• 没有知道如何饲养繁殖鳗鱼

    Nor does anyone know how to breed eels in captivity.


  • 照样除了没有知道神的

    In the same way, the things of God also no one has known except the Spirit of God.


  • 没有完全确定其中的原因也没有人知道是否持续

    No one is quite sure why this might be and no one knows if it will last.


  • 结果表明,没有这样车子没有人知道该怎么开。

    But it turned out that no one had driven a car like this before, and no one really knew how.


  • 没有知道一个国家也没有人知道梅拉尼亚来自斯洛文尼亚

    Nobody knows it's a country. Nobody knows it's a nation, and nobody knows that Melania is from Slovenia.


  • 没有知晓它会怎么出牌,也没有人知道索马里它们的出现作何反应

    No one knows how disciplined the Kenyans will be, nor how the Somalis will react to their presence.


  • 关键的是,没有知道能否自由地投票或者他们的票能否如实点算

    No one knows, more crucially, whether people will be able to vote freely or whether their votes will be honestly counted.


  • 记得是从一年的哪一天开始开始没有知道为什么要磨刀。

    No one knows from which day and which year on he began to sharpen the knife. In the beginning, no one even knew why he did it.


  • 身处危机之中没有知道经济究竟下降多少没有人知道下降期会有多长

    In the midst of a crisis, no one knows how far an economy will drop or for how long.


  • 实际上没有知道自闭症真正起因也没有人知道近年来此类病例上升的真正原因。

    But the truth is that nobody knows what causes autism or what exactly accounts for the recent rise in cases.


  • 最近一直开玩笑其他,这个邻居,刚来不和我们打交道,哪天死了没有知道

    I've been making jokes to the other people in building that he could die and no one would know about it.


  • 没有知道生命引起物质扩散理论极限哪里,也没有知道我们太阳最多支持多少带有生命印记的物质。

    Nobody knows what the theoretical limits to the infection of matter by life would be. Nor does anybody know what the maximum amount of life-enhanced matter that our sun could support is.


  • 即使没有看到他们也没有知道他们在什么时候男孩可以父亲清晰话语分辨出这个决定不容置疑。

    Even though no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he caught the fish, the boy could tell by the clarity of his father's voice that the decision was not negotiable.


  • 没有合适的测量方法确定原油产量所以没有准确知道尼日利亚究竟生产多少石油,同样也没有人知道运送过程上损失了多少。

    No proper metering tracks the output of crude oil, so no one knows exactly how much Nigeria produces or how much is lost in transit.


  • 没有知道未来是什么样子的,也没有人知道自己会不会成功只是努力着自己认为事,谱写未完成少年篇章a——依旧幸福

    No one know what's it like in the future, no one will know their success, just trying to do with oneself think to compose the outstanding youngis still happy.


  • 史坦哈特珊瑚礁建成之前没有确切地知道能否通过方法建立起一个珊瑚礁群落也没有人知道如果可能这样的工作到底需要耗费长的时间

    Before the Steinhart coral reef was constructed, no one was sure if a coral reef community could be assembled artificially, or how long it would take if it could.


  • 大家纷纷猜测,自己暖和一点,可是没有知道小女孩昨晚看见多么美妙东西也没有人知道小女孩是多么高兴奶奶一起踏进了快乐的新年

    She wanted to keep herself warm, they said; but no one knew what beautiful things she had seen, nor in what radiance she had gone with her old granny into the joy of the New Year.


  • 即使知道告诉他们这位天使所说的话也没有相信之时,她生命相信

    She trusted him with her life even though she knew no one would believe her when she told them what the angel said.


  • 没有知道下一带给什么也没有人确定会画什么类型作品。

    No one knew what to expect from him next. No one could be sure what kind of picture he would produce.


  • 杂货店空无一时候,所能听到常常飞来飞去的苍蝇嗡嗡叫声,这时想起那个年轻来,我们从来就不知道叫什么名字小城镇里也没有提到这个

    Often, when the grocery store is empty and all you can hear is the buzzing of flies, I think of that young man whose name we never knew and whom no one in town ever mentioned again.


  • 一直那里因为喜欢自己玩,没有知道那里玩。

    I used to play there because I liked to play by myself and I thought no one knew I was there.


  • 地下借贷解决了私营企业一个难题没有知道这些借出去的钱去了哪里没有能够控制这些钱的流向。

    Underground lending solves a huge problem for private companies. But no one knows exactly where all that credit is really going - and nobody seems able to control it.


  • 每个知道海浪由于远处风暴所造成的,没有知道他们来自何方原因,同样没有人试图预测海浪

    Everyone knew that waves were generated by distant storms, but no one knew where they came from or why, and no one had tried to make surf forecasts.


  • 想一想纽约什么感受,身边没有一个亲戚朋友没有知道什么也没有人关心

    Think how it must feel to be alone in New York, without a friend or relation at hand, with no one to know or care what to do.


  • 想一想纽约什么感受,身边没有一个亲戚朋友没有知道什么也没有人关心

    Think how it must feel to be alone in New York, without a friend or relation at hand, with no one to know or care what to do.


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