"Now this doesn't mean, he says, that you should" get all stupid on me and quit your day job to devote your time to sculpting or writing the next great novel.
All great books have boring chapters, every great man's life is boring sometimes.
Mr Moore, a distinguished Tory journalist who began this great project 18 years ago, is a sympathetic and sensitive observer.
He begins his Metaphysics, his great book the Metaphysics, : with the famous opening statement, " "All men have a desire to know."
Trevor-Roper's failure to write a great work was not only a verdict on his own psychology, it was a verdict on the shrunken state of post-war Britain.
They forget that it is possible for a man to acquire that idea, to possess the beauty, which a great book contains, without staking his claim by pasting his bookplate inside the cover.
For a great book is necessarily a gift; it offers you a life you have not time to live yourself, and it takes you into a world you have not the time to travel in literal time.
It will soon be 200 years since the birth of Charles Darwin and 150 years since the publication of on the Origin of Species, arguably the most important book ever written.
PUBLIC-RELATIONS folk are not noted for burning the midnight oil over the works of great economists.
The most famous active reader of great books I know was President Hutchins, of the University of Chicago.
Mr Roberts shows boyish pleasure and admiration at the great feats of arms he describes. But the underlying tones of this magnificent book are in a minor key: furious sorrow at the waste of it all.
The period had no Giorgio Vasari, the Renaissance artist who publicised the magnificent achievements of his contemporaries; his book, “The Lives of the Artists”, is still widely read.
SOME day a great novel will be written about the credit crunch, along the lines of Anthony Trollope's 19th-century classic, "the Way We Live Now".
The critics were unanimous in the belief that it would take its place with those two classics by two great writers, "The Bottle Imp" and "The Magic Skin."
Milton, when he created Satan in Paradise Lost, which is one of the greatest creations in all of literature, made Satan as evil as Satan should be.
In Newton the greatest scientific work "principle" when coming out, Newton is holding a post in Cantabrigian university.
This volume gathers the best previously unpublished and uncollected writings on Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln scholarship by one of his great biographers, Benjamin P. Thomas.
Michel foucault is a great philosopher of the20th century. the archaeology of knowledge is his important works.
In his book Grand Design, Hawking caused a revolt when he said that the Big Bang created the world and dismissed the idea of God.
Tao Te Ching is not only a great philosophy works, but also an important book on leadership.
The Secret history of Mongolia is a great work that is highly valued in the fields of history, military as well as literature.
The importance of Books in our life, and scholarly works of great authors.
It really is traced to Keynes' great book The General Theory, which in 1936 provided a new way for us to think about booms and recessions.
It really is traced to Keynes' great book The General Theory, which in 1936 provided a new way for us to think about booms and recessions.