• 这一片段的任务是看看能不能发现什么有趣的东西

    We're just going to listen and see if anything strikes you as interesting.


  • 如果那天学校没有学到什么有趣的东西,他赶紧去翻百科全书

    If he hadn't learned anything interesting in school that day, he'd scurry for the encyclopedia.


  • 偶尔有一个兴奋地冲向前去,仿佛终于看到了什么有趣的东西总是失望地退了回来。

    Occasionally one of them started forward excitedly, as if they had seen something interesting at last, only to fall back looking disappointed.


  • 告诉如果发现了什么有趣的东西,一定要知道我会尽量把它写特殊受害人》里。

    I tell him if he finds something cool, let me know, and I'll find a way to work it into an SVU.


  • 是孩子抽屉什么有趣的东西,但一个抽屉看到了一张写着字,我拿出来哭声便停了

    Baby drawings, nothing interesting. Then, in the next drawer, something written. I took the paper out, and the crying stopped. I heard a sigh, and then, a soft giggle.


  • 孩子都是喜欢表现自己的,正如这个女孩经常起来我们眼神里好像在寻找什么有趣的东西

    Kids tend to show off themselves. Just as the little girl, she often stands up with her face to us in the rear rows smiling and looking for STH interesting.


  • 于是问跟身后男侍,“有趣东西什么啊?那么

    So be turned to the page who was walking behind him, and said, "What is that funny little thing which is running so fast over there?


  • 于是问跟身后男侍,“有趣东西什么啊?”那么

    So be turned to the page who was walking behind him, and said, "What is that funny little thing which is running so fast over there?"


  • 现在结合有趣的东西-,返回一个值。,GetInt, returns, a, value。,显然这个程序里,的确没有关心什么,我关心大于0的,所以满足条件。

    Now notice couple interesting thingsGetInt Apparently in this program, I don't actually care what it is, I only care that it is greater than zero, so it suffices.


  • 脸色苍白,下巴挑衅抬起,脸上的表情似乎需要什么东西——母亲曾告诉,就像鼻子长了肉瘤一般——听起来有趣却又遥远

    She looked pale, her chin jutting out in defiance and her whole face needing something-like warts on her nose, her mother told her-to make it remotely interesting.


  • 如果觉得在了结论里,没有说出什么新的或者有趣的东西那么请一个朋友你一起一下文章。

    If you're stuck and feel like your conclusion isn't saying anything new or interesting, ask a friend to read it with you.


  • 经常用。比如如果电视节目或是杂志不能带给什么有用东西- - -比如有意思有趣的妙招或提示等等干嘛浪费时间呢?

    I ask myself this pretty often. If for instance a TV-show or magazine isn't bringing me anything useful - fun, fascination, useful tips etc. - then why am I spending my time on it?


  • 这个短语的展示他的什么有趣好看东西并且希望看。

    Take a look at... The person using this has something interesting or wonderful to show you and wants you to look at it.


  • 之所以选择上面张相片是因为某些方面上体现了一个人在城市里漫步寻找有趣的东西时可能碰上什么美好的场景。

    I've chosen to include the above image because in some ways it embodies the beauty of just wandering around and searching for interesting photographic moments by yourself.


  • 上一次从跳蚤市场星巴克淘回点儿有趣的东西什么时候

    When is the last time somebody went to the flea market to get something for a Starbucks store?


  • 我们彼此状况觉得满意有趣几次会面以后,我们似乎意识到,如果没有那些经历中学到的东西知道我们会发生什么变化

    It's funny after a couple of meetings, we kind of realized that we were both pretty happy with where we were and if it hadn't been that experience and what we learned, who knows what we would happen.


  • 现在你们一些有趣的东西就是重物作用下,这个物体。,周期表现什么

    Now I will show you something else which is quite interesting, and that is how the behavior of the period is on the... on the mass of the object.


  • 在人群中东西,把足以得胀气的那么食物袋子回家,并且还要对付那只滑溜溜死鸟要是这一切都有趣话,那么男人什么去做呢?

    Well, if fighting crowds to shop, dragging bags stuffed with enough food to cause a hernia, and wrestling a slippery dead bird is so much fun, why don’t men do it?


  • 一项有趣的工作我们又学到了那么东西总之,我们不出有什么遗憾的。

    It was an interesting job, and we learnt that many new things; altogether, we saw nothing to regret.


  • 这种西红柿绿色的,可能里面什么东西健康里面还有其它一些有趣东西

    The tomatoes are green and potentially there's something inside that's just not healthy; but there's also other interesting things inside.


  • 有谁知道莫斯科森林藏着多少有趣的东西我们一起探索其中的座森林,看看什么发现吧。

    Who knows how many interesting things a forest in Moscow can keep. Let's check it by exploring one and see what we'll find.


  • 我们时候,我们知道自己肢体语言能够明白我们潜意识姿态告诉我们什么东西还是第一”,Idzikowski,”有趣的,这些姿势隐含的信息经常和我们期望的不一样“,这项研究还涉及到睡眠的姿势与一些健康杀手的关系。

    "We are all aware of our body language when we are awake but this is the first time we have been able to see what our subconscious posture says about us, " Idzikowski said.


  • 斯塔对他家南边任何东西压根儿兴趣,因为伊什村子去过次,知道那儿什么有趣的事物

    Shasta was not at all interested in anything that lay south of his home because he had once or twice been to the village with Arsheesh and he knew that there was nothing very interesting there.


  • 听了有趣故事会发笑、很开心,古今中外一样。这一现象或许语言本身一样悠久。那么,到底是什么东西使一个故事笑话让人感到滑稽可笑的呢?

    The joy of laughing at a funny story is universal, probably as old as language itself. But, what is it that makes a story or a joke funny?


  • 什么他们一定有趣呢?不是从他们身上看到美德善良忠诚幽默学问或者智慧,又或者是任何一样可以欣赏东西

    Why should they be? You were not looking for virtue or kindness or loyalty or humor or learning or wit or any of the things that can really be enjoyed.


  • 最不可思议东西什么是个说话有趣问题

    What's the craziest thing you've ever eaten? Here's another fun question that gets people talking!


  • 会议的目的不是笑话而是要去评估一下到底什么笑话如何工作的,以及神经学社会学以及心理学的意义上被称为有趣”的东西究竟什么东西

    Thegoal wasn't to tell jokes but to assess exactly what a joke is, how it works, and what this thing called "funny" really is, in a neurological, sociological, and psychological sense.


  • 会议的目的不是笑话而是要去评估一下到底什么笑话如何工作的,以及神经学社会学以及心理学的意义上被称为有趣”的东西究竟什么东西

    Thegoal wasn't to tell jokes but to assess exactly what a joke is, how it works, and what this thing called "funny" really is, in a neurological, sociological, and psychological sense.


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