• 现在觉得,“和上大学一样”。那个年代,股票经纪简历上的大学教育有点用,不是重要。

    That was "the equivalent of a college education," as he now puts it, in an age when college on a stockbroker's resume "counted for something, but not a lot."


  • 如果提交英文简历,要清楚收件使用的是英式英语还是美式英语,因为两者区别

    If you are submitting your resume in English, find out if the recipient uses British English or American English because there are variations between the two versions.


  • 其中的某一曾经收到了三千简历,另外还有好几百打电话过来。

    At one point, he was getting more than three thousand resumes, as well as a couple of hundred phone calls, a day.


  • 无论想和预约还是准备简历求职信,千万不要使用公司的电话电子邮件,以及办公用品复印机其它设备

    Avoid using your work phones, E-mail, supplies, copiers or other equipment to make appointments or prepare resumes or letters.


  • (建议一支笔、笔记本一份自己简历)“两手空空走进面试地点有些手足无措,”他说道

    (he suggested a pen, a notepad or your resume.) "it's just awkward going into an interview with nothing," he says.


  • (建议一支笔、笔记本一份自己简历)“两手空空走进面试地点有些手足无措,”他说道

    (he suggested a pen, a notepad or your resume.) 'it's just awkward going into an interview with nothing,' he says.


  • 可能从来没有求职简历这种内容,但是有些确实他们简历中列出了其在《魔兽世界中的角色等级种族。

    You don't see that written on anyone's resume, but apparently some folks do list the level and class of their World of Warcraft characters.


  • 比如登记翻译的职位,我收到了一个意英两门语言不会说的说荷兰语当地简历

    For instance I post a job for a Italian>English Translation and get a CV from a Dutch native speaker who is fluent in neither language.


  • 康妮代理很多时间简历注意他们如何对申请药店工作进行比较的。

    Connie: the agents spend lots of time looking at resumes. Notice how they compare people who are looking for a job in a pharmacy.


  • 然而很多求职者仍然听不这样意见还有一些没有意识到他们简历中造假或者全面撒网式地简历严重损害自己求职前景

    Yet many job hunters still don't heed that advice, and others don't realize they're doing just as much damage by doing things like bending the truth or spamming their resumes.


  • 其他的一些在打只是他们简历上会被贴上一句话即将到期合同

    A few others are playing, but have the words "expiring contract" affixed to their resumes.


  • 常常决定简历是否值得所以花费适量时间炮制一份好的求职信极其重要的。

    It will often determine if your resumé even gets looked at, so it is vitally important that you put proper time into crafting a good one.


  • 如果先采用其他方式面试,最后要求简历的话,你得到的是优秀经理不是一个简历高手。

    If you do it the other way around and ask for a resume last, you may get a good manager who just isn't a good resume 'writer.


  • 最近一早上14聚集当地社区大学个没有窗户的会议室,据说那里就如何他们简历年轻化以及如何应对一些关于年龄的问题,他们回得到一些建议

    On a recent morning, 14 people gathered in a windowless conference room at a local community college to get tips on how to age-proof their résumés and deflect questions about being overqualified.


  • 戈贝尔收件箱里塞满年轻邮件他们数百简历申请公司职位,但却泥牛入海不见回音。

    Gerber's in-box is flooded with e-mails from young people who have sent out hundreds of résumés for corporate jobs and come up empty.


  • 寻找贷款投资者合作伙伴时,商业计划书的作用好比简历

    It will serve as a resume when you seek lenders, investors or partners.


  • 基本上投资会希望你给他们一个大体描述包括做什么怎样赚钱,还有自己简历

    Well, it doesn't. At this stage, all most investors expect is a brief description of what you plan to do and how you're going to make money from it, and the resumes of the founders.


  • 很多忽略了这个职业礼节,在递简历申请刚认识的推荐

    Many people overlook this professional courtesy, and ask brand new connections to serve as a referral when submitting a resume or application.


  • 工作顾问当前老年重新找工作的障碍不能适应当前的网络应用;在互联网上找工作带上简历上门求职很多不同之处。

    Job search experts say the biggest hurdle for older workers is often technology. Applying online is a lot different from going door to door with a resume.


  • 机构并不缺少应聘每年接受超过100,000份简历并且逐渐增加

    The agency is not lacking for applicants; it gets more than 100,000 résumés a year, and the number is growing fast.


  • 儿子看好沿海城市一家不错的单位,招工名额只有1,简历20,儿子其中之一。

    My son targeted a company that was located in a coastal city. It was intended to employ only one person while there were more than twenty candidates filing their resumes, among whom was my son.


  • 儿子看好沿海城市一家不错的单位,招工名额只有1,简历20,儿子其中之一。

    My son targeted a company that was located in a coastal city. It was intended to employ only one person while there were more than twenty candidates filing their resumes, among whom was my son.


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