• 还记得从前在那条编织的方格子花背带吗?

    Do you remember the knitted suspenders with a checked pattern which you wore in the galleys?


  • 从前希腊居住着一位名叫亚里斯多德的伟大思想家

    Once upon a time, there lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle.


  • 从前波斯城市里住着兄弟凯新一个叫阿里巴巴

    There once lived in a town of Persia two brothers, one named Cassim and the other Ali Baba.


  • 既是神甫得和您从前我们牢里布道神甫

    Since you are an abbe , I will tell you that we had a chaplain in the galleys.


  • 从前山林中住着猴子。猴子每天树上河上观望。

    Once upon a time, there lived a monkey in the woods. The monkey climbed up the tree and looked down at the river everyday.


  • 又像从前山上四十昼夜。那次耶和华应允,不忍将灭绝

    And I stayed in the mount, according to the first time, forty days and forty nights; and the LORD hearkened unto me at that time also, and the LORD would not destroy thee.


  • 莎宾娜从前长岛北岸,离纽约不远深宅大院,像是庄城堡

    Sabrina: Once upon a time, on the North Shore of Long Island. not far from New York. there was a very. very large mansion. almost a castle.


  • 从前在很多地方听说过这个知识可是还是需要一定条件才能最终开始操作。

    You've heard this knowledge everywhere before, but it takes a certain situation for everything to just 'click'.


  • 人中没有一个摩西祭司亚伦从前西奈旷野所数的以色列人

    But among these there was not a man of them whom Moses and Aaron the priest numbered, when they numbered the children of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai.


  • 从前Linux平台上用户根本没有办法(非命令访问IM聊天日志

    Until recently on Linux, there was no user accessible (non-command line) way to access IM chat logs at all.


  • 从前国有农夫田里大片秧苗,他觉得这些小苗长得太慢了。

    In the state of Song there was a farmer, he had a large area of young rice shoots in his fields, he felt they were not growing fast enough.


  • 从前我们这里,有弟兄人。第一死了没有孩子,撇下妻子兄弟

    Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother


  • 从前班上总是名列前茅,打从上回搬家后,名次已掉到五十个学童当中的第二十名。

    Tutti was always first in her class before, but has slipped since the last move down to twentieth out of fifty children.


  • 另一个特性更简单有条件Get”,这个话题我们从前InfoQ已经报道过了。

    Another new feature is the simpler conditional get support, which we already covered in a recent Rails roundup on ETags.


  • 看,我们从前在口袋里所见银子,尚且带来还你,我们怎能从主人家里偷窃金银呢?

    We even brought back to you from the land of Canaan the silver we found inside the mouths of our sacks. So why would we steal silver or gold from your master's house?


  • 弟兄们,我们不要你们不晓得我们从前亚细亚遭遇苦难太重,不能胜,甚至连活命指望都绝了。

    For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life.


  • kotaku的这日子里,时常各种场合想起从前EQ的日子,从来没有想回过去仔细的回忆当初种种。

    During the course of my tenure at Kotaku I've referenced my days in EverQuest on many occasions, but I've never elaborated on what went down back then.


  • 而且从前谢尔树林深处,冉阿让曾牵着赛特的手黑暗走出来,珂赛特当时得到那种神秘印象不是幻觉而是现实

    And in truth, the mysterious impression produced on Cosette in the depths of the forest of Chelles by the hand of jean Valjean grasping hers in the dark was not an illusion, but a reality.


  • 梅尔女士说,甚至从前商店向自己发泄怒火的那位母亲也已经变得格外友好了。表示:“如果那个妈妈明年自己的儿子报名,不会吃惊的。”

    Even the angry mother from the store has become quitefriendly, Ms. Maier says: “I wouldn’t be surprised if she enrolls her own sonnext year.”


  • 犹大家以色列阿,你们从前列国中,怎样成为可,照样,拯救你们,使人称你们为有福的(或作使你们叫人得福)。 你们不要惧怕强壮

    And it shall come to pass, that as ye were a curse among the heathen, O house of Judah, and house of Israel; so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing: fear not, but let your hands be strong.


  • 花了长时间不仅明白而且真正理解句话。[第一看到一个矩阵。你从前很多地方都听说过这个知识,可是你还是需要一定的条件才能最终开始操作。]

    It took me too long to not only figure this out, but to actually "get it". it's similar to seeing the matrix for the first time.


  • 从前森林住着象,它没有朋友

    Once upon a time, in the forest there lived a baby elephant, who had no friends.


  • 从前美丽的山间客栈里一个贪婪店主,他总是想着赚钱

    Once upon a time, in a beautiful mountain inn, there was a greedy old innkeeper who was always thinking about money.


  • 汽车站《泰晤士报》的男士评论一条新闻新闻以“从前啊”几个字开头这是英语童话故事典型开头

    The man reading the Times at the bus stop remarks on a story that begins with the words "Once upon a time", the classic opening for fairy tales in English.


  • ,有个农夫海边拥有一个农场。

    Once there was a farmer who owned a farm near the ocean.


  • ,有个农夫海边拥有一个农场。

    Once there was a farmer who owned a farm near the ocean.


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