• 文件系统一方面说驻留分区之内的数据结构

    File systems, on the other hand, are data structures that reside inside partitions.


  • 一方面说,在两主餐内吃些点心是帮助的。

    Some snacks, on the other hand , will help keep you going until your next big meal.


  • 一方面说如果数学被发明的,为什么2+2等于5呢?

    On the other hand, if math is invented, then why can't a mathematician legitimately invent that 2 + 2 = 5?


  • 一方面说电话邮箱或者短信这种情况下更加有效。

    On the other hand, telephone calls, email, or text message under such circumstances become efficient means of communication.


  • 一方面说现在年纪不小,已经72了,盖茨年长5

    On the other hand, he is old: five years older, at 72, than Mr Gates.


  • 一方面说法语包括英语词汇周末野营”。

    On the other hand, the french language includes English words like "le weekend" and "le camping".


  • 一方面说一个过于严格算法一些合法的页面上会工作失常。

    On the other hand, an algorithm that's too strict won't function on some legitimate web sites.


  • 当然一方面说可以积累经验现在工作中学到一些东西。

    On the other hand, of course I can accumulate experience and learn a lot from present employment.


  • 一方面说找到陵墓可能会消减莎士比亚的“她无尽的化身”。

    On the other hand, maybe finding her tomb would diminish what Shakespeare called "her infinite variety."


  • 一方面说破产法可能引起未来灾难,一些可能无力支付工人退休金医疗费用。

    A state bankruptcy law, on the other hand, would prepare for a possible future calamity: the inability of some states to pay for workers' pensions and health care.


  • 一方面说觉得半路上把托上去了,所以也许只是对自己使用了飘浮咒。

    On the other hand, he thinks the wind might have caught him in mid-jump, so perhaps he only levitated himself.


  • 一方面说尽管葡萄糖加入一个改进但是它没有组织细胞能量储存过程中的恶化

    On the other hand, while the addition of glucose was an improvement, it did not prevent cellular energy from deteriorating during storage.


  • 一方面说Mann只不过愿意点钱换取数学多维空间系内的体育方面争执结果。

    In other words, Mann is more than willing to donate a few pounds to a good cause in order to pursue a sporting spat in mathematical hyperspace.


  • 一方面说人类环境恶意影响加速动植物灭绝现在每年大概有多达50,000种物种地球上消失。

    On the other hand, humanity's malignant effect on the environment has accelerated the rate of extinction for plants and animals, which now reaches perhaps 50,000 species a year.


  • 一方面说如果需要CD光驱DVD光驱内置的笔记本尽量一个高速光驱数字跟随x ”可以看出来。

    On the other hand, if you will need a CD drive or a DVDdrive built into your laptop, try to get one with a fast speed indicated by the "x" followed by a number on the drive.


  • 一方面穷人更充分的理由剪断有线电视线简单换成天线或者什么也不用。

    On the other hand, poor people have an excellent motive to cut cable and simply replace it with an antenna or nothing at all, he said.


  • 可以指出这件好的一面这样: 确实纠结啊——但是一方面可是个锻练英语机会呢。

    Amber: You can point out the positive side of this situation - you could say something like this: That's tough - on the other hand, it's a good way to practise your English!


  • 一方面可以有时经验获得知识更深入全面书中获得的。

    On the other hand, it can be argued that sometimes knowledge gained from experience is much deeper and more comprehensive than that gained from books.


  • 一方面补充看起来没有达到最低点,因为“没有任何金融危机明显复苏迹象”。

    On the other hand, Li added, the situation did not seem to have reached its low point yet. "There are no signs of a definite recovery from the financial crisis, " Li said.


  • 故事这么奇怪地离题着,好像思想,在游离故事一方面跳到一方面但是提到机器不是偶然

    It goes off in this strange digression. It seems like his mind has simply wandered, as it does, from one version of the story to another. But the mention of the machines is not incidental.


  • 故事这么奇怪地离题着,好像思想,在游离故事一方面跳到一方面但是提到机器不是偶然

    It goes off in this strange digression. It seems like his mind has simply wandered, as it does, from one version of the story to another. But the mention of the machines is not incidental.


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