• 测试过程预期的要多,于是我们最终不得不带有缺陷产品投放市场——当然并不是明智之举

    The test process went on much longer than expected and we ended up having to put the product on the market with known bugs in it, which was obviously not ideal.


  • 首先主要参与者开始企业级Web 2.0产品投放市场

    For starters, the major players are all starting to push enterprise-grade Web 2.0 products to market.


  • 需求检查有效调和练习,用来确保减少投放市场时间的情况下,可以得到真正想要产品

    Requirement inspections are an effective toning exercise to assure you get the product you really want while reducing time to market.


  • 无论是设想推销单一客户进行简单核查还是数百万成熟的产品投放市场,都要这么

    Do this whether you are selling the idea to a single customer for a simple check or moving toward a full blown multi-million dollar product launch.


  • 过去几十年里,随着越来越垃圾食品人工强化产品制造出来投放市场,越来越多的人“趋之若骛”,完全不顾及自己身体

    Over the last few decades, as more and more junk food places have opened and lots of artificially enhanced products created, more and more people have turned to them and forgotten about their bodies.


  • 由于优惠券短缺,将炸鸡投放市场行为引起公共关系混乱但是新的更为健康产品帮助肯德基扭转了在美国销售颓势

    The launch of its grilled chicken meal was a pr mess due to a coupon shortage, but the new, healthier product helped turn around KFC's declining U.S. sales.


  • 敏捷软件开发正确应用时,至少可以改善产品投放市场时间以及显著改善产品的质量

    Agile software development really does... when you do it right, at least, it results in improved time to market. It also results in significantly improved quality.


  • 敏捷方法成为我们做事方式”,并给公司带来数百万美元收益同时大大降低了产品投放市场时间

    Agile has become "the way we work here" with multi-million dollar measurable benefits and hugely reduced time to market for new initiatives.


  • Robinson说:“对于产品投放市场不同公司不同的规定。”

    "Different companies have different rules about what you can do with their marketing," Robinson says.


  • 制造设备Tata化工公司计划明年生产100万件这种产品希望最终投放市场1亿件。

    Tata Chemicals, which is making the devices, is planning to produce 1m over the next year and hopes for an eventual market of 100m.


  • 那些受到快速投放市场或者初始产品展示需求约束的项目

    Those constrained by demands for rapid time-to-market or initial product rollouts


  • 公司计划明年十一月将TeleScouter投放市场不过最初产品具备翻译功能。

    The company plans to launch the Tele Scouter in Japan in November next year, although initially without the translation mode.


  • 肌肉技术有很多补给品方面重大突破产品投放市场而制定的长远计划

    MuscleTech has many future plans for the release of the most breakthrough supplements on the market.


  • 䜼——我们开发产品性能很好。个月投放市场

    That's our latest development. A product with high performance. We put it on the market just two months ago.


  • 首次产品投放市场时候,投入很多不同形式广告浪费无效

    Focusing on many different forms of advertising can be costly and inefficient when you first launch a product or service.


  • 产品投放市场后,备受关注认可,被誉为引领足、桑拿、沐浴休闲行业潮流产品

    Products put on the market has attracted much attention and recognition as lead muzu sauna ablution and other recreational products industry trends.


  • 本厂产品质量可靠价格合理服务周到投放市场以为深受不同用户好评

    Our product quality and reliable, reasonable prices, courteous service, since that put on the market by different users of praise.


  • 产品研制成功投放市场以来,深受各界好评

    The successful development product since has put on the market, deeply from all walks of life's praise.


  • 产品投放市场得到广大客户一致好评。

    Products put on the market by the vast number of customers.


  • 2002年改制以来公司累计完成科技进步成果150每年投放市场产品10余项,拥有12专利

    After the restructuring in 2002, the company accumulated more than 150 key science and technology advances, more than 10 new products enter into the market each year, and within 12 patents.


  • 市场似乎价格敏感我们产品开始价格很高,因此投放市场销售量非常低,定价打折后销售量则大增。

    It seems this market is sensitive to price. When our product was marked up at a higher introductory price, our sales after product launch were low.


  • 其意义不仅仅在于团队能够革新产品确保一种成功商品投放市场

    Not only would such a team be able to innovate products, it would help to ensure a successful product launch into the marketplace.


  • 他们主要工作就是初级产品加工投放市场

    What they have done is to process the primary products and send them to the market.


  • 这些实在为时过早,我们太多赌注产品上。如果产品投放市场我们仍然没有起色的话,那很可能只有破产了。

    It's really too early to tell, but a lot is riding on the new products. If we don't do better after the product launch, we may have to go bankrupt.


  • 随着产品不断投放市场北京现代各个细分市场竞争力进一步加强

    With the new products to market, Beijing Hyundai in all market segments competitiveness will be further strengthened.


  • 广泛意趣国内外先进技术经验基础上,产品质量达标投放市场以来深受广大用户信赖

    Charm in a wide range of domestic and foreign advanced technology and experience, product quality standards by the market since the majority of users rely on!


  • 产品2005年投放市场以来,凭借优良性能合理价格深得广大国内网络设备制造商和国际市场好评信赖

    Since put in market from 2005, our product is highly praised and trusted by domestic and international customer for its excellent performance and reasonable price.


  • 产品2005年投放市场以来,凭借优良性能合理价格深得广大国内网络设备制造商和国际市场好评信赖

    Since put in market from 2005, our product is highly praised and trusted by domestic and international customer for its excellent performance and reasonable price.


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