Further contradicting conventional wisdom, we found that women as well as men have lower levels of stress at work than at home.
"Further contradicting conventional wisdom, we found that women as well as men have lower levels of stress at work than at home, " writes one of the researchers, Sarah Damske.
He questioned traditional ideas and looked for the truth of the universe.
Frank Field, an iconoclastic Labour MP, notes that benefits for single mothers penalise those in stable relationships, which are clearly associated with good parenting.
Being a skeptic of a traditionally-held idea is positively exhilarating.
The judges hoped that the lawyer's secular spirit would be reincarnated as a dog, considered an impure animal in some Jewish traditions.
I just hope that I can express a different idea within the bounds of a tradition.
It's conventional wisdom that bipartisanship results in improved public policy.
"Traditional Chinese values emphasize a patriarchal social system," said Wang.
The extent to which this conventional wisdom had taken hold came out clearly in both Iran and Afghanistan.
But in the minds of the people, myths are much more difficult to uproot, "he says."
Trade fast food for cooking, and maybe you restore some civility to the traditional idea of the meal.
Magic in Siquijor consists mainly of traditional beliefs that have existed in the Philippines for centuries.
In the traditional story of the origin of life, the chances of evolution producing a living cell are vanishingly small.
He was the most interesting man in London, conventional wisdom had it. I don't think I ever met anyone more remarkable.
But perhaps no animal has done more to upend conventional notions than Alex, an African gray parrot.
It is shifting away from traditional acceptance of established authority and putting more emphasis on law and rights.
But these characteristics, medically considered as symptoms of autism, are traditionally seen as unusual by some rural communities across Africa.
Even a beast as iconoclastic as Brangelina, it seems, cannot resist the normalizing force of children.
They find much truth in the conventional wisdom, but also some solace for those who believe small is beautiful.
We cannot enhance our Physical well-being if we're not prepared to question conventional wisdom about diet and health.
They are in distinct contrast with the conventional view of small investors who view the stock market like a casino capable of churning out a quick profit.
Whereas Western companies are hampered by legacy systems and legacy mindsets, they can build their companies around the coming technology.
Conventional wisdom suggests that pressure enhances performance; our real-time data, however, shows that workers perform better when they are happily engaged in what they do.
Conventional wisdom had it that early exposure to potential troublemakers, from peanuts to pets, could lead to allergy issues later.
It takes a lot of courage to challenge conventionally accepted views, and it needs a certain amount of stamina to constantly battle those who want to protect the status quo.
Yet the conventional wisdom argued strongly against Mr Obama seeking the White House in 2008, and we all know how that turned out.
如果在传统观念中,看电视伤眼睛,那么看3D 电视对眼睛的损害可能是普通电视的3倍。
If conventional wisdom says that watching TV is bad for your eyes, watching 3D TV may be three times worse.
如果在传统观念中,看电视伤眼睛,那么看3D 电视对眼睛的损害可能是普通电视的3倍。
If conventional wisdom says that watching TV is bad for your eyes, watching 3D TV may be three times worse.