• 人工制品效用通过半结构化采访企业实践者得到进一步评估。

    The utility of the artifacts is evaluated through semi-structured interviews with practitioners in industry.


  • 思维性方面存在着对这些人工制品比较解释定义以及评价

    On the mental side, there are comparisons, interpretations, definitions and evaluations of such artefacts.


  • 自然哲学哲学角度阐释技术本体存在,并影射人工制品的二重性问题

    Natural philosophy explicated the ontological reality of technology from a philosophical point of view, even alluding to the discussion of the dual nature of artifact.


  • MRI质量保证流行安全指南一个图像人工制品有用画廊后面包括基本物理学

    The book covers the basic Physics behind MRI, quality assurance, up-to-date safety guidelines and a useful gallery of image artefacts.


  • 然后注意力集中可能主题密切相关人工制品上(可能是人工制品展品,注意力集中)。

    Then focus in on one artifact (or possibly artifacts, but try to focus) that seem to relate closely to the theme of MIT's role in a dangerous world.


  • 一个重要副标题以北设计人工制品美学形式作为潜在的灵感之生产消费之间反复摇摆方式

    An important sub-theme is the way in which the aesthetic of designed artifacts has swung repeatedly backwards and forwards from production to consumption as sources of metaphorical inspiration.


  • 其他人认为大脑存在一个特殊的,专门应用各种人工制品的模块,这些人工制品包括了桌椅汽车以及刀叉等

    But other people have argued that there is a special module in your brain for dealing with artifacts, that is, things like tables and chairs and cars and forks.


  • 然而展品必须人工制品为基础,要基于现实我们对于它们了解而且要以吸引人的方式展现。

    However, exhibits must be both based on artefacts and facts as we know them, and attractively presented.


  • 人工制品来源于某个时代停留那个时代,陶器,最终成为了属于那个时代遗迹

    An artefact is something from a time that stays in that time like a piece of pottery and it becomes like a relic of that time.


  • 短期计划人工制品一样,就会成为接下来几个小时几天几周宝丽来。

    As the artifact of your short-term planning, it becomes the developing Polaroid of your next few hours, days, or weeks.


  • 就是为什么有些会把相机人工制品看作可能是火星基站冰川看作坠毁飞碟

    It's why a camera artifact might look like a base station on Mars, or ice floes look like crashed UFOs to some folks.


  • 游戏开发过程课程探究制作游戏时所使用角色行为人工制品工具等——其他软件开发过程非常类似

    The game development process. This course explores the roles, activities, artifacts, and tools used in producing gameswhich are quite similar to those for any other software development process.


  • 千克目前唯一一个人工制品为参照标准计量单位

    The kilogram is the only unit of measurement still based on a man-made artifact.


  • 机器人也是一件人工制品应该通过唤起他们情感反应依赖性既而设计成为会溢出漏洞用户必须尽可能人类告诉机器人做的事。

    Robots are artefacts; they should not be designed to exploit vulnerable users by evoking an emotional response or dependency. It should always be possible to tell a robot from a human.


  • 争论认为尽管生物体,不在普通专利法范围内,但它又确实是一种人工制品而不是简单产品筛选。

    It argues that although it is a living organism, which would normally be outside the scope of patent law, it is also a true artefact, not just the product of selective breeding.


  • 正如尚·布希亚仿物拟像》中所说真实人工制品充斥我们生活甚至成为我们文明当中最重要的部分。

    As Jean Baudrillard showed in his book "Simulacra and Simulation", hyper realistic fake creations flood our lives, and even rise to the apex of culture.


  • 不仅仅可以使用VisualStudio编写代码同时可以使用OSLO建模工具创造人工制品(artifact)整合工作流程中。

    You've got to use Visual Studio to write the code but can use Oslo modeling tools to assemble created artifacts into a work flow.


  • 根据人工制品洞穴壁画冰河时代女性可能下边哪种?

    Based on artifacts and cave paintings, Ice Age women were likely.


  • 因为这些人工制品附近经过碳定年确定公元前9000年左右遗迹里找到的制品如此相似斯密特他的伙伴们估计歌贝克力山顶遗址和这个遗迹出自同一个时期的。

    And because those artifacts closely resemble others from nearby sites previously carbon-dated to about 9000 B.C., Schmidt and co-workers estimate that Gobekli Tepe's stone structures are the same age.


  • 沃特斯同事们组成一支团队3月25日的《科学》上描述了这些人工制品,他们给它们起了个绰号,叫做白脱牛奶小溪的复合品。

    Waters and a large team of colleagues describe the collection of artifacts, dubbed the Buttermilk Creek Complex, in the March 25 Science.


  • 知道人工制品他们提到是否是秘密地耳语这些零件黑色臭名昭著的

    I wonder if the artifact they refer to is the infamous "Black Book" which is only whispered of behind closed doors in these parts?


  • :与国水下金字塔自然产物还是人工制品如果人造的其用途什么

    Question: Is the Yonaguni underwater monuments are part of nature or man-made and what purpose they served if they were man-made?


  • 《新希望》原始剧本早期草稿中,凯伯水晶是被绝地西斯双方需求的一种原力聚焦人工制品

    In early drafts of the original script to A New Hope, the Kyber crystal was a Force-focusing artifact wanted by the Jedi and the Sith.


  • 人工制品模型通常为了最终设计中提取复制最好内容,捕捉相似人工制品之间共同点显著差异

    Artifact models typically capture commonalities and significant differences between similar artifacts for the purpose of extracting and replicating best practices in the eventual design.


  • AB系统拉链人工制品-即使MRI里有经验开业医生术语首字母缩略词过剩可能畏惧使为难的。

    From "AB systems" to "Zipper artefact" - even for the experienced practitioner in MRI, the plethora of technical terms and acronyms can be daunting and bewildering.


  • 使用独特技术允许甚至新手他们的图像移除称做“JPEG人工制品污点外观”的东西,轻松迅捷高效

    It USES a unique technique that allows even novices to remove the so-called "JPEG artifacts" and the "blotchy look" from their images easily, quickly and effectively.


  • 碧玉用作一种镶嵌物的带子例子不是这种完整人工制品

    This is an example of a belt hook where jade was used as an inlay, rather than for the complete artefact .


  • 建筑成为影像摄影成为建筑,房屋成为了一个建筑环境相融合的混合城市人工制品

    Architecture becomes photography, photography becomes architecture and the building becomes a hybrid urban artefact within the built environment.


  • 设计这些力量形成支持着,因此设计出的人工制品充当了文化元素的角色。

    Design is also formed and sustained by these forces and, as a result, designed artifacts act as culture ciphers.


  • 设计这些力量形成支持着,因此设计出的人工制品充当了文化元素的角色。

    Design is also formed and sustained by these forces and, as a result, designed artifacts act as culture ciphers.


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