罗·舒兹博士说:观察者许可就能得到反馈

    Give the observer permission, suggests Paul Schutz, Ph.D., of the University of Georgia, and you will receive feedback.


  • 美国乔治亚大学科学家上周蒸发生活破坏严重夸大

    Scientists at the University of Georgia said last week that the rate of evaporation and biological breakdown had been greatly exaggerated.


  • 其他作者分别来自普渡大学、亚拉巴马大学乔治亚大学医学院纽约大学

    Other co-authors were from Purdue University, the University of Alabama, Medical College of Georgia and New York University.


  • 本文以乔治亚大学网上课程详细介绍了美国大学如何组织网上教学的。

    Using an entirely online course from University of Georgia as a case, this paper explores how the online instruction is designed and conducted in American universities.


  • 然而此次骤降之后,拉丁语学习得以复兴,乔治亚大学的拉丁语学习一直保持着强劲的势头。

    After that plunge, however, Latin began a comeback, and at UGA, Latin has remained strong.


  • 来自美国乔治亚亚特兰大市毕业该州顶尖大学西乔治亚大学商业教育专业

    She is from Atlanta, Georgia located in the US and she graduated from the University of West Georgia, one of the top 10 schools in the state, with a bachelor's degree in Business Education.


  • 位于雅典乔治亚大学研究者发现例如短途骑自行车这样活动量的运动将20%精力提高

    A low-intensity workout like a short bike ride can boost energy levels by 20 percent, researchers at the University of Georgia in Athens found.


  • 乔治亚大学心理学家迈克尔·克尼斯(MichaelKernis)解释说,事实上模糊自我他人之间界线

    Indeed, mindfulness blurs the line between self and other, explains Michael Kernis, a psychologist at the University of Georgia.


  • 位于乔治亚大学研究中心从事一些关于全球出口管制非官方深入研究工作,出版众多有用的刊物和分析报告。

    This center at the University of Georgia does some of the most in-depth non-government work on export controls anywhere in the world, and posts a large number of useful publications and analyses.


  • 发表疼痛杂志》这项研究雅典乔治亚大学研究人员注意到了补充咖啡因对几个年轻女性延迟性肌肉酸痛影响

    In the current study, published in the Journal of pain, researchers at the University of Georgia in Athens looked at the effects of a caffeine supplement on delayed muscle pain in nine young women.


  • 作者之一,乔治亚大学灵长类动物学家桃乐丝•弗拉·格斯,巴西一个私人自然保护区研究卷尾猴,看来此文的确够专业。

    One of the authors of the article was Dorothy Fragaszy, a University of Georgia primatologist who was studying the capuchins at a private nature preserve in Brazil.


  • 市场学专家——一位是波士顿大学亨里克.哈格维,另一位是豪斯顿大学的范尼撒.瑞克——的研究给了项目很大的启发。 当该项目进行时,他们乔治亚大学

    The study was inspired by the work of marketing experts Henrik Hagtvedt of Boston College and Vanessa Patrick of University of Houston; both of whom were at the University of Georgia during the study.


  • 咖啡因早就用来增加警觉耐力乔治亚大学Patricko'Connor教授领衔的2003年的研究发现:咖啡因能减少中等强度骑车引起的大腿肌

    Caffeine has long been known to increase alertness and endurance, and a 2003 study led by UGA professor Patrick o 'connor found that caffeine reduces thigh pain during moderate-intensity cycling.


  • 乔治亚南方大学名20岁大三学生告诉BuzzFeed新闻通常会花500-600美元购买课程访问

    A 20-year-old junior at Georgia Southern University told BuzzFeed News that she normally spends $500-$600 on access codes for class.


  • 开始大学时候,希望奖学金乔治亚资助的,旨在为平均点为3高中毕业生提供资金援助。

    When I started college, the HOPE scholarship was funded by the state of Georgia and offered to graduating high school seniors with a GPA of 3.


  • 乔治亚肯塔基卡洛莱纳给与科技公司大学合作的资金担保表示赞同

    He notes with approval that Georgia, Kentucky and North Carolina give technology firms vouchers to spend at local universities.


  • 项目研究人员分别来自美国斯坦福乔治亚宾夕法尼亚州立大学,他们试图找出人类进化过程中基因演变。

    The researchers at Stanford, Georgia and Pennsylvania State universities in the US wanted to trace evolutionary changes in human DNA.


  • 马里兰大学学院乔治亚风格教学楼底层孔子学院狭小办公室

    ON THE ground floor of one of the University of Maryland’s redbrick Georgian-style buildings is the small office of the Confucius Institute.


  • 米勒教授所选择树木是弗多斯塔州立大学乔治亚校区长叶松(longleaf pine)。

    Dr Miller's trees of choice were longleaf pines on the Valdosta State University campus in Georgia.


  • 克里斯汀·罗森·布鲁门,PhdRDcssd亚特兰大乔治亚州立大学

    Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, RD, CSSD, of Georgia State University in Atlanta.


  • 乔治亚州立大学克里斯托弗史邓纳报道说,鸡粪制造生物碳也可以使蒂夫顿的沙土肥沃起来。

    Christoph Steiner, of the University of Georgia, reported that biochar produced from chicken litter could do the same in the sandy soil of Tifton in that state.


  • 然而有些国家还是刚刚开始转换成那种考试大学录取方式乔治亚是在最近十年适应这个模式的。

    Some countries, though, are recent converts to a rigid approach to university entrance - Georgia adopted the national test model earlier this decade.


  • 方法材料:对所有乔治亚医科大学耳鼻咽喉科接受甲状腺外科手术患者进行前瞻行评估

    Methods and Materials: All patients who underwent thyroid surgery at the Medical College of Georgia in the Department of Otolaryngology were prospectively evaluated.


  • 平静消费者大脑的必要性得到了乔治亚亚特兰大市默里大学神经学家GregoryBerns的支持。

    The need to cool off our consumer brains is reinforced by Gregory Berns, a neuroscientist at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.


  • 乔治亚理工大学尤金尼娅·哈莱姆皮厄娃(Eugenia Kharlampieva)尝试在丝质薄膜镀上纳米微粒来进行强化

    At the Georgia Institute of Technology, Eugenia Kharlampieva experimented with depositing silver nanoparticles on films of silk as a way of strengthening them.


  • 乔治亚理工大学尤金尼娅·哈莱姆皮厄娃(Eugenia Kharlampieva)尝试在丝质薄膜镀上纳米微粒来进行强化

    At the Georgia Institute of Technology, Eugenia Kharlampieva experimented with depositing silver nanoparticles on films of silk as a way of strengthening them.


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