He put one grain on the first square, two on the second, and so on.
Connect your main branches to the central picture and connect your second-and-third-level branches to the first and second levels, etc.
By analogy, memes also get replicated and in the process pass on cultural information from person to person, generation to generation.
A tertiary bitmap contains information about the next 64 fields, and so on.
The insolence and brutality of anger, in the same manner, when we indulge its fury without check or restraint, is, of all objects, the most detestable.
And in another fifteen minutes, you'll have 2000 left, and so on until they're all gone.
When you reach the first landmark, then mentally think of running to the next and so forth.
In turn, this boosts the profits of goods manufacturers, with a similar effect.
A local process might contain another local process and so on, to any number of levels.
Register 3 should hold the first parameter, register 4 should hold the second one, and so on.
In this case, processor 0 is attached to logical node 0, processor 1 to node 1, and so on.
Ideally, the first option would be the most commonly used one, the second would be the second-most commonly used, etc.
Ptolemy II was the first general who ruled Egypt, and then his descendants would be named II, III, and IV and that sort of — and so forth.
You then concatenate that result to the result of the second element's toHtml method being called, and so on.
Many people use reverse chronological order when listing dates; that is, start with the most recent date first and work backwards.
The unflappable manager moves the occupant of room 1 to room 2, room 2 to room 4, room 3 to room 6, and so on.
很简单 -- $1是传给脚本的第一个命令行自变量,$2 是第二个,以此类推。
Very simple -- $1 is the first command-line argument to the script, $2 is the second, etc.
以此类推,对比一下有些建筑使用Lego,而有些建筑则使用Play -Doh。
As an analogy, contrast building something using Lego, versus building something using Play-Doh.
As soon as one plank became old and rotted, it would be replaced, and so on until every working part of the ship was no longer original to it.
is two, 10% it means that if the market goes up 10% in value, the stock tends to go up 20% in value and so on.
"Consider that an a engine is half as strong as a B engine, and so on," says engineering professor Marlow Moser.
Linux will name these devices from sda to SDZ (then sdaa to SDZZ and so on).
Whenever a new guest arrives, the manager shifts the occupant of room 1 to room 2, room 2 to room 3, and so on.
And that, at least, proves something that is sometimes forgotten. Scientists are as human as everyone else.
Tech Review explains: There are 1-grams for one-letter words, 2-grams for two-letter words and so on.
Only in this case the Gateway will try to forward the request to the second dispatcher in its list and so forth.
So in maddening situations in which anger or indignation are justified, anger is not a bad idea, the thinking goes.
The only other interesting fact is that the sequence number increases on each record, it's now 1 (and the next record will be 2, etc).
The only other interesting fact is that the sequence number increases on each record, it's now 1 (and the next record will be 2, etc).