• 已经宣布息影自己精力投入到“为了”的运动

    She has announced that she would rest for one year from the amuse circle and put her energy into the movement of he for her.


  • 为了而重新对了色,紫色重新染回蓝色,就第一见到是那样。

    He had dyed it afresh for her, taking it from purple back to blue, as it had been when first she met him.


  • 艾玛自己投入推动男人女人之间平等演讲“为了激励很多支持行动

    Emma devoted herself to the equality between man and woman, the speech he For her inspires so many people to support her action.


  • 女神弗雷娅儿子一支槲寄生制成杀死,所以为了纪念宣布这支箭永远和平象征

    The goddess Freya's son was killed by an arrow made of mistletoe, so, in honor of him, she declared that it would always be a symbol of peace.


  • 没人想到嫁给了人们为了

    Nobody thought she'd marry him, but she did, and people said she married him for his money.


  • 黛比为了儿子个人守卫:“决心摆脱困境。”

    Debbie, who became her son's personal warrior, says, "I was determined to get him out of it."


  • 凯瑟琳哥哥需要人侍候为了缘故,我就来伺候

    I loved Catherine; and her brother requires attendance, which, for her sake, I shall supply.


  • 决定放弃这笔钱。

    To save her, he decides to give up the money.


  • 寻找这个任务的答案,吉米采访了的祖母,当然不知道吉米为什么问这样的问题。

    In search of some answers for his task, Jimmy interviewed his grandmother who of course knew nothing about the reason why Jimmy asked such questions.


  • 为了确保穿刺了的肚皮保持清洁必须购买什么用品

    What supplies must he or she purchase, in order to make sure that any pierced belly remains clean?


  • 这一对儿参观了毕加索画展为了打动哈维告诉里亚很有可能画家签名

    The couple went to a Picasso exhibit and, to impress her, Harvey told Gloria that he could probably get the artist's autograph.


  • 为了证明去爬最高去游最深去跨越宽的沙漠

    To prove his love for her, he climbed the highest mountain, swam the deepest ocean, and crossed the widest desert.


  • 为了验证自己的疑问,自觉的开始考验

    And to validate these doubts, he subconsciously tested her.


  • 进入途中外衣递给一个旁观者,因为误认为就是为了这个目的而来

    On her way in she handed her coat to an onlooker, assuming, mistakenly, that he was there for the purpose.


  • 根据经验消极为了某事沮丧)的容易听进同情的话语,而不是建议/应该这样做那样做

    From my experience, people who are negative (or upset for that matter) benefit more from an empathetic ear than suggestions/solutions on what he/she should do.


  • 祖父悲伤地笑了笑十分微弱的声音说道:“希望这么简单……”为了高兴还是咬了一小口。

    Grandfather smiled sadly and said in a weak voice, "I wish it were that easy..." But to please her, he took a tiny bite of the apple.


  • 马上就要开始实行威胁但是为了所珍爱的自身惊慌了

    And she would have commenced the execution of her threat directly, but Linton was up in alarm for his dear self again.


  • 为了证明不对书房,书房长毛绒地毯枕头窝,扶手椅那么大小完美又趣味横生婚姻创造了些氛围。

    To prove him wrong, she went to her study, which was a den of deep-pile silk rugs and pillows the size of armchairs, to create some scenes of a marriage that was both perfect and hilarious.


  • 我们如果真惩罚厉害一着就是分开可是为了我们更多挨骂

    The greatest punishment we could invent for her was to keep her separate from him: yet she got chided more than any of us on his account.


  • 吉尔伯特这次为了父亲葬礼回来,因为玛丽拉和林德太太实在不能忍受安妮很快离开的事实所以留下来待了一个星期

    She and Gilbert had come up for the funeral of his father and Anne had stayed for a week. Marilla and Mrs. Lynde could not bear to have her go away too soon.


  • 杰克把话挑明了刺客曾经绑架了家人而且所有行为为了努力拯救默的性命,当然,还有的家人。

    Jack makes it clear that the assassins had kidnapped his own family, and all of his actions were an effort to not only save Palmer himself but Teri and Kim as well.


  • 汤姆森后来承认为了女人暴露小脚大大了一笔钱。也许是支票买新闻”的早期样本了。

    Thomson later admitted, in perhaps an early example of "chequebook journalism", that he had paid the woman "handsomely" to expose her withered foot.


  • 完全不能了解当时以为为了她的,受不了那副凶相。

    Her ailing brain comprehended nothing, but the only thing which she did not doubt was that he had come to get her.


  • 为了写明一个角色说话,要居中显示/名字在名字下方以左对齐方式对白

    To signal that a character is talking, center-align his or her name and write the dialogue left-aligned below.


  • 那时一名来自大连志愿者留下了深刻的印象:为了体育馆引座员,甚至辞掉自己工作

    She had been impressed by a male volunteer from Dalian who told her that he was quitting his job to become an usher at the gymnasium.


  • 侏儒帮第三天晚上女孩答应小矮人,为了报答帮助,要把下的第一个孩子

    This goes on three nights, and by the third night the girl is promising the little man her first born child in return for his help.


  • 为了帮助感觉好一些努力鼓励问题出来,而这不该做的

    To help him feel better she tries to encourage him to talk about the problem, which is the worst thing she can do.


  • 为了理解原谅这一事物,研究者它分为决策性原谅发生个体决定将要如何面对/伴侣时。

    In understanding forgiveness the researchers referred to two types: Decisional forgiveness occurs when an individual makes a decision about how to act toward his or her spouse.


  • 掉了乌黑亮丽的长发,因为喜欢短发不能穿裙子或者好看鞋子,这是为了防止男人发现的美

    He hacked off her long dark hair, saying he preferred it short. Then he told her she couldn't wear skirts or nice shoes, in case other men found her attractive.


  • 为了正确了解到底有多久,想像一位巨人,巴尔的摩的脚趾头在南非海岸

    To get a sense of just how long, he says, imagine a giant with her head in Baltimore and her toe off the coast of South Africa.


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