• 从前现在最大不同就是张伯伦达拉第在国联没有否决权

    The one big difference between then and now is that Chamberlain and Daladier did not have the power of veto.


  • 从前现在俄罗斯音乐文明翻开影响无关宏旨,意义严峻

    Chai hospital in once upon a time, and now the Russian music civilization open and less relevant, meaning severe.


  • 对于内核 2.4.19_pre5,现在同步安装ext3文件系统chattr +S文件从前大约

    With kernel 2.4.19_pre5, synchronous mounts of ext3 filesystems and "chattr +S"'d files now perform about ten times faster than they did previously.


  • 记住肯定现在时态每个目标设定截止日期我们从前设定长期目标短期目标时一样。

    Remember to write them in the positive present tense and remember to set a deadline for each goal. Just like we did when setting your long term and short term goals.


  • 我们叙述冬天事情转而叙述现在十月一天吧,安琪尔苔丝分手以后

    From the foregoing events of the winter-time let us press on to an October day, more than eight months subsequent to the parting of Clare and Tess.


  • 所房子那些树木应该那里知道它们不可能以前一样了---我现在能从那里再得到从前一样美妙新鲜感觉呢?

    The same old house and the same old trees must still be there, but I know it cannot any longer be the same--for where am I now to get that fresh feeling of wonder which made it what it was?


  • 从前安静听话关心他人,现在变得吵闹、好斗;外向变为害羞胆小

    Change from being quiet, obedient and caring to loud, noisy and aggressive or may change from being outgoing to shy and afraid.


  • 由此我们得出一个结论,从前人们要创造信息知识,就必须依赖强大资本现在这样的模式正在发生剧烈变化

    What this picture suggests to us is that we've got a radical change in the way information production and exchange is capitalized.


  • 现在上证综合指数比2005年6月水平高两从前不同是中国股市似乎已变得全球市场的估值状况更合拍了一些。

    The Shangahi index remains triple its level at the June 2005 trough, but the market no longer looks as out of sync with global values as it once did.


  • 现在把您名字从前住址张卡片我们这场交易就算定了。

    And now if you'll just print your name and address of your last residence on this card we'll close the deal.


  • 从前任务跑遍大陆方式有所不同,玩家现在需要各个区域完成指定数量任务获得该区的任务成就。

    Rather than having players complete a huge number of quests throughout a single continent, the criteria will change so that you will instead need to complete a set number of quests in each zone.


  • 从前你们列祖岂不是这样行,以致我们使一切灾祸临到我们吗?现在你们安息日,使忿越发临到以色列!

    Did not your fathers thus, and did not our God bring all this evil upon us, and upon this city? Yet ye bring more wrath upon Israel by profaning the Sabbath.


  • 从前领导风格,比如牢牢控制发布命令已经不再适合现在公司机构

    The organizations that embrace today's leadership style are not using control and command techniques.


  • 但是从来没有设想从前雄图战略可以原原本本适用于现在

    But I had never conceived that designs and strategies of previous periods could be applied literally to the present.


  • 从前院里一定收拾得很整洁的,现在到处是破汽车机件,还停放着五十辆大车

    Once the compound might have been neatly kept, but now it was filled with auto wrecks, truck parts, and forty or fifty carts.


  • 从前有个妻子醋劲很大天晚上丈夫回家没有衣服找到头发于是大叫啊,现在开始秃头女人了!

    There was once a wife so jealous that when her husband came home one night and she couldn't find hairs on his jackets she yelled at him, GREat, so now you're cheating on me with a bald woman!


  • 湘潭城内从前家牛肉店,现在倒了家,剩下一家是病牛废牛的。

    Of the six butcheries in the county town of Hsiangtan, five are now closed and the remaining one slaughters only enfeebled or disabled animals.


  • 从前父母收音机了解时事资讯现在我们电视新闻其他节目

    Once my parents listened to the radio for news and other information, but now we watch the news and other programs on TV.


  • 现在其他人一样非坐轿车邮车不行了,他非享受从前那些主教所享受奢侈品不可了。

    Now he does like the rest; he must have a carriage and a posting-chaise, he must have luxuries, like the bishops of the olden days.


  • 感受一杯带来绵软,飘渺香气缠绕着许多现在从前

    Feelings of the foam a cup of tea, the aroma of misty, haunted many of the past and present.


  • 从前二十当地国民企业工业化受益很多,现在他们处理污水垃圾付出。(有没有人没受益?看这话意思,似乎没受益到就不必付出了。)

    The people and enterprises who have benefited from the region's industrialization in the past two decades now have to pay for the treatment of wastewater and rubbish.


  • 现在他们不再像从前那样大部分时间都在忙着开处方,而是越来越多病人沟通教给他们注射胰岛素流感针剂。

    They now spend less time filling prescriptions and more time interacting with patients, teaching them to inject insulin and administering flu shots, and pill counting is often delegated to assistants.


  • 嫉妒醉酒宴,类似从前早就告诉你们现在事先告诉你们:行这些事的人,必定不能承受

    Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.


  • 嫉妒醉酒宴,类似从前早就告诉你们现在事先告诉你们:行这些事的人,必定不能承受

    Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.


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