On weekends, he played guitar, saw friends, soaked in the sunshine, all while I was still dreaming.
Li Hua loves music so much, he can play guitar, we hear him play guitar when we don't have class.
He plays the guitar well, but isn't good at singing. 2. Can you help the children learn to use computers? 3. I can help the children swim.
I remember my Dominican father, Barilla's face as he played guitar and how he laughed kindly when I struggled to play the chords he had taught me.
He has a habit of playing the guitar when I'm studying, and he always takes my things without asking.
Towler told them that, for now, he plans to focus on his talents with the guitar, keyboard, trumpet and paintbrush.
He looked at me over his shoulder and nodded a thank-you before bringing his song to life on the guitar. I watched Ray's fingers dance across the strings as if they were himself, running free.
He spent his time roughhousing with his boxer pup, tinkering with his truck, and noodling on his guitar (he'd learned to drive again and to pick out tunes).
When he sat on the porch at night with his guitar, he saw her beside him, listening as he played the.
But he wasn't born with the technical ability to play guitar. So, he has to learn how to play.
He spent his adolescent years playing guitar in the church band.
Furious that he'd been lied to his whole life, Roach ran away from home and spent the next 14 years drinking, sleeping in parks, playing the guitar to earn enough for the next bottle.
He decided to have his arm set at an Angle so that he could keep playing the guitar.
He not only has amazing musical talent: writing, drumming, dancing, playing guitar, piano, trumpet everything ok, but looks are sprouting very handsome.
Teaching communication means getting people to tell their stories, but Ray could tell you how much he missed playing his guitar without speaking.
He looked at me over his shoulder and nodded a thank-you before bringing his song to life on the guitar. I watched Ray 's fingers dance across the strings as if they were himself, running free.
So I jumped in the car and raced down to his office. As he came down the stairs, he said, "Do you wanna pick a little?"
不过他的吉他谱不仅难弹,还很难找,…我要爬上一座天梯摘星星给你 我不管…
There we spoke of all our feelings…just like a guiding star C G i'…
不过他的吉他谱不仅难弹,还很难找,…我要爬上一座天梯摘星星给你 我不管…
There we spoke of all our feelings…just like a guiding star C G i'…