Tonight, in your solitude, find the serenity that's nestled in the recesses of your mind.
If you fail you may try to pin the blame on your teachers or the examiner, but in your heart you know there is no one else to blame but yourself.
If you fail you may try to pin the blame on your teachers or the examiner, but in your heart you know there is no one else to blame but yourself.
The only way out of a "complicated" emotional situation is to figure out which feelings are coming directly from your core and which are imposed on you by social fears and obligations.
This forbidding figure speaks in the voice of your deepest doubt, your greatest fear or your own propensity to criticise yourself.
Your levels of health and fitness on the outside are largely determined by the way you think about your health and fitness on the inside.
Narrator: Inside every one us, there exists a dark side. Most people rise above it, but some are consumed by it.
It addresses us at the bedrock of our being, and there it awakens the faith, devotion and commitment appropriate when the final goal of our existence is at stake.
It addresses us at the bedrock of our being, and there it awakens the faith, devotion and commitment appropriate when the final goal of our existence is at stake.