• 谢天谢地因为音乐生涯,我对路的热爱维持前行或安顿两者任一的生活方式

    Thankfully due to my music career, my love of the road will remain satisfied either way.


  • 抵用券我们任一分支机构都可以使用。

    This voucher can be redeemed at any of our branches.


  • 阿尔弗雷德导演的一角色

    Alfredo offered her a part in the play he was directing.


  • 他们工作检查以确认没有任一签署国违背协议

    Their job is to check that none of the signatory countries is cheating on the agreement.


  • 一直摄影公司销售代表

    I'd been working as a sales rep for a photographic company.


  • 同样重要标准物种是否有能力全球任一生态灾难中生存下来。

    An equally important criterion is the ability of a species to survive random global ecological catastrophes due to impacts.


  • 如果有两个飞行昆虫种群居住相距不远的不同山谷中,那么任一种群中的个体都有可能来回飞行,从而使基因流动继续

    If two flying insect populations took up residence in separate nearby valleys, chances are that individuals from each population would fly back and forth, continuing gene flow.


  • 最高法院法官Sandra DayO'Connor已经70多岁,卫生局局长C. EverettKoop80多时还担新成立的互联网公司主席

    Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O' Connor is in her 70s and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop chairs an Internet start-up in his 80s.


  • 讨论产品可以支持任一这些过程建模工作末尾

    The products under discussion can support you at either end of these process and modeling continuums.


  • 相关可以参与交换任一提供创建者可以根据底层传输来确定

    The correlator can be provided by either end of the exchange and its creator may be determined based on the underlying transport.


  • 这所有问题没有正确答案任一选项都是可以权衡的。

    With all of these questions, there is no right answer and either choice can be justified.


  • 实质上一个方法任一标识属性可以映射注释返回类型

    Virtually any identifying attribute of a method can be mapped from class and package names down to annotations and return types.


  • 目前,适合这些用途任一用途的血管选择很有限

    At the moment, the optons for either of these things are limited.


  • 一方面,全局变量一种同一组件内的任一代码片段使用的变量。

    A global variable, on the other hand, is available to be used in any snippet within the same component.


  • 如果简单格式转换任一现代数据集成平台都可以支持

    When it comes to a simple format conversion, any modern data integration platform can support it.


  • 使用gpg加密任何消息可以使用GPG、PGP支持任一程序的任何数量电子邮件客户机插件解密

    Any messages encrypted using GPG can be decrypted with GPG, PGP, or any number of E-mail client plug-ins that support either program.


  • 或许SEC纷踏发出传票呈现些许实质东西,但是任一监管方迄今还未提供这样证据

    It may be that the SEC's flurry of subpoenas turns up something substantial. But neither of the watchdogs has produced such evidence so far.


  • TCS可能舍弃初始航空预定之前推选重试任一所有余下事务单元

    The TCS may elect to retry any or all of the remaining transaction elements prior to failing the initial air reservation.


  • 看到的,任一精美相片能用作网站不错背景

    As you will see, any of these beautiful photographs will also create a great background for your website.


  • IMF说的任一时间比较可靠的。

    IMF: You are quite right that comparison to any one point in time could be deceptive.


  • 两个标准非常相似,以致如果存在合适容器或者代理任一接口编写Portlet可互换

    The two standards are similar enough that portlets written to either interface are interchangeable if the proper containers or proxies are present.


  • 刚刚指示作为其中任一操作输入任何order业务对象OrderNumber特性都OrderNumber相关别名

    You have just indicated that the OrderNumber attribute of any order business object used as input to either operation is an alias for the OrderNumber correlation.


  • 就是任一冥想美妙之处,就是任一种冥想的美妙之处。

    That's one of the beauties of any of this kind of mindful meditation.


  • 一定是正确因为罪恶之人身上都没有一点值得得到上帝一点点的神圣之

    That has to be true, since there is certainly nothing in any sinner worthy of even the smallest degree of divine love.


  • 如果每个编码任务实现有形业务价值可以停止迭代客户交付重要特性

    If each coding task implements tangible business value, you can stop your iteration at any point and deliver the most important features to your customers.


  • 对于满足e JB环境迁移任一标准应用程序推荐使用这些方案

    These alternatives are not recommended for applications that meet any of the criteria for migration to an EJB environment.


  • 有些花费的时间平均时间要少,其他的一些人则花费更多项目有可能处在这一范围中的任一

    Some folks don't spend as much as the averages, while others spend much more, and your project could be anywhere in that range.


  • 无脑金发美女:总是还拒的“脉搏加速器”,毫无疑问,特定的日子里斯嘉莉的IQ胜过周围大多数100

    Dumb Blonde: Always the reluctant pulse-raiser, there’s never any doubt that Johansson’s IQ is 100 times higher than most people in her vicinity on any given day.


  • 了不起的顾问辅导者可能公司成功特别是创业初期至关重要

    Having great advisors and mentors can be critical to the success of any company, but particularly a start-up.


  • 了不起的顾问辅导者可能公司成功特别是创业初期至关重要

    Having great advisors and mentors can be critical to the success of any company, but particularly a start-up.


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