The priority date is generally the date when the applicant's relative or employer properly filed the immigrant visa petition on the applicant's behalf with USCIS.
The priority date is the date when the petition was filed at a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) office or submitted to an Embassy or Consulate abroad.
Optionally, you can list additional information for each URL, including its last modification date, its change frequency, an expiration date, and a priority value.
If you review the business rules detailed in the problem to solve, you'll notice that the rules for assigning a tests due date have a precedence order.
The reason is that the tests due date rule for Test3 has precedence over the tests due date rules for Test4 and Test5.
You can specify the order of the work packages in the work list by priority or date.
The list can be filtered by task state (draft, started or finished), and can be sorted by priority, start date or due time.
Each row also contains the customer key that placed the order, the total value of the order, the date the order was placed, and a code describing its priority.
The Schedule page shows the start and expiration dates for the advertisement and the priority setting.
There are some unfair ways in which rich Americans have rewarded themselves, from backdated share options to reserved places at universities for the offspring of alumni.
Although, not in itself, enough to monopolise an invention a provisional application will provide an applicant with an all important priority date and patent pending number.
You can be sure that as you get closer to this date your priorities will change and your agenda will shift accordingly.
Schedule dates for order execution, priority of the task, allocation to a revision.
Seniority date providing workers with the ability to exercise preferences such as bidding on shifts and overtime.
Coordination of translation tasks to take into account shifting priorities and changes to deadlines.
Coordination of translation tasks to take into account shifting priorities and changes to deadlines.