我们希望通过这些研究获得的知识可以促进人与人之间、以及人类与地球上的所有其他物种更加和谐地共存。 “人类学”一词起源于希腊语anthropos(人类)和logos(对于…的研究)。
“Anthropology”derives from the Green words anthropos“human”and logos“the study of”.By its very name,anthropology encompasses the study of all humankind.
The sociological origin of art is based on the human society's fundamental need of art; therefore, the social responsibility of art is the center of art sociology.
The original study of literature and art is not only the important area in the history of arts but also the fundamental topic in the science of cultural anthropology.
Based on the phenomenology and the philosophical interpretation of the Prometheus myth, Stiegler builds up a stimulating philosophy theory on human origin.
Guided by the principles of cognitive linguistics, the paper attempts to examine the cognitive basis that provided key links for establishment of linguistic symbols and linguistic symbol systems.
Guided by the principles of cognitive linguistics, the paper attempts to examine the cognitive basis that provided key links for establishment of linguistic symbols and linguistic symbol systems.