• 知道是不是伤风化的聊天室事件可能

    I don't know if this is related to the current "saucy rooms" issue, but it may be.


  • 根据驾驶风格白鲸像是摩托车有可能的功能扩展

    The driving style of the MOBY is more like a motorcycle but with a good possibility of functional extension.


  • 不管如何比利时尚未摆脱危机,可能不会成为希腊很有可能成为下一个意大利

    In any case Belgium is by no means out of the woods. It may not be Greece, but it could easily be the next Italy.


  • 最初也许意味着要假装感兴趣有可能这种假装的兴趣最终会演变为真正的兴趣。

    This might mean feigning interest initially, but it's likely that feigned interest will eventually transform itself into a genuine feeling.


  • 清楚日本需要购买多少美元才能阻止日圆继续升值,有可能高于中国为促进多元化购买日圆。

    It isn't clear exactly how much dollar buying Japan will have to do to protect the yen from getting stronger, but it's likely to more than offset China's diversification into the yen.


  • 研究人员表示这样种视网膜结构意味着鲨鱼能够分辨灰色不同阴影有可能无法分辨各种颜色

    This retinal system means sharks are able to tell between shades of grey but, most probably, not between colors, say the investigators.


  • 截止期今年十月份,虽然这距离当年国会责成保护进行类似筛选实验已经15了,有可能还会延期

    The deadline is this October - 15 years after Congress granted the agency the authority to screen for such effects - but an extension is likely.


  • 他人所热衷食物抱兴趣最初也许意味着要假装感兴趣,有可能这种假装的兴趣最终会演变为真正的兴趣。

    Take interest in the passions of others. This might mean feigning interest initially, but it's likely that feigned interest will eventually transform itself into a genuine feeling.


  • 可能一个天赋设计师作为经理他却无能。

    He may be a very talented designer, but as a manager he's a dead loss.


  • 生活某个问题观察可能第五个就是抱怨不管认为自己聪明

    One funny observation about a problem in your life can be funny, but five is just complaining, no matter how smart you think you are.


  • 如果一位上了年纪的杰出科学家件事可能几乎肯定的,如果他说某件事不可能可能是错的。

    If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible he is almost certainly right, but if he says that it is impossible he is very probably wrong.


  • 距空难已尸体可能具备打捞的条件,这些尸体可能变得且易碎,很有可能机器的作用力下解体

    After two years, the bodies may be recoverable, but they will have a soft, fragile consistency that is likely to disintegrate in the robotic claw.


  • 虽然这个功能用,可能觉得

    While this is auseful feature, some of you might find it irritating.


  • 其它国家虽然15个专家观点可能听起来道理,但很可能不同国家,不同毒品的文化影响是不同的。

    While the opinions of these 15 experts may have some validity in other countries, it's also quite likely that the cultural impact of different drugs in different countries is, well, different.


  • 尽管这些功能很有使用e JB最大好处可能就是事务管理

    While all of these features are useful, perhaps the single greatest advantage of using EJBs is transaction management.


  • 拿到的门牌号来说就我所可能南极洲如果你不在附近的话,这个游戏意义了。

    It was very useful to have your number, but you could have been in Antarctica for all I knew, and the game wouldn't work unless you were close by.


  • 如果专注还是不能发现它的乐趣那么意味着很有可能只在意这件的结果不是整个过程。

    If you concentrate on the task but still do not enjoy it, that means that you probably see the task as a means to an end rather than the process.


  • 检察官汤姆尽管现在被告指控为二级谋杀高级法院很有可能进行严重指控

    Mr Bakkedahl said although the accused has been charged with second-degree murder, a grand jury would probably opt for more serious charges.


  • 虽然我们看到小麦价格过去几天出现下降大米玉米价格很有可能继续居高不下,小麦价格也会保持相对高位。

    Though we have seen wheat prices fall over the last few days, rice and corn prices are likely to remain high, and wheat relatively so.


  • 对开发者来说,本地应用开发可能不是困难的事情,网络开发很有可能他们已经熟练掌握技术

    Native app development may not be the hardest of tasks from a developer's point of view, but Web development is a skill they have likely already mastered and are adept at.


  • 感染H5N1人间病例,这些药物如果及早使用,可能改善存活前景临床数据

    For cases of human infection with H5N1, the drugs may improve prospects of survival, if administered early, but clinical data are limited.


  • 所以确保计划任务时候,也要考虑那些可能不是意思,却可以从中获得成就感的事情。

    So make sure that when you're planning your tasks and activities you include things that might not be fun, but from which you'll gain a sense of achievement.


  • 经济不景气的时候,技工签证需求下降经济复苏的时候,有可能变成一个新问题

    Demand for visas from skilled workers dipped during the recession, but it is likely to become a problem again as the economy recovers.


  • 对预防男性心脏病发作女性中风来说,阿司匹林无疑很有用,专家越来越怀疑可能引起出血

    This heart hero helps ward off heart attacks in men and strokes inwomen, but experts have become more leery of its ability to causeserious stomach bleeding.


  • 即便妻子(或者未婚妻)令人惊叹的工作相比过去最终通过结婚很有可能产生更多财富

    Even if your wife (or soon to be wife) doesn't have an incredible job, it's still likely that marriage is, ultimately, going to make you more money than it used to.


  • 尽管收集特定任务功能信息价值组合插件数据可以提供用户可能提供的角度

    While collecting information on a specific task or function can be valuable, combining plug-in data can provide a perspective that not even users can provide.


  • 尽管收集特定任务功能信息价值组合插件数据可以提供用户可能提供的角度

    While collecting information on a specific task or function can be valuable, combining plug-in data can provide a perspective that not even users can provide.


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