• 也许只有个人这么但是宁愿听到一声谢谢”,也愿什么也没有。

    Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather hear a phony 'thank you', than no 'thank you' at all.


  • 也许唯一的听众感受也许只有自己有;而那首歌爱人一样怀中

    Maybe I'm the only audience Liu, and that perhaps only my own experience only; And that's like a love song as only in my arms.


  • 的体重他在县里贩卖私酒的那几年长起来的,再也没有瘦下来。 过了一会儿,他他愿意支持也许是因为只有这样才能回去继续睡觉

    After a while, he said he’d be for me, maybe just so he could go back to bed.


  • 那时生活似乎过于完整也许只有打破已有一切才能们自己变得更好

    At the time, my life just seemed too complete, and maybe we have to break everything to make something better out of ourselves.


  • 无语也许的,或许只有那些让你笑个不停的男生被你认同,不会说话的只能在那一角注视着你。

    You told me I made you speechless, maybe you were right or maybe only those humorous boys can be accepted by you, and I, the boring one, can only watch you from a corner.


  • 也许只有注意到。了下,看不到说的那个面孔但是知道它到底有没有——你自己看看咯~。

    It may be just her. I looked and I can't see what she sees, but I don't know - take a look for yourselves.


  • 随身只带了一个也许只有年级学生大小背包完成所有一切

    Oh, and I'm doing it all with nothing but a backpack the size of one an eighth grader might use.


  • 段时间怀疑也许汤米在背后什么鬼但是一遇到这样忙乱日子所能只有专注于自己手上活儿,根本没有时间再去

    For a while I toyed with the idea that Tommy was behind it somehow, but on those chaotic days all I could do was keep track of myself, never mind watching him.


  • “尊敬殿下,”狐狸回答说,“如果发现只有进去的脚印,没有一个出来的脚印,也许会进去。”

    "I beg Your Majesty's pardon," said the fox, "I have seen many animals enter your cave, but none of them come out.


  • 如果勤奋工作的话,也许已经过上了如同苔米一样只有少量债务轻松生活只是自己借口罢了。

    If I worked harder, I probably could be where Tammy is now in terms of debt reduction and simple living. I have been giving myself excuses.


  • 也许改用别的伪装,只有一身才适合这次任务。

    I probably should have used a different disguise but this was the only one that seemed to match the assignment.


  • 两种情况也许实际只有一种,不止找到作者一篇文章给出文章标题

    One or two cases, maybe just one actually, where I've got more than one article by the given author, I've given the title of the article as well.


  • 发现自己从未如此温柔过,也许只有这种温柔的语气才能更好抒情吧

    I discovered that I had never been so gentle, perhaps only this gentle tone to better the lyric.


  • 也许世界有五千一样的只有你是独一无二的玫瑰

    Maybe there are five thousand roses in the world and you the same flower, but only you are my unique rose.


  • 所以现在只能祈祷也许只有上帝一个天堂——或者还存在别的更好的什么。

    So now I only pray that there may be a God and a heaven-or something better.


  • 早已觉察到了只有早晨时候才会盛开,(也许是因为)下午温度太高了

    I've noticed that it blooms only in the morning hour, the afternoon sun is too warm for it.


  • 也许不会回望那段有日子只是只有发红了瞳孔着你离去那个方向,你什么时候回来呢?

    Maybe you won't look back that my days, I just, I only use the direction I red pupil looked at you leave, what will you come back?


  • :在越来越低矮空间活着也许只有自然才是灵魂真正

    I am just thinking this right now: since our living space increasingly lower, perhaps, only natural, is a real home of our souls.


  • 也许这种痛苦发生大学的第一学年。当时班长学分只有十八分,一周工作二十小时,出演了两部戏剧只有到了夜深才有时间学习

    Maybe it started my freshman year in college when I was the class vice president taking 18 credits and working 20 hours a week while I performed in two plays and studied mostly after midnight.


  • 也许考BEC自己给自己出的一个难题吧,只有自己会结果负责

    Maybe passing BEC is a problem caused by myself, I am the only person responsible for the result.


  • 那么简简单单一句话中间包含多少回忆心酸眼泪也许只有自己知道了。

    Only then the simple word, the middle contains a number of sad memories and tears, and maybe I am the only knows.


  • 只有一些近距离的需要塑胶件(也许4毫米),或许以后镶件电镀防止腐蚀方便移动

    Only a small distance needs to be fit tight for sealing the plastic (maybe 4mm) maybe I will put some plating on the inserts later to prevent corrosion and make it easy to remove.


  • 这个上面写着美国制造不过可能只有塑料包装袋美国的,而里面鼠夹不是,”认真地告诉,“不过也许最好的选择了。”

    "This one says made in the USA, but that could be just the plastic bag that holds it, not the trap inside," he tells me solemnly. "but it may be your best option."


  • 也许自信感觉自己孱弱其实这个社会里没有更强只有努力

    Maybe, I'm not confident, total feel weak and, actually, in this society, nobody stronger, only who don't want to go to effort.


  • 也许黄昏时分看到者,只有根毛茸茸的狐狸尾巴在雪车后面作为战利品而回来,他们旅馆过夜

    And perhaps at evening I see the hunters returning with a single brush trailing from their sleigh for a trophy, seeking their inn.


  • 也许处于幼稚料想看到许多烧死树木它们并没有大火烧死,只有黑的树皮,要不是这场大火,它们本来长势良好

    Perhaps naively, I had expected to find that many trees had been killed. They hadn't. They had blackened bark, but were otherwise looking rather well.


  • 也许不必太久牺牲因为他远行的日子只有个月了。

    I should not, perhaps, have to make the sacrifice long, as it wanted now barely three months to his departure.


  • 也许不必太久牺牲因为他远行的日子只有个月了。

    I should not, perhaps, have to make the sacrifice long, as it wanted now barely three months to his departure.


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