A week later, a car ran towards Irene's house at a fast velocity.
They have completed many of their contracts with dizzying speed.
Since most households now have computers with internet connection this service is being adopted at a rapid pace.
NGC 6946 is bright in infrared light and rich in gas and dust, exhibiting a furious rate of star formation.
One reason for this is that China is changing at such a blistering speed that new opportunities are becoming available to skilled workers of both genders.
Along with the rapid development of computer network and the communicative technology, the Internet is extending to every level and every field of society at a very fast speed.
Even if you doubt that we are already in a digital age, it is clear that we are marching relentlessly toward a condition where everything that can be digital will be digital.
Like steam her excitement seemed to drive her forward, and she ran down at a tremendous rate.
You need to know exactly where the user is looking if you want to render graphics that line up with the world, especially when their eyes saccade (jump around), which our eyes do at a very high rate.
Some 22m Indians are now served by microfinance institutions, and outstanding credit has been growing at over 50% a year.
In the meanwhile we had been making headway at a good pace for a boat so overloaded, and we had shipped but little water in the process. We were now close in;
In the meanwhile we had been making headway at a good pace for a boat so overloaded, and we had shipped but little water in the process. We were now close in;