• 这个世界幸运儿进行的过度消费成了一个环境问题其严重程度也许只有人口增长问题能与之相提并论。

    Overconsumption by the world's fortunate is an environmental problem unmatched in severity by anything but perhaps population growth.


  • 穆加贝一定不接受也许只有祖马能够强迫接受。

    Mr Mugabe would be loth to accept them. Probably only Mr Zuma could force him to.


  • 也许只有玩家管理力度才可以应付许多国家不同条约

    Maybe only big players have the administrative strength to cope with so many national rules.


  • 私人住宅也许只有一个后院要是有车房,车房不会太

    Private houses might only have a backyard, and if there is a garage it is probably small.


  • 现在我们发表更新也许只有我们朋友家人关心

    Now we would all be publishing tiny little updates that perhaps only our friends and family care about.


  • 私人住宅也许只有一个后院要是车库,车库也不会大。

    Private houses might only have a back yard, and if there is a garage it probably is small.


  • 至于心中安慰也许只有石缝淡紫一丝青绿了。

    As for comfort in mind, perhaps only one stone in that hint of lilac and a hint of green.


  • 随身只带了一个也许只有年级学生大小背包完成所有一切

    Oh, and I'm doing it all with nothing but a backpack the size of one an eighth grader might use.


  • 几百万奥运会观众真正现场也许只有一小部分。

    Just a fraction of the millions of people who watch the Olympics can actually be in the arena.


  • 也许只有我们身处这样网络时,我们才能建立幅意义深远世界地图

    Perhaps only when we are in such networks can we construct a meaningful map of the world.


  • 啊,漂浮不定也许只有经历漂流家的至爱。

    Yes ah, home is a boat adrift, perhaps only experienced a drift before a home favorite.


  • 那时生活似乎过于完整也许只有打破已有一切才能我们自己变得更好

    At the time, my life just seemed too complete, and maybe we have to break everything to make something better out of ourselves.


  • 发现自己从未如此温柔过,也许只有这种温柔的语气才能更好抒情吧

    I discovered that I had never been so gentle, perhaps only this gentle tone to better the lyric.


  • 也许只有规划更好的方案,才可以帮助更多下岗职工找到工作,不再失业。

    Better designed programmes would help more displaced workers find and keep jobs.


  • 他们喜欢伤感音乐也许只有那种音乐中,他们才能找到自我才能得到一丝安慰

    He loves sad music, only in which can he find the true self and obtain slight comfort. After a long time, he may wish to forget her, only to find out that he loves her deeper and deeper.


  • 中国买家很少,十多亿人中也许只有10个、20个或30个这样大买家。

    In China there are only a handful of buyers - 10, 20, 30 - out of a billion people.


  • 也许只有夜晚床热和的棉被好梦,才可以慰藉天天太多不如意的我们

    Sleeping without a dream makes us feel empty. Maybe the only way to console us is having a warm quilt and an unknown dream.


  • 如果有什么可以伊拉克人民欣喜若狂暂时同心协力也许只有场足球比赛了。

    IF ANYTHING at all could delight, and briefly unite, the citizens of Iraq, it probably had to be a football match.


  • 所以现在只能祈祷也许只有上帝一个天堂——或者还存在别的更好的什么。

    So now I only pray that there may be a God and a heaven-or something better.


  • 人生经历多少烟雾般的雨季,也许只有自己感触到了所以它变成了永恒句号

    The number of smoke to experience life as the rainy season, perhaps only their own thoughts and feelings to it, so it became a permanent end.


  • 段稳定期全新世初期也许只有几百万智人兴旺起来农业兴起,文明化程度也越来越高。

    That stability has allowed Homo sapiens, numbering perhaps just a few million at the dawn of the Holocene, to thrive; farming has taken hold and civilizations have arisen.


  • 1970年,新加坡花旗集团也许只有100人左右,当时还在船上做了广告形象的宣传。

    In1970 Citi could fit every last member of staff, perhaps 100 or so, on a boatfor an advertising image.


  • 也许只有那些来自南方小镇布鲁克林部份地区才能了解生活方式神的至高价值

    Perhaps only those of you who might come from a small town in the south or from certain areas of Brooklyn would understand something about the supreme value of piety as a way of life.


  • 英国ARM公司收入也许只有上亿但是大部分手机其他移动设备中的处理器公司设计而成。

    The revenues of ARM, a British firm, may only be in the hundreds of millions, but most microprocessors found in handsets and other mobile devices are based on its designs.


  • 现在必须妥善小心地使用权力,因为印度有些问题也许只有解决,而其中最大问题全球气候变化相关。

    Now he needs to husband it better-because India has other problems that perhaps only he can solve. The biggest of these concerns climate change.


  • 即使IRS仍然坚持敌对态度,甚至比OECD更远瑞士的2万亿离岸资产也许只有5%资产来自美国

    Even if the IRS remains on the warpath and goes beyond the OECD rules, perhaps only 5% of the $2 trillion of offshore assets in Switzerland comes from America.


  • 大多数人认为不反抗是因为我们有罪,还有人以为我们是疯子傻子也许只有很少会认为我们是尊严的男人。

    A few would think us crazy or stupid. A very few would perhaps consider us men with dignity.


  • 尽管经济增长有可能今年年中开始恢复,然而实际增长率有所阻滞,也许只有之前周期速度一半

    While economic growth is likely to resume from the middle of this year, the actual rate of growth will be subdued, perhaps at only half the pace of the previous cycle.


  • 尽管经济增长有可能今年年中开始恢复,然而实际增长率有所阻滞,也许只有之前周期速度一半

    While economic growth is likely to resume from the middle of this year, the actual rate of growth will be subdued, perhaps at only half the pace of the previous cycle.


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