• 亚当·斯密繁荣取决于法制规则和平以及低水平税收

    Adam Smith said that prosperity depends on the rule of law, peace and low taxes.


  • 如果问题答案肯定可以合理地推断出所有有关亚当·斯密看不见”的理论错误的。

    If the answer to the previous question is yes, I can then reasonably infer to a conclusion that all the theory of "invisible hand" by Adam Smith must be wrong.


  • 那么除了先是改编马克思,现在又是亚当·斯密他们都在什么

    So, apart from adapting first Karl Marx and now Adam Smith, what have they been writing?


  • 早期亚当斯密推荐使用这种纸质货币代替金银货币”。

    Early on, Adam Smith recommended thesubstitution of paper in the room of gold and silver money.


  • 谷歌就是一个很好的例子善行”不是来自公司利他主义,而更多的源自亚当·斯密看不见

    Google is a good example of this. Its "goodness" stems less from all that guff about corporate altruism than from Adam Smith's invisible hand.


  • 来自范福可可卡第,那是《国富论》的亚当·斯密出生的地方

    I come from Kirkcaldy in Fife where Adam Smith wrote 'The Wealth of Nations'.


  • 经济学创立者亚当·斯密经常误认为,一个提倡自私无情人,但他非常明白移情作用。

    Adam Smith, who is often falsely viewed as a proponent of selfishness and hardheadedness, was quite explicit about the pull this has.


  • 亚当·斯密早就告诉过我们,贫困不是相对的,不能某个专家做出客观的评断。

    Poverty is not relative, and it cannot be objectively determined by an expert. Adam Smith understood that very well.


  • 这些模型行为批评者认为他们采取亚当·斯密观点发挥到了极致

    Behavioral critics of these models believe they take Adam Smith's insights to an extreme.


  • 个人相对其同村的人是否贫穷,或者亚当·斯密的标准是否羞愧公共场合露面对贫困的标准也有影响。

    It begins to matter whether a person is poor relative to his countrymen; whether he can appear in public without shame, as Adam Smith put it.


  • 即使亚当·斯密也会认为烟民不加限制是不对

    Even Adam Smith might have found fault with the unhindered working of a smokers' market.


  • 康德定言令式程序亚当·斯密公正旁观者卢梭的公意等道德观点中一些主要代表者

    Kant's categorical imperative procedure, Adam Smith's impartial spectator, and Rousseau's general will are primary examples of representations of a moral point of view.


  • 有时对于能生亚当·斯密时代而感到遗憾不已。

    He sometimes regretted he had not lived in Smith's time.


  • 正如亚当·斯密指出那样,分工通过提高专业劳动者的熟练度提高生产力。

    As Adam Smith noted, division of Labour leads to greater productivity because it allows people to specialise and become very good at what they do.


  • 杜宾莫伊尼汉其实提到三个多世纪亚当斯密先驱作品《国富论》中的原则

    When you think about it, Durbin and Moynihan are actually referring to the principles established more than three centuries ago by Adam Smith in his pioneering work "The Wealth of Nations.


  • 相比伏尔泰、孔多塞笛卡尔这些利用理性直面迷信和封建主义的法国启蒙思想者们,海峡对面思想家,如布鲁克斯在书中所提及的伯克休谟以及亚当·斯密,则认为信任理性不明智的行为。

    While Voltaire, Condorcet and Descartes used reason to confront superstition and feudalism, thinkers across the ChannelBrooks cites Burke, Hume and Adam Smiththought it unwise to trust reason.


  • 正如亚当·斯密工厂经理将大头针线分成十八道工序,如今的企业则将脑力工作分越来越细。

    Just as Adam Smith's factory managers broke the production of pins into 18 components, so companies are increasingly breaking the production of brain-work into ever tinier slices.


  • 首先推荐的是亚当·斯密道德情操论》?附带的说一下,这本书也是今年年初我们采访卡尔罗孚推荐的五大著作之一

    You've started off with Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments (which, incidentally, was also one of Karl Rove's top five, when he did an interview with us earlier this year).


  • 亚当斯密早年的恩主哲学家律师亨利霍姆在1748年资助25岁亚当斯密爱丁堡演讲授课

    Smith’s early patron was Henry Home, a philosopher and lawyer who sponsored the Edinburgh lectures that launched Smith’s career in 1748 when he was just 25.


  • 英国自由贸易思想发源地亚当·斯密理论影响200多年来国际贸易实践。

    Britain is the birthplace of the idea of free trade. Adam Smith's theories have influenced international trade over the past 200 odd years.


  • 原因之一亚当·斯密著名故事可见一斑,他发现针厂如此高效的原因专业化分工

    One reason is found in Adam Smith's famous story of the pin factory. Smith observed that the pin factory was so productive because it allowed workers to specialize.


  • 这个理由能够说服尤其是因为他确信,亚当·斯密的。通过只“看不见”,市场可以让追求利润个人(就是其中之一)社会受益

    Reason convinced him in particular that Adam Smith was right, that through its invisible hand the market benefited profit-seeking individuals (of whom he was one) and society alike.


  • 然后将其演进成渴望值得被夸奖,这代表了成熟.以为人们这种行为社会文明很重要. 亚当斯密还举了一个数学家例子. 根据观察,数学家似乎根本不关心一般的夸奖;

    I think it is central to our civilisation that people do that. Adam Smith uses the example of mathematicians. Mathematicians seem to be, in his observation, totally unconcerned with popular praise.


  • 毫无疑问,亚当斯密已经看到尽管国家能够干预电子货币并不意味着应该这样做。

    As Adam Smith would no doubt have observed, just because the state can pry into electronic cash does not mean it should.


  • 尼古拉斯菲利普森这本倾尽心血传记却是一部言辞平和学术著作亚当斯密门徒批评家塑造成历史学家,这本传记也毫不理会。

    Nicholas Phillipson’s diligent biography is a quieter work of scholarship, ignoring Smith’s disciples and critics to reclaim him for the historians.


  • 亚当·斯密认为仅仅欣赏块制作精良手表工艺就拥有了快乐即使的特别准确没有什么实际好处

    Adam Smith thought there was pleasure to be had simply in admiring the craftsmanship of a well-made watch, even if its extra accuracy was of little practical benefit.


  • 亚当·斯密认为仅仅欣赏块制作精良手表工艺就拥有了快乐即使的特别准确没有什么实际好处

    Adam Smith thought there was pleasure to be had simply in admiring the craftsmanship of a well-made watch, even if its extra accuracy was of little practical benefit.


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