• 研究发现每天私下拜访朋友亲戚价值相当于6位数额外收入

    The study found that seeing friends or relatives in person almost every day is worth more than six figures in additional income.


  • 银牌价值相当于金牌的一半略一点;铜牌根本值钱。

    The bronze MEDALS wouldn't be worth much at all.


  • 吉姆我们现在每年制造销售价值相当于二亿美元产品

    Jim: We currently produce and sell around two hundred million U. S. dollars worth of products each year.


  • 通常500葵花籽营养价值相当于2公斤普通色拉油

    Generally, nutritive value of 500g sunflower seed oil is equivalent to that of 2 kg common salad oil.


  • 糙米营养价值相当于高于玉米一种良好能量饲料

    It is suggested that early paddy brown rice is a good energy feedstuff because its nutritive value is higher than or similar to that of maize.


  • 比如插头汽车可能需要价值相当于每公升25美分汽油电力供应

    Plug-in cars, for example, could be fuelled with electricity at a price equivalent to 25 cents a litre of petrol.


  • 扣留依法变卖其价值相当于应纳税款货物或者其他财产,以变卖所得抵缴税款。

    Detain and sell off dutiable goods or other properties valued at that tax payable and withhold tax from the proceeds.


  • 摩西 希腾堡银器店停下脚步,买了螺旋状的戒指在无名指上,这只戒指价值相当于37美元。

    I stopped to look at Mosh Shternberg’s silver work and bought a spiral-shaped ring that wraps around my ring finger, for the equivalent then of about $37.


  • 人力资本应属于“看涨期权”,物资资本所有者购买人力资本所支付价值相当于期权的权利金

    When the owner who possesses the material capital pays for the human capita, the value is as equal as the option premium.


  • 方式开发商没有感到害羞表明这个模式最高价值相当于灵敏度水平ISO 8000。

    By the way, developers did not feel shy to indicate for this model the maximum value of equivalent sensitivity at the level ISO 8000.


  • 现举一例,研究人员询问当地专家,要收回价值相当于他们国家人均收入一半逾期款项涉及哪些问题。

    To take just one, researchers asked local experts what would be involved in recovering an overdue payment worth half their country's average income per head.


  • 市值下跌几乎相当于整个福特公司价值

    Its market capitalisation has dropped by an amount roughly equal to the entire value of Ford.


  • 法国工程集团AlstomStettler先生表示,公司手中仍价值470亿欧元($610亿)的积压订单,这相当于过去利润总和

    According to Mr Stettler, Alstom, a French engineering group, has an order backlog worth 47 billion euro ($61 billion), equivalent to more than two years of revenue.


  • 世界粮食计划署他们已经为45万海地人民配送了价值300万口粮相当于1000万顿餐食

    The World Food Program says it has delivered three million rations, the equivalent of nearly 10 million meals, to 450,000 people.


  • 笼养每周6个鸡蛋,喂养耗费的成本大约相当于150个鸡蛋的价值每年可以净得150个鸡蛋。

    A battery chicken will lay six eggs a week. She might cost the equivalent of 150 eggs to feed, producing an annual net gain of 150 eggs.


  • 八月十八号内阁通过了一项价值1.1万亿泰铢三年消费计划相当于基础设施建设,医疗教育消耗的总和。

    On August 18th the cabinet approved a new three-year spending package worth Bt1.1trn, much of which will be spent on infrastructure, healthcare and education.


  • 极限价值理论就是为此而设计的,不过相当于重新安排泰坦尼克船上座椅而已。

    Extreme Value Theory was supposed to do that, but that's just "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic."


  • 数据显示价值2000万美元的高级私人飞机而言,去年中国大陆富豪买了15架,相当于2008年购买量两倍

    Statistics show that 15 high-end private planes, worth $20m each one, were bought by the rich on the Chinese mainland in 2009, with the number twice the sales in 2008.


  • 一个原因是微软最近花了2亿4千万美金,仅仅收购公司1.6%股权,Facebook被评估为价值150亿美元,几乎相当于施乐的总和(注:两个都500强企业)。

    One reason: Microsoft recently bought a mere 1.6% of the company for $240 million, an investment that values Facebook at $15 billion, which is in the ballpark of Gap and Xerox.


  • 男士当然迎接挑战因为挑战其他人自己影响力影响深远已经相当于超过了朋友钻石价值

    The men will of course will have to rise to the challenge of providing a symbol of affection for their significant others that equals or surpasses the value of their friend's diamond.


  • 违法者可能面临最高罚款额相当于产品销售价值10

    Offenders could face maximum fines which would be 10 times the value of sold products.


  • 历史学家Guy Halsall粗略的整个窖藏物品价值做出估价,相当于当时的800个金币(索里迪),这相当于80马的价值

    Historian Guy Halsall has estimated the value of the hoard's gold in its day as equivalent to 800 solidi, about 80 horses' worth.


  • 2005年为止美元相当于1.60 - 1.70斐济,一欧元则价值2.10 - 2.20斐济元

    So far in 2005, one US dollar has varied between approximately 1.60 and 1.70 Fijian dollars, and similarly one Euro has been worth between 2.10 and 2.20 Fijian dollars.


  • 根据渣打银行数据,库存公寓已经去年夏天0增加现在相当于3个月价值

    The unsold inventory of apartments has gone from zero last summer to about three monthsworth now, according to Standard Chartered Bank.


  • 根据渣打银行数据,库存公寓已经去年夏天0增加现在相当于3个月价值

    The unsold inventory of apartments has gone from zero last summer to about three monthsworth now, according to Standard Chartered Bank.


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