• 本书关于与恶、忠与爱以及中国哲学的主题令安娜印象深刻,她希望将其带给更多读者。

    Impressed (使……印象深刻) by the book's themes (主题) of good against evil, loyalty (忠诚) and love, as well as Chinese philosophy (哲学) , Anna hoped to bring it to new readers.


  • 人性包括慷慨以及拥有颗炽热

    Having human kindness includes being friendly, generous, and having a warm heart.


  • 被人质疑科学家仁慈亿万富翁人们艾滋病抗争行动以及反应揭露出了人类所表现出来

    From questionable scientists to philanthropic billionaires, people's actions against AIDS, and reactions to it, have shown up the best and worst that humans have to offer.


  • 作为一种理想化的内在结构自我理想建立,增强了安全感内在以及重要他人亲密关系

    The buildup of the ego ideal as an idealized internalized structure rein-forces a sense of security, inner goodness, and intimate relations with significant others.


  • 事实上,发现以及果实累累与不结果树根大地沉默心里盘根错节缠绕一起

    And verily he will find the roots of the good and the bad, the fruitful and the fruitless, all entwined together in the silent heart of the earth.


  • 世界存在着同情可靠以及宽容这些明显表现着正当例子

    But the world also abounds with examples of compassion, reliability, and generosity in which rightness and goodness are clearly present.


  • 它们分别代表菩提,渡生的方便,以及菩提,生起方便的智慧

    They represent respectively the white bodhi, skillful means to help sentient beings, and the red bodhi, wisdom to yield skillful means.


  • 我们肩负捐赠市场使成功运用的使命,以及我们分析机构所用的公事公办的方法,已经开始激怒某些人了。

    Our mission to improve the market for charitable giving so that funds follow success, and our businesslike approach to analysing charities, started to ruffle some feathers.


  • 大致而言社会进步表现出规范功能创造功能以及整合的功能等主要功能

    Generally speaking, the main functions of good, showing in the social development, are the function of regulation, the function of creation and that of conformity.


  • 公众争论都变成探究统治依据性质目的以及保留铲除恶的手段。

    Let the public disputations become researches into the grounds and nature and ends of government, and the means of preserving the good and demolishing the evil.


  • 劳伦斯不仅伟大的小说家,他还是一位著名的诗人勇敢斗的小品文作者、游记作家、以及多产文学记者

    Besides being a great novelist, Lawrence is also a proficient poet, a ombative essayist, an atmospheric travel-writer, and a prolific literary correspondent.


  • 以及僧侣们四出乞食就是为了每个我们所遇到的人结,我的目的为了利益一个人。

    The reason for me and my Sangha to go begging in all directions is to make a positive connection with everyone we meet. My objective is to benefit everyone.


  • 目标必须世界看成一个整体,将你的整个存在倾向最高以及采用自然意志就好象是你的意志一样。

    Your aim should be to view the world as an integrated whole, to faithfully incline your whole being toward the highest good, and to adopt the will of nature as your own.


  • 战》中最大主题在于,这些力量黑暗面以及它们不时地会失去平衡的事实。

    The big Star Wars themes are these forces of good and evil, the force and the dark side, and that they sometimes come out of balance.


  • 孔子审美标准包括“文”和“质”的统一、“美”和“统一以及中和”,这种审美标准深刻影响中国文化

    The aesthetic standards of Confucius include the unity of "content" and "form", "elegant" and "kind" and "the way of neutralization", which affect the culture of China deeply.


  • 不是关于苏格拉底,其实关于你自己以及如何给自己每天生活带来更多

    It's not about Socrates, it's really about you, and how you can bring more truth, beauty and goodness into your life everyday.


  • 由于人性,孩子获取幸福需要以及自然发展性,卢梭提出消极教育的思想。

    Rousseau set forth this kind of education because of good nature of human being and the need of children getting happiness and natural development of human being.


  • 由于深思默想,所得上帝概念变为丰富了现在真理价值源泉他本身就是最终实在以及至上

    Thus my idea of God becomes enriched as I meditate upon it and I reach the idea of One who is the source of truth and value, Himself the final Reality and the supreme Good.


  • 第二介绍了共同体共同概念以及两者之间关系,接着探讨了共同善的三个基本内涵:正义、法律和权利。

    The second chapter first introduces the concepts of community and common good and the relationship between the two, and then discusses three basic contents of common good: justice, law and right.


  • 除此之外,探讨了异常行为正常,并得出正常行为根源以及最终战胜了的结论。

    In addition, this thesis explores the normality in abnormal behaviors in this part, concluding that the abnormal behaviors have their roots and the good eventually overcomes the evil.


  • 酒店设计机构专注白金五星级五星级酒店以及国际精品酒店的VI形象设计品牌推广

    Pensam Hotel Design Organization Focused on Platinum 5-star Hotel, Five Stars Hotel and International Boutique Hotel VI Image Design and The Brand Promotion.


  • 感谢各位长人翁捐助以及CAF悉心照顾已经由毛囊虫引起皮肤病康复过来,我可以安排领养喇!

    Thank you for the donations of all generous donors and the care from CAF, I have been recovered from skin diseases due to demodex and now I can be arranged for adoption.


  • 感谢各位长人翁捐助以及CAF悉心照顾已经由毛囊虫引起皮肤病康复过来,我可以安排领养喇!

    Thank you for the donations of all generous donors and the care from CAF, I have been recovered from skin diseases due to demodex and now I can be arranged for adoption.


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