• 这些过程药物物理特性病人代谢能力

    These processes are governed by the physical properties of the drug and the metabolic capacity of the patient.


  • 活性细胞没有代谢能力因此不能还原该显色剂。

    Nonviable cells have no metabolic capacity and, thus, will not reduce the dye.


  • 目的:探讨运动训练营养补剂骨骼肌代谢能力影响

    Objective to investigate the effects of exercise training and tonic supplementing on skeletal muscle glucose transport capacity in rats.


  • 提升细胞代谢能力恢复毛孔四周细胞原有活力,收敛毛孔。

    Enhance cell metabolism, to restore the original vitality of cells around the pores, pore refining.


  • 五种酸奶细菌中的耐氧性双歧杆菌的碳水化合物代谢能力显现类似增长

    One of the five yoghurt strains — Bifidobacterium animalis lactis — also showed a similar boost in its ability to metabolize carbohydrates.


  • 研究表明这样增加12个星期内身体有氧代谢能力

    Studies suggest that doing so will increase your body's aerobic capacity within 12 weeks.


  • 新型BAL系统具有强的(白)蛋白合成利多卡因代谢能力

    The BAL system has relatively strong albumin synthesis and lidocaine (metabolism) functions.


  • 结论增加摄入量,能改善肌肉生化基础,增强组织细胞代谢能力

    Conclusion After increasing the uptake of creatine, the muscle biochemical activity was improved and the metabolic rate of cells was increased.


  • 一旦反应器供氧不足,菌体氮源代谢能力减弱,不利于青霉素合成

    Oxygen in short supply makes metabolism of carbon and nitrogen weak, which is unfavourable to synthesis of penicillin.


  • 物质促进细胞再生提高血浆蛋白增强免疫功能代谢能力

    The fats material may promote the liver cell regeneration, enhances the protein substitute for plasma quantity, the enhancement immunologic function and metabolism ability.


  • 同一日粮条件下,对牦牛干奶牦牛消化代谢能力进行了比较研究。

    The situation of nutrient digestion and metabolism was compared between lactating and dry yak cows fed with the same diet.


  • 围绕功能开展了系列研究,提炼形成“窖泥功能菌代谢能力调控理论

    The research on functional bacteria in pit mud was carried out and the theroy of "the control of metabolic capability of functional bacteria in pit mud" was put forward.


  • 北京体育大学16名在校运动员身体机能状况代谢能力进行生化评定。

    Physical condition and metabolism ability of 16 men athletes of Beijing Univ. of P. E. were assessed from physiochemical aspect.


  • 目的研究蚕丝蛋白乙醇结合能力评价柞蚕丝胶溶液乙醇代谢能力影响

    Objective: to study the ability of the silk albumen to combine ethanol. The evaluation of the effect of tussah colloidal solution on the metabolism of ethanol.


  • 运动员有氧代谢能力存在一定差异无氧代谢能力代谢特点基本相似

    The two groups of athletes have difference in aerobic metabolism ability but similar in non-oxygen metabolism ability and metabolism ability.


  • 另有10研究表明总的来说,运动疗法能提高类风湿性关节炎患者有氧代谢能力肌肉力量

    Ten more studies showed, over all, that exercise therapy increases aerobic capacity and muscle strength in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.


  • 纤维类型取决于它们肌球蛋白它们的代谢能力,其所含产能线粒体数量大大决定了其特征

    The fiber types are defined by which "myosin heavy chains" (MHCs) they contain and by their metabolic capacity, a feature largely determined by the number of energy-producing mitochondria they house.


  • 晨练可以提高心率代谢能力早上运动可以带给几个小时的活力。晨练可以加速一天脂肪燃烧

    Morning exercise raises your heart rate and metabolism early to give you physical energy for hours, it also helps burn more calories throughout the day.


  • 诱导昆虫解毒不同类型杀虫剂代谢能力并不相同,进而导致不同药剂敏感性变化有明显差异。

    The metabolic abilities of induced detoxifying enzymes for the insecticides varied with the types of insecticides, resulting in the variations of insect susceptibility to different insecticides.


  • 结论:摔跤运动员各项指标水平季节有关有氧能力基础上加强酵解训练,提高无氧代谢能力

    CONCLUSION: the indices are related to seasons, so hypoxic training should be reinforced and hypoxic metabolic capability should be improved on the basis of aerobic ability.


  • 顶尖世界级马拉松选手通常具备高效能的脂肪代谢能力,使他们能用85%甚至更高最高心跳来马拉松。

    Elite world-class marathoners often have such a highly developed fat-burning engine that they can run marathons at 85 percent or higher of their maximum.


  • 有氧运动燃烧脂肪抗阻训练塑性增强肌肉——越多的肌肉表示越强的代谢能力就算休息的时候也是如此。

    Cardio burns the fat; resistance training creates shape and increases muscle mass-and the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism runs, even when you're resting.


  • 例如,如果婴儿母亲怀孕期间身体一直营养失调,那么婴儿出生时可能个体会非常瘦小,并且新陈代谢能力很低。

    Infants born to malnourished mothers, for example, are more likely to be born small and have efficient metabolisms that require less fuel to survive.


  • 一项小规模研究结果表明,巧克力可能有助于降低血压促进人体食物中的糖分代谢能力巧克力则没有这些功能。

    Dark chocolatebut not white chocolate - may help reduce blood pressure and boost the body's ability to metabolize sugar from food, according to the results of a small study.


  • 自行车运动员的专项体能主要包括有氧代谢能力、无代谢能力专项力量以及骑行技术有氧、无氧能力关系等。

    This ability mainly includes aerobic metabolism capacity, anaerobic metabolism capacity and special strength as well as the relation between riding skill and aerobic and anaerobic capacities.


  • 所以长远的时间里,肌肉代谢能力肌肉力量也会受到负面影响。不过依旧,这些指标还是比普通人高很多。

    So in the long term, your muscle metabolism and strength will decline, yet it will still be better than the average.


  • 20后,新陈代谢能力10年减缓10%,可能为什么以往相同份量食物,你增加体重的原因。

    After age 20, your metabolism slows down by about 10 percent every decade, which could be a reason why you gain weight when you eat the same amount of food you did when you were younger.


  • 这种潮湿阴冷条件下生存能力部分取决于它们缓慢行动能力代谢能力代谢缓慢意味着只需要很少的食物供应可以存活

    They are able to live in both wet and cold conditions partly because they move slowly and have a slow metabolism that allows them to survive on a minimal food supply.


  • 相反,如果患有心力衰竭某些肝脏以及肾上腺疾病这些疾病可能削弱了水份代谢能力,所以您需要限制每天的水份摄入量

    On the other hand, some conditions such as heart failure and some types of kidney, liver and adrenal diseases may impair excretion of water and even require that you limit your fluid intake.


  • 相反,如果患有心力衰竭某些肝脏以及肾上腺疾病这些疾病可能削弱了水份代谢能力,所以您需要限制每天的水份摄入量

    On the other hand, some conditions such as heart failure and some types of kidney, liver and adrenal diseases may impair excretion of water and even require that you limit your fluid intake.


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