Diana, it was discovered later, first came to the attention of the royal family when she acted as a bridesmaid for her sister Jane's wedding that April.
Asbestos fibres, resistant to heat, fire and chemicals, were widely used in construction and insulation before being linked to asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma and other cancers.
As Inglis and, later other businessmen, got to work, repurposed phone boxes began reappearing in cities and villages as people found new uses for them.
But people found afterwards that, actually a mass of Japanese house wives were doing this, while it's very hard to stop house wives to do this.
Later, people found out that in fact it was Japanese housewives who were behind this, and it was extremely difficult to prevent them from Carry Trade.
However, later we found that, as a matter of fact, a large number of housewives in Japan were involved in the carry trade and it was hard for prevention.
But later on, people found that the actual doers were Japanese housewives, thus adding the difficulties to stop them from conducting Carry Trade.
More intriguingly, these simple creatures belong to a group of organisms that, as DeSalle's team discovered, evolved in parallel to those that later developed into humans.
Despite a huge conventional search operation (followed by more exotic efforts involving psychics and a Gurkha parachuted into Cambodia), no trace was ever found of him.
Then it was discovered in common cancers as well, but it is still not always accepted or appreciated, he said.
However, it turned out later that large Numbers of Japanese housewives were doing that. But it was very difficult to stop housewives from doing carry trades.
However, it is found that the speculations were mostly done by Japanese housewives, and it was difficult to prevent them from doing it.
Two decades ago, it was considered to be non-existent. Then studies found that changes in property values did affect spending, but by less than changes in share prices did.
But in fact it was a number of Japanese housewives who worked at carry trade. This means serious difficulty to prevent them.
And the widespread use of ultrasonic scanning means that, increasingly often, twins are spotted in early scans and subsequently vanish.
Thereafter Mr Radulovich found himself in demand as a speaker on civil liberties.
One group of the Ache people of Paraguay, cut off from its home territory, had lost use of fire when first contacted.
Sea ice in the Antarctic was supposed to last for 5, 000 years until scientists found that the melting was proceeding at a faster pace than expected.
At last, people found the king and the queen were dead when they went out for a picenic.
Later, however, villagers came to find the shellfish tasty and started raising them in the paddies in 2001.
A tiger that once came out of the jungle into a village and attacked a man was later found to have an injured paw that had evidently prevented it from hunting its usual prey.
Once people realized how well it worked, transportation engineers began applying the same techniques to highways.
He found that those rated attractive on the basis of their graduation photographs went on to earn higher salaries than their less well-favoured colleagues.
But they found that this music was getting so exciting, and that people liked this jazz, that they started playing it too.
It is only later that humans found clothing to be practical as well.
At first there were fears that their young son was actually inside of that balloon, but he was later found hiding safely at home.
At first, vacuum pumps were found only in laboratories. Then it was found that the principle of the vacuum could be used elsewhere.
Later, the people found that the bamboo could make a crackling sound when burned. In time, the noise of crackling bamboo was replaced with bang of firecrackers.
Later, people found out that the monster routinely came out on New Year's Eve, so people began to get together on this day, staying up and chatting, hoping for peaceful passage of the time.
It was discovered that he was afraid of the color red and so red paper was placed around doors and Windows of houses and poems for good luck were added to them.