The study found that seeing friends or relatives in person almost every day is worth more than six figures in additional income.
Jim: We currently produce and sell around two hundred million U. S. dollars worth of products each year.
Generally, nutritive value of 500g sunflower seed oil is equivalent to that of 2 kg common salad oil.
It is suggested that early paddy brown rice is a good energy feedstuff because its nutritive value is higher than or similar to that of maize.
Plug-in cars, for example, could be fuelled with electricity at a price equivalent to 25 cents a litre of petrol.
Detain and sell off dutiable goods or other properties valued at that tax payable and withhold tax from the proceeds.
我在摩西 希腾堡银器店停下脚步,买了一只螺旋状的戒指戴在无名指上,这只戒指的价值相当于37美元。
I stopped to look at Mosh Shternberg’s silver work and bought a spiral-shaped ring that wraps around my ring finger, for the equivalent then of about $37.
When the owner who possesses the material capital pays for the human capita, the value is as equal as the option premium.
由的方式,开发商并没有感到害羞,以表明这个模式的最高价值相当于灵敏度水平的ISO 8000。
By the way, developers did not feel shy to indicate for this model the maximum value of equivalent sensitivity at the level ISO 8000.
To take just one, researchers asked local experts what would be involved in recovering an overdue payment worth half their country's average income per head.
Its market capitalisation has dropped by an amount roughly equal to the entire value of Ford.
According to Mr Stettler, Alstom, a French engineering group, has an order backlog worth 47 billion euro ($61 billion), equivalent to more than two years of revenue.
The World Food Program says it has delivered three million rations, the equivalent of nearly 10 million meals, to 450,000 people.
A battery chicken will lay six eggs a week. She might cost the equivalent of 150 eggs to feed, producing an annual net gain of 150 eggs.
On August 18th the cabinet approved a new three-year spending package worth Bt1.1trn, much of which will be spent on infrastructure, healthcare and education.
Extreme Value Theory was supposed to do that, but that's just "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic."
Statistics show that 15 high-end private planes, worth $20m each one, were bought by the rich on the Chinese mainland in 2009, with the number twice the sales in 2008.
One reason: Microsoft recently bought a mere 1.6% of the company for $240 million, an investment that values Facebook at $15 billion, which is in the ballpark of Gap and Xerox.
The men will of course will have to rise to the challenge of providing a symbol of affection for their significant others that equals or surpasses the value of their friend's diamond.
Offenders could face maximum fines which would be 10 times the value of sold products.
历史学家Guy Halsall粗略的对整个窖藏物品的价值做出了估价,相当于当时的800个金币(索里迪),这相当于80匹马的价值。
Historian Guy Halsall has estimated the value of the hoard's gold in its day as equivalent to 800 solidi, about 80 horses' worth.
2005年为止,一美元相当于1.60 - 1.70斐济元间,一欧元则价值2.10 - 2.20斐济元间。
So far in 2005, one US dollar has varied between approximately 1.60 and 1.70 Fijian dollars, and similarly one Euro has been worth between 2.10 and 2.20 Fijian dollars.
The unsold inventory of apartments has gone from zero last summer to about three months’ worth now, according to Standard Chartered Bank.
The unsold inventory of apartments has gone from zero last summer to about three months’ worth now, according to Standard Chartered Bank.