• 来说看起来是个主意没有其他人这样做,所以就毫不犹豫的掏钱打广告了。

    It seemed like a good idea to him, and no one else was doing it, so he pulled out his checkbook.


  • 表示虽然自己没有获得工作但是却感到安慰因为没有其他人获得这职务

    He didn't get the job but, he says, he takes comfort that the job hasn't been filled.


  • 我而言魔法变得真实方法就是变得有些平凡有些别扭并且会令人失望,也没有其他人想像的那样迷人特质

    It seemed to me that you make magic real by making it a little prosaic, a little difficult and disappointing-never quite as glamorous as the other characters imagine.


  • 看看周围,你发现其他人没有这样做世界上所有深受珍视体育习惯正在发生巨大变化

    Look around you and you'll see that no one else does either! Massive changes in all of the world's deeply cherished sporting habits are underway.


  • 实际上所有其他人一样银行家没有什么线索更严厉法规将会带来什么影响

    In fact, the bankers, like everyone else, have not had much clue what effect tighter rules would have.


  • 提到其他人他的爸爸这些就是他爸爸的,这些财产拥有者,但没有出现。

    The other character that's mentioned in the poem is the boy's father, whose trees they are, the property owner, who also is absent.


  • 他们其他人一样英格兰球迷所以如果他们想到现场助威,没有任何问题

    They're England fans as much as everyone else, so if they want to be at the games, there's no problem.


  • 协议细节承担全部责任,我当时并没有试图掩盖行为没有其他人承担责任

    I take full responsibility for the details of the agreement, and I did not attempt to hide my actions or to make anyone else responsible.


  • 目前看上去有点儿反讽意思:那些没有感受到感冒症状可能也没有产生其他人产生的炎症因子

    But right now, it looks like there's a kind of irony here: the people who don't experience symptoms probably aren't making the inflammatory agents that other people are making.


  • 但是其他人没有得到合同我们只是想要他们我们信用证

    But these other people haven't got a contract. All we've asked them to do is get us a letter of credit.


  • 屋子里只有女婿其他人自己各自房间等候通知,谁也没有睡觉。

    Only myself and John's son-in-law were in the house. The rest of the family kept their vigil at their own houses, waiting for my call.


  • 即便是过去南方地区以英语为第一语言美国并非罗德里格斯所说的那样根据人种进行严格的划定,而且也没有事实可以证明墨西哥人其他要更为开化

    Even in the old South, Anglophone America was not as strictly divided by race as Mr Rodriguez supposes. Nor have Mexicans proved more enlightened than others.


  • 甚至递给其他人看着他们笨拙地托着那柔软的脖颈没有畏缩

    I do not even flinch when I hand him to others and watch them grapple awkwardly with his floppy neck.


  • 最近一直开玩笑其他人,这个邻居,刚来不和我们打交道,哪天死了没有知道

    I've been making jokes to the other people in building that he could die and no one would know about it.


  • 没有爱过别人。我永远不,千真万确,罗伊,永远不会爱上其他人

    I loved you, I've never loved anyone else. I never shall, that's the truth Roy, I never shall.


  • 可能没有能力扼杀其他人知己的可能。

    But I will not and can not afford to cut off other people and you do confidant possible.


  • 如果人类懂得创造的与他人创造什么一点关系也没有”,然后不会害怕其他人在做什么了。

    If man understood that "what I create has nothing to do with what anybody else is creating" then he wouldn't be so afraid of what others are doing.


  • 城市不容其他人来,来了呆不住,城市弄得漂亮没有吸引力

    No Matter how beautiful a city is, it is not attractive if it cannot hold people from other regions.


  • 没有必要不会其他人那里得到什么因为自己知道

    There is no need for me to say you're not going to get what you want from anyone else either. That you will find out by yourself.


  • 关于加加引起共鸣东西这么后果是 100%愿意自己情绪是脆弱的,她想说服其他人这个没有问题。

    The thing about Gaga that resonates so much with Aftermath is that she is 100% willing to allow herself to be emotionally vulnerable, and she wants to convince everyone else that that's okay too.


  • 没有职业本质广告也没有寻找行动认证,我自愿接受这样危险的工作作为我职业,我必须视其他人幸福安全自己重要。

    I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions. I voluntarily accept the inherent hazards of my profession, placing the welfare and security of others before my own.


  • 玛拉·莱斯特:就再没有爱过别人。我永远不,那是千真万确的,罗伊,永远不会爱上其他人

    Myra Lester: I loved you, Ive never loved anyone else. I never shall, thats the truth Roy, I never shall.


  • 一些经济学家预言,我们可能重新回到战后那段称为“压缩”的时期,当时富人其他人差别没有这么大,数量没有这么,而且没有像如今这样拥有巨额财富。

    There are some economists who say we might be headed back to the post-war period known as the 'great compression,' when the rich weren't so different, numerous or richer than everyone else.


  • 从来也没有我自己组织过生日聚会但是其他人组织又有些不同

    Pong: I have never organized a birthday party for myself; it's different if others do it for me.


  • 没有任何问题并且认为其他人没有什么

    I never had any problems with 'Ibra', and I don't think he had any with the rest of the lads either.


  • 没有任何问题并且认为其他人没有什么

    I never had any problems with 'Ibra', and I don't think he had any with the rest of the lads either.


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