• 人们也许是认为怕他。

    They say he feared me, and perhaps he did, but less, I think, than I feared him.


  • 也许是吧如果普曼让乔得瑞注意到了,律师很快就她联系。

    Perhaps, but if Pullman catches Choudhury's attention, his lawyers will be getting in touch.


  • 也许是吧,”,“先生们根据情况划定曲直不会限制。”

    Like enough, 'said he.' I would set no limits to what gentlemen might consider shipshape, or might not, as the case were.


  • 也许是金钱问题同时发生每一个人身上,发现大家抱在一团。

    Maybe so, but when money woes hit everyone at the same time, I see us pulling together.


  • 也许第二。”仆人继续同样声调说仿佛什么事也没有发生过

    "Next day, maybe," the Footman continued in the same tone, exactly as if nothing had happened.


  • 怎么放松不怎么也许因为沃德学校影响

    You don't relax or laugh very much, perhaps because of the effect Lowood school has had on you.


  • 房间一角铺着一张很大上面流程图的形式记录着蕾切尔的人生规划也许是心理咨询师要

    In the corner sits a huge piece of paper on which Rachelle, perhaps at the behest of a psychiatrist, has drawn a flow chart mapping her "life goals".


  • 也许如此,接受了这样份工作也许应该来的薪水填补你灵魂越来越空缺

    Maybe so, but with a job like that, you'd probably spend your million on just about anything that might possibly patch the increasing number of holes you'd develop in your soul.


  • 吗?也许好的中国选手不多她们成长起来后,也会这样

    NA LI: Oh, yeah? Maybe because right now they don't have a lot of good China tennis player. If they grew up, they same like me.


  • 亲吻之前什么话,诸如,‘满足,’或者也许‘用点力呀’之类的话。

    She'd said something right before kissing him, something like, 'Fill me up,' or maybe 'Tear me up.'


  • 也许活力美术师那儿直接注入作品里,丝毫没有无灵魂电脑阻滞

    Maybe it is the energy, which is transferred from an artist to his work directly without being blocked by soulless computer.


  • 面包也许碳水化合物构成每个人都知道营养的,所以吃点

    Bread might be made of carbs, but everyone knows it's nourishing, so eat a little, he said.


  • 两天以来一直阴雨绵绵,有时候感觉雨水脸颊流下自豪也许成长带给一种成就感

    Sometimes I even felt proud when the rain ran down my cheeks. Maybe it was a sense of achievement that growth has given to me.


  • 赫斯特认为因为缺乏协作结果,也许个性问题也许又可能因为商业模式特殊性原因

    Mr Hirst points to an absence of synergy, which may be a matter of personalities or may be endemic to the business model.


  • 我们现在不能立刻知道究竟标签的,也许来世中的神灵也许是那些认识自己国王的仆人们

    It's not immediately clear who was meant to read these labels, whether they're aimed at the gods of the afterlife or perhaps the servants that might not know their way around.


  • 也许为什么这么喜欢这款下水漏的原因。你看,暴露在外上表面一直干净下面的像根一样的尾巴就会头发截留下来了。

    I guess it's for this reason that I love the Crown Pop-up sink stopper idea; the exposed top end stays clean while the root-ish tail end catches the hair and goop.


  • 道格拉斯这样这个问题延讨论也许主意

    Douglas: OK. I think it would be a good idea to come back to this later.


  • 付拉屯很多孤立出单个的原子知道,他们想法,用这些原子搭建某种设备也许量子计算机

    FLATOW: and there are a lot of people who want to isolate atoms, and the idea is to, you know, think about hooking the atoms together to make devices, maybe a quantum computer.


  • 感到吃惊院长在竞选中好运也许因为此刻已为时过晚,不到别人这些

    To my surprise, Wylie gave me his blessing, probably because it was too late to get anyone else to teach the courses.


  • 这么故事一个朋友常常听众的一个故事,每次她讲的时候听的都忍不住要大笑也许是由于某种原因觉得这个故事压根儿就不好笑。

    There is a certain nonsense tale which a friend used to tell with such effect that her hearers became helpless with laughter, but which for some reason never seemed funny to me.


  • 星期六事件翻译来说重要心里激起了一种特殊的共鸣也许因为英语我的第二语言的缘故

    Maybe because English is also a second language for me, Saturday’s event on the importance of translation struck a particularly resonant chord.


  • 星期六事件翻译来说重要心里激起了一种特殊的共鸣也许因为英语我的第二语言的缘故

    Maybe because English is also a second language for me, Saturday's event on the importance of translation struck a particularly resonant chord.


  • 设法获悉了西德机密的妇女仅仅背叛服刑也许因为西德女人怀有天然的同情心

    One woman who managed to penetrate West German intelligence was sentenced to only six and a half years in prison, probably because ordinary West Germans had some sympathy with the women.


  • 看看张图年龄50到64岁之间互联网用户大约有47%社交网络使用者也许时候给予这个群体更多尊重了。

    Take a look, some 47% of Internet users aged 50-64 are users of social networks, maybe its time they were given more respect.


  • 沼泽龙眼树丛间蓝灰色莎莎作响,也许只青蛙跳过,有可能一只小袋鼠

    Blue-grey spike grass rustles amid swamp box and bush banksias, a frog, perhaps, or even a wallaby.


  • 也许因为某人借了的那现在还没有归还

    Probably because someone borrowed my copy and didn't give it back.


  • 反常,那些有着宽松麻醉剂法律国家荷兰,其国内毒品使用量反而相对较--也许是源于他们更加平等

    Paradoxically, countries with more relaxed narcotics laws, like the Netherlands, have relatively low domestic drug use — perhaps because they are more egalitarian.


  • 道登父亲大学同学,俩也许是旧情

    He and my father had been college friends and were trying, perhaps, to take up again their old friendship.


  • 道登父亲大学同学,俩也许是旧情

    He and my father had been college friends and were trying, perhaps, to take up again their old friendship.


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