• 母亲吸烟可能会伤害出生的孩子

    Maternal smoking can damage the unborn child.


  • 他们声称这样耽搁不会伤害任何人

    They claimed that such a delay wouldn't hurt anyone.


  • 没有伤害感情

    I didn't want to hurt his feelings.


  • 不会刻意去伤害对手

    You do not go out to injure opponents.


  • 查克允许佩尔曼开始公开谈论经受伤害

    Chuck gave Pellman the go-ahead to speak publicly about the injury he sustained.


  • 从马莎眼睛可以看出自尊受到了伤害

    Martha's hurt pride showed in her eyes.


  • 伤害他人为乐

    He gets his kicks from hurting other people.


  • 不能很喜欢马克并不遭到伤害

    I can't say I like Mark very much, but I don't wish him any harm.


  • 多达2千名雇员公司提起了个人伤害诉讼

    Up to 2,000 former employees have filed personal injury suits against the company.


  • 限制公民他人造成人身伤害规定是有法可依

    There are laws circumscribing the right of individual citizens to cause bodily harm to others.


  • 任何时候名救生员确保没有会受到伤害

    There is always a lifeguard to ensure that no one comes to any harm.


  • 有人告诫说,如果不想受到伤害,就查尔斯离得远一点

    She was warned to keep her distance from Charles if she didn't want to get hurt.


  • 确实相信人们可以他们做的事,只要他们伤害他人

    I do believe in people being able to do what they want to do, providing they're not hurting someone else.


  • 认为任何伤害动物体育运动都野蛮的不文明的。

    I think any sport involving harm to animals is barbaric and uncivilized.


  • 父母而言一个保持孩子愉悦仅仅让他们免于伤害简便方法

    For parents, it is an easy way of keeping their children entertained, or simply out of harm's way.


  • 开心不会伤害

    It amuses you and it doesn't hurt me.


  • 梅斯断定金伯利受到伤害

    Mays decided that Kimberly was being harmed.


  • 朋友不会伤害朋友的。

    Friends don't hurt friends.


  • 伤害我们关系

    It's also hurting our relationships.


  • 顾客伤害兔子吗?

    Do any customers ever hurt the rabbits?


  • 我们应该伤害蚂蚁

    We shouldn't hurt ants.


  • 不能伤害

    I couldn't hurt her.


  • 不会伤害

    You wouldn't do no harm.


  • 篇文章伤害宗教感情

    The article offended her religious sensibilities.


  • 永远无法忍受伤害动物残暴行为。

    I could never stomach the cruelty involved in the wounding of animals.


  • 他们刑事伤害罪的指控服罪

    They pleaded guilty to lesser charges of criminal damage.


  • 一刻觉得受到伤害没人爱。

    I think she feels wounded and unloved at the moment.


  • 许多女儿都臆想她们母亲不会受到伤害

    Many daughters assume that their mothers are invulnerable.


  • 亲密助手老朋友背叛深深地伤害了。

    He was deeply wounded by the treachery of close aides and old friends.


  • 不想伤害只是自我防卫挡开攻击

    I did not want to wound him, but to restrict myself to defence, to parry his attacks.


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