People said the dairy industry and the meat industry were especially effective at lobbying and that gave you a skewed version of what to eat.
This bid for the Crafer family's farms now under review has stirred up the considerable concern in a country that mostly depends on the dairy industry.
Functional yoghurt is becoming more and more popular in dairy industry.
He said that the company was keen to consolidate its presence in the FMCG business and was planning to get into dairy sector.
At present, the company has already established the widespread client base and the crowded sales network in the national dairy products' industry and the related food industry.
Analysis of the brand ecosystem characteristics and operation rules as example of Ningxia dairy industry, It will have important significance to build brand ecosystem.
We also hope that the program we propose can be used by other dairy enterprises after the discussion of IMC theory and market activities of Sanyuan dairy firm.
This is happening in China but California loses their global warming noodles and wants to kill their dairy industry due to gassy cows (I don't mean the Kardashians).
The change in technical efficiency of China's dairy industry was analyzed by the stochastic frontier production function with the 1998-2007 provincial panel data of China's dairy industry introduced.
In particular the dairy industry, and the dairy industry, dairy industry, industry characteristics determine the rate of accidents can never be zero.
China's dairy industry is entering an unprecedented period of rapid development, dairy products quality and safety issues have become an increasing concern.
The overarching issue in the dairy industry recently was the decline in international demand for dairy products, beginning in mid-2008 and lasting well into 2009.
The overarching issue in the dairy industry recently was the decline in international demand for dairy products, beginning in mid-2008 and lasting well into 2009.