• 街道狭窄造成很多交通问题

    The narrowness of the streets caused many traffic problems.


  • 新机场改善岛屿交通联系。

    The new airport will improve communications between the islands.


  • 目的缓解高峰期间的交通状况

    The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods.


  • 交通增大就需要拓宽道路

    Increased traffic necessitated widening the road.


  • 交通堵塞停止不前的车辆造成大量污染

    Stationary cars in traffic jams cause a great deal of pollution.


  • 总统改善国家公路公共交通系统

    The president wants to improve the nation's highways and mass transport systems.


  • 所有重要交叉路口安装了交通信号灯

    Traffic lights have been placed at all major intersections.


  • 正在修建新的道路应付增加交通

    New roads are being built to cope with the increased volume of traffic.


  • 这些区域内交通限速20英里/小时。

    Inside these zones, traffic speeds are restricted to 20 mph.


  • 酒后驾车导致交通事故常见原因之一

    Drinking and driving is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents.


  • 我们需要赶往伦敦没有任何交通工具

    We needed to get to London but we had no means of transport.


  • 定期航班数量使空中交通控制系统受到压力。

    The volume of scheduled flights is straining the air traffic control system.


  • 使事情更难办的8点钟之前不会交通工具。

    To complicate matters further, there will be no transport available till 8 o'clock.


  • 一种新的汽车装置提醒司机前面有交通堵塞

    There is a new device for cars that warns drivers of traffic jams ahead.


  • 底特律市中心那些市郊商场没有好的公共交通

    And there isn't good public transportation from inner city Detroit to those suburban malls.


  • 政府认为应该改进农村地区公共交通上花费更多

    The government believes that more money should be spent on improving public transport in rural areas.


  • 圣诞节期间,东北部弗罗里达州之间交通异常繁忙

    During the Christmas holidays there's a tremendous amount of traffic between the Northeast and Florida.


  • 修建更多支路减少城镇中的污染交通堵塞,从而改善环境

    Building more bypasses will help the environment by reducing pollution and traffic jams in towns and cities.


  • 由于管理不当停车以及不断交通阻塞街道堵得严严实实。

    The streets are wedged solid with the chaos of poorly regulated parking and near-constant traffic gridlock.


  • 缓解交通拥挤很大帮助

    It helps a great deal in easing traffic congestion.


  • 应该遵守交通规则

    She should have observed the traffic rules.


  • 发明了交通

    Who invented traffic lights?


  • 楼下超市银行医院公共交通站点近在咫尺购物方便交通方便。

    Downstair supermarket, bank, hospital, and public transportation site are nearly very close, shopping is convenient, and communication is easy.


  • 开车全然不顾交通法规

    He drove with blithe disregard for the rules of the road.


  • 近年致命交通事故发生率已经下降

    Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years.


  • 交通事故数字交通增长正比

    The number of accidents is proportionate to the increased volume of traffic.


  • 霍利交通信号灯不耐烦地等着信号改变

    Holly waited at a stoplight, impatient for the signal to change.


  • 许多交通事故轻率超速饮酒带来的后果。

    Many motor accidents are the result of unthinkingly mixing speed and alcohol.


  • 交通绿

    The lights changed from red to green.


  • 交通绿

    The lights changed from red to green.


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