In spite of the weather, they managed to push along and arrived at the work site before daybreak.
They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where the decided to take a bath.
There has been some return of fire, some injured, but the momentum is carrying them forward.
Certainly if their lessons have not yet been completed, they will want to do so before they move on.
They also don't mind putting in long hours because they know that this time is necessary ino rder for them to move forward.
Research shows that mothers of older children tend to talk more with their children about their frustrations, while fathers may try to distract a child and encourage him or her to move on.
In an account of his journey across South America, published in 1836, William Smyth thus complained of frequent "desertion" by his helpers: "Without them it was impossible to get on".
Talkers let fear of failure keep them on the sideline; Doers overcome fear and move on, and when they fail, they simply try again.
Those who know him say he's even-keeled and direct, a good coach who will go over a problem with employees, explain what they need to do better, and move on.
They make mistakes, move on, and apply what they've learned to new situations.
Authors who have received numerous rejection slips, but they kept going until they were published.
None of them are dwelling on the difficulties they face. They have accepted them and just carried on.
So that's really the innovator's dilemma. If you look at a lot of companies what you see is they reached the top and then they are never really able to go further.
Now he says that “if there is noagreement with our Serbian friends, the train will move on and they will beleft lagging ever further behind.”
The Zapps say they intend to keep going, but may take a break in two years when their oldest son, Pampa, turn 10.
因为他们的爱是永恒的;他们会永远找到办法让彼此都能回来——S会继续前进,但D不会(意思是说无论怎样D都不会放弃E);K更爱S ,这次是D的爱情了。
Because their love is eternal; they will always found a way to get back to each other - Stefan will move on, but Damon never would; Katherine loved Stefan more, it's Damon's turn for love.
It will release many souls of Light who can at last safely come forward, and we shall be behind them to ensure their protection.
Now the kids were stuck in an ordeal. Should they go in, or stay out and enjoy the jungle?
The soldiers are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest in a blizzard.
With your help, children are able to see that they can move forward and grow with an enhanced understanding of themselves and life.
There will be bumps in the road. A successful business owner will make them a learning opportunity and move on.
However, successful entrepreneurs put their fear aside and keep moving forward because they know the rewards outweigh the fear.
When Things Go Awry, Laugh and Move On - When kids are dealt an unexpected hand they usually chuckle and work around the issue.
Highly successful women don't obsess or feel guilty about past choices or failures. They make mistakes, move on, and apply what they've learned to new situations.
Highly successful women don't obsess or feel guilty about past choices or failures. They make mistakes, move on, and apply what they've learned to new situations.