• 并不意味着应该辞去现有的工作而着手一篇伟大的著作

    "Now this doesn't mean, he says, that you should" get all stupid on me and quit your day job to devote your time to sculpting or writing the next great novel.


  • 一切伟大著作令人生厌章节一切伟人生活无聊乏味的时候。——《幸福之路》。

    All great books have boring chapters, every great man's life is boring sometimes.


  • 作者摩尔18年前开始了这本伟大的著作名出色保守党记者富有同情心观察敏锐。

    Mr Moore, a distinguished Tory journalist who began this great project 18 years ago, is a sympathetic and sensitive observer.


  • 开始了著作上学》,伟大的著作《形上学》,书中的开头陈述即是,“所有求知欲

    He begins his Metaphysics, his great book the Metaphysics, : with the famous opening statement, " "All men have a desire to know."


  • 特雷弗-罗珀未能写出一部伟大的著作,这不仅个人心理裁定,也是对战后英国萎靡状态的一种裁定。

    Trevor-Roper's failure to write a great work was not only a verdict on his own psychology, it was a verdict on the shrunken state of post-war Britain.


  • 他们忘记了,即使不在封面贴上藏书票表明自己书籍拥有,人们也可以从一本伟大的著作获得的精神,领略它美丽

    They forget that it is possible for a man to acquire that idea, to possess the beauty, which a great book contains, without staking his claim by pasting his bookplate inside the cover.


  • 因为一部伟大的著作就是份厚礼使经历一生中没有时间亲身经历的生活,带到一个你在现实中没有时间去遨游世界

    For a great book is necessarily a gift; it offers you a life you have not time to live yourself, and it takes you into a world you have not the time to travel in literal time.


  • 查尔斯·达尔文诞生已经过去了差不多200物种起源这本被认为是史伟大著作出版算起,以及过去了150年。

    It will soon be 200 years since the birth of Charles Darwin and 150 years since the publication of on the Origin of Species, arguably the most important book ever written.


  • 公关人员熬夜攻读伟大经济学家著作而闻名。

    PUBLIC-RELATIONS folk are not noted for burning the midnight oil over the works of great economists.


  • 知道最有名的采用积极方式阅读伟大著作,芝加哥大学的校长哈金斯。

    The most famous active reader of great books I know was President Hutchins, of the University of Chicago.


  • 罗伯特先生对战争伟业表现了孩子般的欢欣崇拜隐藏这部伟大著作后面调子去时对所有战争中失去的深切的悲痛

    Mr Roberts shows boyish pleasure and admiration at the great feats of arms he describes. But the underlying tones of this magnificent book are in a minor key: furious sorrow at the waste of it all.


  • 一时期没有乔治奥•瓦萨里这样人物,这位文艺复兴艺术家传播同时代伟大成就;他的著作《艺苑名人传》至今被广为阅读

    The period had no Giorgio Vasari, the Renaissance artist who publicised the magnificent achievements of his contemporaries; his book, “The Lives of the Artists”, is still widely read.


  • 有一天,一部伟大小说会问世,来描述这次信用危机安东尼·特罗洛普19世纪经典著作我们现在生活方式》一书中的台词也会忝列其间。

    SOME day a great novel will be written about the credit crunch, along the lines of Anthony Trollope's 19th-century classic, "the Way We Live Now".


  • 评论家一致相信该书伟大的作家的两本经典著作瓶中妖魔《驴记》并驾齐驱。

    The critics were unanimous in the belief that it would take its place with those two classics by two great writers, "The Bottle Imp" and "The Magic Skin."


  • 尔顿乐园中塑造撒旦形象所有著作伟大创造之一,撒旦如撒旦本该有的邪恶一样邪恶。

    Milton, when he created Satan in Paradise Lost, which is one of the greatest creations in all of literature, made Satan as evil as Satan should be.


  • 牛顿伟大的科学著作原理问世,牛顿正在剑桥大学任职。

    In Newton the greatest scientific work "principle" when coming out, Newton is holding a post in Cantabrigian university.


  • 本册收集的最好以前公布的亚伯拉罕·林肯和林肯奖学金伟大的传记作家之一本杰明·托马斯著作

    This volume gathers the best previously unpublished and uncollected writings on Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln scholarship by one of his great biographers, Benjamin P. Thomas.


  • 20世纪伟大哲学家,《知识考古学》是重要著作

    Michel foucault is a great philosopher of the20th century. the archaeology of knowledge is his important works.


  • 霍金著作伟大设计》中,声称爆炸创造了世界以及否定了关于上帝的理论时,引发了人们的反感

    In his book Grand Design, Hawking caused a revolt when he said that the Big Bang created the world and dismissed the idea of God.


  • 他的论文学术界一项伟大著作

    Hiss thesis is a masterpiece in academic circles.


  • 《道德不仅一部伟大的哲学著作也是一部重要领导学著作

    Tao Te Ching is not only a great philosophy works, but also an important book on leadership.


  • 蒙古秘史一部历史学军事学文学方面均取得了伟大成就著作。但在以往的研究中。

    The Secret history of Mongolia is a great work that is highly valued in the fields of history, military as well as literature.


  • 图书重要性我们生活学术著作伟大作家

    The importance of Books in our life, and scholarly works of great authors.


  • 可以一直追溯到凯恩斯伟大著作作“通论”。这本书1936年我们研究繁荣衰退提供新的方法

    It really is traced to Keynes' great book The General Theory, which in 1936 provided a new way for us to think about booms and recessions.


  • 可以一直追溯到凯恩斯伟大著作作“通论”。这本书1936年我们研究繁荣衰退提供新的方法

    It really is traced to Keynes' great book The General Theory, which in 1936 provided a new way for us to think about booms and recessions.


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