• 薄壁管桩应变检测时,存在桩头效应以及截面假定适应性问题

    The three-dimensional effects of pile head and applicability of plane-section assumption are main problems in low strain dynamic tests on cast-in-situ concrete thin-wall pipe piles.


  • 介绍高等级公路线形设计纵断面线形设计,以及、面线形组合设计。

    Combined with the alignment design of Taichang Expressway, the paper introduced some experience of horizontal and longitudinal alignment combination.


  • 王明宝占儒介绍了煤集团“两区”综合治理改造以及平地区改造工作情况

    Ming Bao introduced to Xue Zhanru with the Coal and other "two areas" comprehensive management transformation and the transformation of Pingwang the case of urban areas.


  • 二十五年前,结合大会以及安理会意味着以以及平与正义基础国际秩序无上包管小国来讲,尤其云云。

    A quarter of century ago the General Assembly and the Security Council symbolized, especially for the small countries, the supreme guarantee of a new international order.


  • 开始了解正确关系,需要拥有以及个人项目中的历史支持组合方面的经验

    Knowing the right balance at the onset requires experience with use cases and historical teaming of individuals on the project.


  • 19世纪早期床式印刷机发明以及象《纽约太阳报》这样畅销报纸出现标志着一个影响深远变化

    The invention of the steam press in the early 19th century, and the emergence of mass-market newspapers such as the new York Sun, therefore marked a profound shift.


  • 穷的人面临是双重困境:世界范围萧条以及食品价格的新一轮上涨

    The poorest face two crises: the world recession and the resumption of food-price rises.


  • 尽管大宗商品价格不断上涨,但预计它们将逐步“趋”,而且由于经济放缓制约企业给员工加薪以及提高产品售价潜在通胀得到缓解

    Though commodity prices continue to rise, he said he expects them to 'level out' and expected underlying inflation to ease as the slower economy inhibits firms from raising wages and prices.


  • Morsella 也认同上述说法,“人们日常直观关于自我以及行为控制想法错误的,就像地球这类直觉。”

    “The intuitive everyday idea about the sense of self and its control over behavior is as incorrect as the idea that the earth is flat, ” Morsella agreed.


  • 卡尔斯基和同事美国219名本科生研究生的学业网络使用习惯以及使用Facebook的情况进行了调查

    Karpinski and a colleague questioned 219 us undergraduates and graduates about their study practices and general Internet use, as well as their specific use of Facebook.


  • 其他奖品还有台50英寸的超电视机、夏威夷单程机票以及巴黎

    Other prizes: a 50-inch flat-screen television, airfare to Hawaii and a trip to Paris.


  • ,大剧院负责人表示,到时,所有公共场所景观照明系统办公室以及剧院内部的灯都熄灭,取而代之的美妙的音乐和舞曲,只有用于紧急情况的火警灯会亮着。

    Wei Ping from the center says all the landscape lamps and the illumination system in the public area, offices and theaters will be switched off.


  • 衣饰款式包括跟凉鞋考究——足以装下钱包部手机——以及舒适宽松礼服

    The look includes flat sandals, dressy bags large enough to hold a wallet as well as a phone, and comfy loose gowns.


  • 在闷桑德兰以及2 - 2踢和西之后他们英超

    It was their third consecutive league draw, following a stalemate with Sunderland and a 2-2 against West Bromwich Albion.


  • 第一简要介绍民歌体裁分类基本特征以及劳动号子的体裁特点功能意义。 第二章比较详尽的介绍了胶东渔民号子的种类,大体分为号、急号、慢号三大类。

    The first chapter introduced the folk song literature style classification and the essential feature briefly, as well as work song literature style characteristic and functional meaning.


  • 这位中场球员足总杯切尔西与热3比3以及最后切尔西取胜重赛里都没有登场亮相。

    The midfielder played no part in the FA Cup match against Spurs last season that ended 3-3, and also had to watch on as Chelsea won the replay.


  • 底座切的翅膀,则是稳定正派诚实的表征。整个造型象征超越翱翔、和以及带向健康快乐的未来

    The flat wings shown on the bottom symbolize steadiness decency and faithfulness. the entire motif suggests surmounting soaring peacefulness and the upbeat and blessed future.


  • 重点研究入过程中,不同屈服强度薄膜屈服强度基体屈服强度之比)以及不同压头尺寸下硬基体对压痕规律影响

    The emphasis was put on the critical indentation depth with the influence of the yield strength ratio of the soft film to the harder substrate and the size of the indenter.


  • 碳化本色以及斑马大类颜色两种纹路可以选择

    Bamboo leather have carbide, ecru and zebras three kinds of color, flat crush, lateral pressure two lines can choose.


  • 着重讨论检查空肠憩室诊断价值以及X线分型临床意义

    This article discussed the diagnostic value of plain film for jejunal diverticula and clinical meaning of X - ray classification.


  • 本文分析讨论了弓滋康二郎以及奥田丰三提出计算ILS非极变化的方法。

    The methods for deriving ILS stations 'non-polar variation of mean latitude have been given by S. Yumi and Y. Wako and by t.


  • 主要生产大理石挂件不锈钢冲压件,以及各种标准规格材质垫圈弹簧垫圈﹑冲压件﹑螺栓螺母机械零部件

    We mainly produce the marble accessories, stainless steel stampings, and flat washers, spring washers, stampings, bolts, nuts and mechanical parts in all kinds of standard, specification and material.


  • 介绍网印花机上进行活性染料金粉共同印花时金粉浆配制、注意事项,以及印花生产过程中对花版的制备活性染料色浆性能等要求。

    The preparation of copper powder paste and stencil as well as the property of reactive paste during alongside printing with reactive and copper powder on flat screen printing were introduced.


  • 面组织计划包含洋村大桥总体面图以及预制项目部的局部面图。

    Plane plans include Ping Lai Bridge and the overall plan of prefabricated field and the local Department of the project plan.


  • 面组织计划包含洋村大桥总体面图以及预制项目部的局部面图。

    Plane plans include Ping Lai Bridge and the overall plan of prefabricated field and the local Department of the project plan.


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