• 交谈进入到爱交织复杂话题。

    The conversation got into the murky waters of jealousy and relationships.


  • 我们低声交谈,以免别人听到。

    We talked quietly so as not to be overheard.


  • 晚上我们聚集在壁炉周围轻声交谈

    In the evenings, we gathered around the fireplace and talked in hushed whispers.


  • 我们交谈时,给杯形蛋糕糖霜

    She was frosting the cupcakes while we talked.


  • 往往左右交谈的内容。

    He tended to dominate the conversation.


  • 布鲁斯·威利斯一直通过一位灵媒死去兄弟交谈

    Bruce Willis says he has been talking to his dead brother through a medium.


  • 这些女孩子站在一边,互相交谈并且扭过头看着那些男孩子。

    The girls stood aside, talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders at the boys.


  • 觉察要来临下午心神不安告诉,“这些容易交谈。”

    Sensing my unease about the afternoon ahead, he told me, "These men are pretty easy to talk to."


  • 可能会在交谈故意提到的“未婚夫”,这样就会知道她名花有主

    She'd probably drop some comment about her "fiancé" into the conversation so that he'd think she was already spoken for.


  • 说话在什么时候交谈的?

    When are the speakers talking?


  • 他们交谈时,吃惊。

    As I talked to them, I was amazed.


  • 他们诱使陌生人他们交谈

    They induced strangers to talk with them.


  • 我们手语交谈

    We talked by signs.


  • 我们日常生活中大量时间他人交谈因此,我们非常熟悉交谈艺术

    We spend a large part of our daily life talking with other people and, consequently, we are very accustomed to the art of conversing.


  • 经理握手相互交谈

    I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager.


  • 两位聋哑演员只靠打手势语交谈

    The two deaf actors converse solely in signing.


  • 他们老朋友一样交谈

    They talked like old pals.


  • 一位业主老相识交谈了几

    He exchanged a few words with the proprietor, an old acquaintance of his.


  • 客人们交谈

    Guests ate and mingled.


  • 大街上给一个民意调查的女人拦住交谈

    I was collared in the street by a woman doing a survey.


  • 教堂自称死者交谈的人都视为异端。

    The Church regards spirit mediums and people claiming to speak to the dead as heretical.


  • 轻松自如地用洋泾浜语言和工厂工人码头工人交谈

    He's at ease speaking pidgin with the factory workers and guys on the docks.


  • “和交谈科学家们对此怎么?”——“首先他们怀疑是否奏效。”

    "What do scientists you've spoken with think about that?"—"Well, to begin with, they doubt it's going to work."


  • 喜欢和人交谈

    He has fun talking with people.


  • 还得善于与人交谈

    You have to be good at talking to people too.


  • 外语与人交谈需要勇气。

    To speak to people in a foreign language requires courage.


  • 开始微笑,并和其他孩子交谈

    She started smiling and talking with other kids.


  • 经常和母语是英语的人交谈

    I often talk with the persons whose mother language is English.


  • 们需要的导游应该擅长与人交谈

    The tour guides wanted should be good at talking to people.


  • 和外国记者交谈时讲英语。

    He spoke English when he talked with foreign reporters.


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