Consumers may take CSR spending as a "signal" that a company's products are of high quality.
First, consumers may take CSR spending as a "signal" that a company's products are of high quality.
New research suggests that CSR may create monetary value for companies—at least when they are prosecuted for corruption.
Researchers admit that their study does not answer the question of how much businesses ought to spend on CSR.
The study found that, among prosecuted firms, those with the most comprehensive CSR programmes tended to get more lenient penalties.
Previous studies on CSR have had trouble differentiating these effects because consumers can be affected by all three.
根据咨询公司EPG 的评估,美英两国最大型的公司每年在企业社会责任层面上投入共计超过150亿美元。
The largest firms in America and Britain together spend more that 15 billion a year on CSR, according to an estimate by EPG, a consulting firm.
The issue of whether businesses should promote corporate social responsibility (CSR) is hotly debated.
On this foundation, explicit social responsibility of enterprise to should of health communication layer.
Until recently, corporate social responsibility among businesses has revolved around risk mitigation and self-regulation.
It is a great example of how U.S. companies are contributing to the development of corporate social responsibility here in China.
It was an easy prediction to make: that the recession would end talk of corporate social responsibility.
In part it was a new way of packaging the clumsy old "corporate social responsibility" (CSR).
We think it is a hybrid between cause marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility Programs. Let's unpack these two definitions.
Thoughtful advocates of CSR also concede that companies are unlikely to do things that are against their self-interest.
All of this begs the question: what is the difference between the corporate foundations and the CSR department of the founding corporations?
We also aspire to be a global leader in the financial-services industry—with a strong brand name and a solid record for corporate citizenship and social responsibility.
But done well, CSR can motivate employees and strengthen brands, while also providing benefits to society.
Social media has begun to play a key role in how companies shape their corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies and present themselves as good corporate citizens.
As discussed above, many corporate foundations are viewed as the CSR departments of their founding corporations and carry out the CSR tasks and related activities for the corporations.
More recently, Porter has started to write about health care and corporate social responsibility, applying his thinking about competition to social issues.
In this framework, the enterprise organization gets validity through the social contract with society, and the enterprise social obligation is stipulated by a series of social contract.
Porter, M.E. and Kramer, M.R., "Strategy and Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility", Harvard Business Review, December 2006.
When it comes to getting at the truth, subjects like green and corporate social responsibility (CSR) rank right up there with asking a middle-aged man why he bought the sports car.
When it comes to getting at the truth, subjects like green and corporate social responsibility (CSR) rank right up there with asking a middle-aged man why he bought the sports car.