After realizing under day-to-day items Renminbi can be exchanged for foreign currencies, the Renminbi capital item can be exchanged for foreign currencies has been put on the agenda.
We will keep the renminbi exchange rate basically stable at an appropriate, balanced level, expand its floating range, and move toward renminbi convertibility under capital accounts.
The convertibility of capital items is a key link in the realization of the free conversion of Renminbi.
Afterwards the wording in all the official documents is RMB convertibility, including RMB convertibility in current account and capital account.
He said, as there never was a schedule for exchangeability under RMB capital projects, therefore the process of delaying the process due to the Southeast Asian financial crisis does not exist.
With the entry into WTO, the convertibility of the RMB in Capital Account is in trend.
We will improve the RMB exchange rate regime and gradually make the RMB convertible under capital accounts.
PBC should raise reserve requirements rate, widen the floatability of the exchange rate, and even open its capital account to make Chinese currency (RMB) full convertible if circumstances permit.
PBC should raise reserve requirements rate, widen the floatability of the exchange rate, and even open its capital account to make Chinese currency (RMB) full convertible if circumstances permit.