• 这位69牧师带着些皮肉逃脱了

    The 69-year-old clergyman escaped with superficial wounds.


  • 我们六位一线主力队员不能出场。

    We are missing six first-team regulars because of injury.


  • 在整个战斗一直令无法参战

    His wounds knocked him out of combat for the duration.


  • 股票价格本来下跌大大小小的投资者

    Share prices would have sunkhurting small and big investors.


  • 有7士兵们发射橡皮子弹驱散人群受了

    Seven people were wounded when soldiers fired rubber bullets to disperse crowds.


  • 次双人决斗中他杀还有一次他自己受了

    He killed a man in one duel and was himself wounded in another.


  • 每年保险费可能有点但是如果

    The annual premium can be a little steep, but will be well worth it if your dog is injured.


  • 17名平民其中大多数参加一个21岁生日聚会学生

    Seventeen civilians were hurt. Most are students who had been attending a twenty-first birthday party.


  • 尽管他自己撞车事故福克斯医生仍然救助那个奄奄一息男子

    Dr. Fox went to the aid of the dying man despite having been injured in the crash.


  • 苏克雷看上去还没好,迈克似乎感到十分晕眩

    Sucre seems to be hurting and Michael appears to be very dizzy.


  • 想起了一些母亲在他出生前几天

    He remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he had been born.


  • 自尊心受了郁郁寡欢地坐在那里直到铃声响起

    She sat moody, with wounded pride, till the bell rang.


  • 父亲回答说:“的哥哥们受了你别去了,一点也不会砍柴。”

    The father answered: "Your brothers have hurt themselves with it, leave it alone, you do not understand anything about it."


  • 继续漂泊受了,心里愤愤不平,决心再也不自己受到同样待遇

    He wandered on, wounded and indignant, and was resolved to put himself in the way of like treatment no more.


  • 摩托雪橇手撞到了团队,有受了,还有一只岁大的公被害。

    His team was hit by a snowmobile driver, injuring several dogs and killing a 3-year-old male dog.


  • 目前颈椎病没有客观检测方法,所以确实不能轻易辨别颈椎虚假报告

    Presently, no objective test for whiplash exists, so it is true that spurious reports of whiplash injuries cannot be readily identified.


  • 路上分钟,受了还活着另外18个人从她身边走过骑过,对不理不睬

    She lay in the road for a period of minutes, injured but alive, as a total of 18 other people walked or bicycled by and ignored her.


  • 这个世界上,“如果采取一步行动,可能反受其害,并因此及无辜,”哈斯内尔说道

    In this world, "if you take one action, it can boomerang and harm something else," says Hassner.


  • ,却继续进行比赛

    Shrugging off her injury, she played on.


  • 太阳紫外线皮肤的原因。

    The sun's ultraviolet rays are responsible for both tanning and burning.


  • 风险严重程度取决于身体自然肤色

    The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour.


  • 托尼结果除了一个手指严重青外,没受别的

    Tony emerged unscathed apart from a severely bruised finger.


  • 知道有多重,因为以前从未受过这样

    I don't know how bad the injury is, because I have never had one like this before.


  • 自尊但是好像高估了你重要性。

    I hate to deflate your ego, but you seem to have an exaggerated idea of your importance to me.


  • 即使从头到脚涂抹上防晒系数是7防晒霜,她也会被晒

    She gets sunburned even when she plasters herself from head to toe in factor 7 sun lotion.


  • 一种防护系数30防晒霜使能够太阳底下而不被晒

    A sunscreen with a protection factor of 30 allows you to stay in the sun without burning.


  • 第一这样一个皮肤白皙雀斑人,顶着太阳航海而没有

    It's the first time I, a fair-skinned, freckly type, have sailed in the sun without burning.


  • 未痊愈的时候运动对你的健康有害。

    Exercising when you are hurt is bad for your health.


  • 种植物可用于蜜蜂蜇、轻微灼或是割

    This is the plant you need if you've been stung by a bee, or if you've got a small burn or a cut.


  • 午时分要远离太阳,否则它会晒你的皮肤。

    Keep yourself away from the sun around the noon, or it may burn your skin.


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