• 这座据说是传说中的路德国王休息地方

    The hill is supposed to be the resting place of the legendary King Lud.


  • 古希腊传说,俄狄浦斯杀死了父亲母亲乱伦

    Oedipus, according to ancient Greek legend, killed his father and committed incest with his mother.


  • 表演包括中国神话传说戏剧

    Performance includes Chinese fairy tales and plays.


  • 神话传说似乎一直存在英语

    It seems that myths and legends live on in the English language.


  • 中国传说中,羊年出生生活艰难。

    Chinese legend says that people born in the Year of the Sheep have a difficult life.


  • 难怪印度传说魔鬼超自然力量形成的。

    Small wonder that an Indian legend described Devils Tower as being formed by supernatural powers.


  • 一些传说中,魔鬼可以变成任何一种鸟除了鸽子

    There are legends which say that the devil can turn himself into any bird except for a dove.


  • 传说七个女孩袭击时,她们岩石上,岩石之神求助

    The legend says that when seven girls were attacked by bears, they took refuge on top of a small rock, and they appealed to the Rock God for help.


  • 民间传说一样民间故事从古至今口耳相传想象力丰富的故事。

    Folktales are imaginative stories that like folk legends, they've been passed down orally from storyteller to storyteller since ancient times.


  • 许多部落都有关于巨大的多毛生物绑架吃掉人类传说它们的凶猛力量压倒了人类。

    Numerous tribes have legends of massive, hairy creatures that would kidnap and eat humans, overpowering them with their ferocity and strength.


  • 传说即使今天,仍然可以这块高耸岩石上方看到这些女孩就像夜空中的颗闪亮星星

    Even today, says the legend, the girls can be seen above the towering rock, as seven shining stars in the night sky.


  • 亚历山大·弗莱明爵士没有传说那样看着奶酪霉菌,当场就想到了发明青霉素

    Sir Alexander Fleming did not, as legend would have it, look at the mold on a piece of cheese and get the idea for penicillin there and then.


  • 亚历山大·弗莱明爵士没有传说那样看着奶酪霉菌,当场就想到了发明青霉素

    Sir Alexander Fleming did not, as legend would have it, look at the mold on a piece of cheese and get the idea for penicillin there and then.


  • 民间故事民间传说那样的幻想故事它们也是口耳相传的,一代故事讲述者传给下一代。

    Fairy tales are imaginative stories that like folk legends, they have been passed down orally, from storyteller to storyteller.


  • 现在我们已经讨论过了民间传说并且我们看到它们主要特征之一背后都一个真实故事

    Now we've talked about folk legends and seen that their one of their key features is there's usually a real story behind them.


  • 关于尼斯湖水第一故事已经流传了500多年但是关于尼斯湖水传说直到20世纪广泛流传。

    The first story about a monster in Loch Ness was told over 500 years ago, but the legend of the monster spread widely only in the twenties century.


  • 香料本身一直认为是特殊神奇的,而不仅仅食物古代成为事实,有着大量关于香料的传说

    Spices themselves had always been considered special or magical not just for eating and this was already true in the ancient world where legends about spices were abundant.


  • 安第斯的流行传说里,Pishtaco袭击徒步旅行者,割取他们的脂肪,在称赞圆胖的传统文化里,一种令人恐惧命运

    In Andean popular legend, the Pishtaco attacks wayfarers and slices off their fat, a terrifying fate in a culture that traditionally celebrates rotundity.


  • 夏达笔下有精灵公主武士的中世纪小镇个有着追逐梦想的年轻学生的繁忙现代城市,一个有着天真孩子神秘传说安静古镇

    Xia Da has created a medieval town full of elf princesses and knights, and a quiet ancient town with innocent children and mysterious legends.


  • 传说走。

    I've heard whispers that he's leaving.


  • 有种传说美国西部枪手杀死他们枪柄上刻下一个V形记号。

    It is a myth that gunslingers in the American west cut notches in the handle of their pistol for each man they shot.


  • 一个关于李白的传说

    There is a legend about Li Bai.


  • 传说盘古的故事是虚构的。

    The Chinese story of Pangu is an imaginary one.


  • 书面故事不同,口述传说并非由任何一人所创造。

    Unlike written stories, the spoken tradition is not created by any one person.


  • 在李白出生前,他的母亲梦见金星落入她的怀抱。

    Legend says that before Li Bai was born, his mother dreamt that Venus fell into her arms.


  • 中,为了防止人们食用有毒的植物,神农品尝了数百种野生植物,看哪些是有毒的。

    As the legend has it, Shen Nong tasted hundreds of wild plants to see which were poisonous, in order to prevent people from eating the poisonous plants.


  • 实上,特殊的地理特征使它不像传说中的那样干燥,它一年四季都很温暖。

    In fact, the special geographic feature makes it not as dry as it is said to be and it is warm all year round.


  • 传说端午节起源为了纪念屈原灵魂

    Legend has it that the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to recall the soul of Qu Yuan.


  • 根据大学里民间传说优秀的文章能够吸引招生委员会

    According to college folklore, a well turned essay has the power to seduce an admissions committee.


  • 传说公元前3000年左右中国统治者黄帝妻子雷子发现了

    Legend has it that it was Lei Tzu, wife of the Yellow Emperor, ruler of China in about 3000 BC, who discovered silkworms.


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