• 感谢上帝纷争劳苦赐予一切福佑

    He thanked for all the blessings which providence had vouchsafed to him while in this valley of strife and toil.


  • 第三个儿子刚刚降生感谢上帝恩赐同时意识到,重新工作迫在眉睫。

    His third son, just born, and he thanked God's grace, while aware of an imminent return to work.


  • 感激——显然某种皮肤癌——没有疼痛他感谢上帝赐予继续活下去力量

    He was grateful that no pain accompanied his disease, which was apparently a form of skin cancer. He thanked God for giving him the strength to keep going.


  • 彼得看着礼物严肃地:“感谢上帝!”

    Peter, looking at his gift, said solemnly, "God be thanked!"


  • 觉得必须赞美感谢上帝感谢我们带来祝福

    I feel that I must praise and thank the Lord for the blessings He has brought to us all!


  • 谢上帝是拯救你的人!

    Thank God, he was the one that saved you!


  • 有趣的尽管英国清教徒们是很虔诚的信徒,但1621年的感恩庆祝活动中们只是感谢自然,而感谢上帝老人家。

    It is interesting to note that the religious element, giving thanks to God, was not present at this particular celebration in 1621, even though the Pilgrims were devoutly religious.


  • 悄悄走熟睡蹒跚学步孩子床前亲吻胖嘟嘟的脸蛋儿感谢上帝将如此多的欢乐我的生命

    I am going to sneak into my sleeping toddler's bedroom, place my lips on his chubby cheek, and thank God for the bundle of joy he has brought into my life.


  • 说:“的确,这个围墙带来了一些麻烦,不过感谢上帝现在这里许多游客,情况变好了。”

    "Well, the wall has made some problems but thank God, now there is a lot of tourists, now it's moving better," Jakaman said.


  • 感谢上帝《利西达斯》中,弥尔顿的不像,在《达蒙墓志铭》的结尾那样过火。

    In Lycidas Milton doesn't let himself, thank God, go quite so far as he does in this amazing ending to "Damon's Epitaph."


  • 那时晚上11遗言就是著名的“Severn,拉起来,我要死了——我会死得很从容的;害怕坚强感谢上帝已经来了。”

    It was 11pm, his final words were, famously: "Severn, I, lift me up, I am dying - I shall die easy; don't be frightened, be firm, and thank God it has come."


  • 每天感谢上帝,感激让我能足够能力进行这些安排。

    And I thanked God each day that I was graced with the resources to do so.


  • 知道我丈夫不能活下来,所以挽救生命感谢上帝

    They don’t know whether he would survive that so it was a life save and thank God for it.


  • 毫无疑问,杰克是个依照逻辑办事是个感情过于强烈的家伙,搭乘驾驶的商务飞机乘客可以为此感谢上帝

    There is no doubt about Jake: He is a man of logic. He is not an overly emotional guy, and the passengers who fly on his commercial plane rides can thank God for that.


  • 没有兴趣猜谜语,感谢上帝杰弗里似乎早前父之时候冷静很多

    He was not in the mood for coyness, and thankfully Geoffrey seemed calmer than earlier in the Hall of Fathers.


  • 宣布夺冠,McCreery,“梦中从来没想过能夺冠,我感谢上帝,是我带到了这儿。”

    After being declared the winner, he said: "Never in my wildest dreams. I got to thank the Lord first.


  • 感到非常高兴于是附近寺庙感谢上帝,可离开寺庙的时候发现不见了。

    Overwhelmed with joy, he rushed to a nearby temple to thank God for having kept his bicycle safe only to find, when he got out of the temple, that the bicycle was goner.


  • 首先感谢上帝一直在生命中扮演导师的角色。我感激带到中国这个神奇的国度。

    First, I'd like to give honor to God, who is head of my life, and thank Him for bringing me here to China.


  • 家人下来感谢上帝安全度过这场可怕的洪水给予们一个新世界的崭新开始

    He and his family knelt down and thanked God for keeping them safe during the terrible flood and for giving them a fresh start in a new world.


  • 冬天来时,耶汉·达斯感谢上帝那个晴朗的日子,赐只躺在水沟里奄奄一息因为老迈了而且一比一年衰弱

    When winter came, Jehan Daas thanked God for bringing him the dying dog in the ditch on that fair day because he was very old and he grew weaker year after year.


  • 感谢上帝最终给与了我们这些完美的礼物我们能早些回家而且保佑我们安全驾驶

    Oh, thank god, He gave us those wonderful gifts finally, He let us come back home earlier than we excepted and bless us drive safe.


  • 知道我丈夫不能活下来,所以挽救生命感谢上帝

    They don't know whether he would survive that so it was a life save and thank God for it.


  • 好,感谢上帝泰奥菲洛年事已高,你们不该一个人牧羊

    Thank God for that. Teofilo is a very old man. You really shouldn't allow him to stay at the sheep camp alone.


  • 张照片感谢上帝把握住这次机会,有次确认赐予一个完美的天使

    I took the picture and thanked God that I didn't miss chance to prove what a perfect little angel he had given me.


  • 乔治·巴顿将军:“哀悼愚蠢的,我们反而应该感谢上帝曾经赐予生命。”

    "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." - General George S. Patton.


  • 了下来真心感谢上帝给予恩赐,虔诚地做了

    He threw himself on his knees, thanked God for the mercy he had shown him, and said his morning prayer.


  • 了下来真心感谢上帝给予恩赐,虔诚地做了

    He threw himself on his knees, thanked God for the mercy he had shown him, and said his morning prayer.


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