• 二元对立模式描述翻译现象翻译研究的常用方法

    The binary opposition model is a common approach to describing translation phenomena.


  • 对于结构主义二元对立巴巴采取解构主义立场

    You can see that Bhabha takes, with respect to the binarism of structuralism, a deconstructive attitude.


  • 汉语味觉系统体现民族传统二元对立思维方式

    Chinese sense of taste words system has expressed Chinese nationality's traditional thinking mode of "binary oppositions".


  • 道德评价应当价值连续统对错好坏二元对立进行

    Moral valuation should go along a value continuum instead of a dichotomy of right and wrong and of good and bad.


  • 我们生活一个对立世界正和等等

    We live in a world of duality, day and night, positive and negative, male and female, etc.


  • 当今众多教学模式创建大多是元对立思维模式基础上产生的。

    Nowadays the establishment of numerous teaching modes is produced mostly on the basis of two opposite thinking models.


  • 他们作品不约而同地讲述了城乡的二元对立城市引力下心灵失重

    Their works all told the stories about the opposed relationship between the city and the village and the immigrants' weightlessness in their hearts effected by the city's function.


  • 放下了你的大声报怨,元对立落后信仰,你也就离开了旧的地球

    You are letting go of what you have been kicking and screaming about, the duality and the polarity, the outmoded belief systems. So you are leaving old Earth behind.


  • 近期作品融合原本二元对立元素幅画作试图寻求一种新的和谐感

    His recent works involves the dichotomous elements in which each painting is in search of a new sense of harmony.


  • 这种依托西方元对立理性思维方式分析,中国思想传统一种误解

    This view is a misunderstanding to Chinese traditional thought, which comes from the western reason of dualism.


  • 超越二元对立思维方式的变化,为文艺理论建设性对话开拓局面;

    New ways of thinking that transcend "duality contradiction" set up a new climate of constructive dialogue of different theories.


  • 索绪尔传统基本结构主义概念,启发,并塑造了赛义德,二元对立观点。

    This basic concept of structuralism in the Saussurian tradition is what creates, is what shapes binary arguments of the kind that one finds in Said.


  • 二元对立哲学思想运用到语言学研究创立索绪尔语言哲学思想

    Saussure put the idea of dualistic antagonism in the study of linguistics, creating his thought of linguistic philosophy.


  • 布迪实践”调和了传统人类学有关结构行为文化之间二元对立观。

    Bourdieu conciliated the opposition duality between structure and behavior as well as between culture and man through practice.


  • 世纪交替之际,他们又超越二元对立思维模式进一步实现创作观念转变

    At the turn of this century, they surpass the thinking mode of dualism, and further achieve the change of creating concept.


  • 幼儿文学教育认识论倾向主要缺陷在于强调主客体二元对立知识中心主义取向。

    The major shortcomings of the theory of knowledge applied in preschool literature education lie in the emphasis on the conflict of subject and object, and the emphasis on the importance of knowledge.


  • 第二集中分析讨论认同问题不可替代一组元对立我者他者关系

    Chapter Two concentrates on set of the dichotomies, which is indispensable in discussing identity issue, namely the relationship between Us group and Other group.


  • 中国世界文学史类著述强调东西方文学元对立以及东方文学世界文学贡献

    In other words, Chinese scholars emphasize the dualistic opposition of eastern and western literature and the contributions Chinese literature has made to world literature.


  • 解构主义哲学基础来自于对传统的二元对立的瓦解,其矛头直指一切等级制中心制。

    On the other hand, it eliminates binary oppositions, questions scientism, and subverts the speech power, thus providing a philosophical and value basis for qualitative research.


  • 女性就是拒绝简单男性女性,传统现代二元对立,拒绝对女性的神化丑化

    The female view refuses the simple opposition between the female and the male or tradition and modern, refuses to deify and uglify the female.


  • 源于西方历史经验关于国家社会二元对立观点对于中国历史现象解释力是有限的。

    The concept of confrontation between state and society based on Western history seems not fit historical phenomenon in China very well in this case.


  • 最后本文作者进一步列举实例论证结构主义二元对立原则应用于文学批评可能性可行性。

    In the final part of the paper, the author demonstrates by further illustrations the possibility and desirability of applying binary oppositions as a principle to literary criticism.


  • 因此追逐快乐自由头脑,不可避免地落入“放纵压制二元对立

    Thus searching for happiness and freedom, the mind gets caught up in the opposites of indulgence and repression.


  • 他们具体的阐释背后,可以窥见结构主义文论最基本二元对立项:语言言语、能与所指。

    And beyond all these lie two basic series of binary oppositions of Structuralism: langue and parole, the signifier and the signified.


  • 二元对立哲学视阈中,物质概念一个高度抽象概念,因而不再是指称现实的物质的概念;

    In the philosophical view of dual opposite, substance is a highly abstract concept. Therefore, it does not refer to the concept of substance in the real world any longer.


  • 四种阐释模式未能跳出西方非西方欧洲中心欧洲边缘、前现代现代的种种二元对立

    All these perspectives failed to transcend the binaries of West and non-West, European center and non-European periphery, pre-modern and modern.


  • 理论上实践美学顺应历史潮流宣告形而上学终结走出了古典主义的二元对立思维模式

    In theory, practice aesthetics represents the tide of history, declares the end of metaphysics and gets rid of the mode of dualism.


  • 突破这种元对立思维所带来屏障,就必须教育思维及其内在精神层次加以思考研究

    To break through its obstacle, we must think it over and study it thoroughly from the aspect of educational consciousness and its inner spirits.


  • 突破这种元对立思维所带来屏障,就必须教育思维及其内在精神层次加以思考研究

    To break through its obstacle, we must think it over and study it thoroughly from the aspect of educational consciousness and its inner spirits.


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