• 知道的气,知道你因为什么生气

    I know you are angry with me, but I don't know what you are angry about.


  • 会谈幕后有利于知道他们知道

    Talks going on behind the scenes will benefit you, but I am not sure if you know about them!


  • 知道是否意识到,忽视一个细节也可能导致失败

    But I don't know whether you realize that ignore a detail may lead to failure.


  • 英语说得很流利知道能否英语记帐清算帐目。

    You can speak English fluently but I wonder if you can deal with bookkeeping and acing in English.


  • 英语说得很流利知道能否英语记帐清算帐目。

    You can speak English fluently but I wonder if you can deal with bookkeeping and accounting in English.


  • 知道了解艺术能说流利法语德语但我不知道做过图书管理员。

    I know you know a lot about art and speak fluent French and German; I had no idea you were a librarian.


  • 所有其他孩子开始杜伦大学牛津大学剑桥大学递交申请书知道要提前个月就得申请,所以了。

    All the other kids were sending off their applications to Durham University and Oxford and Cambridge but I didn't know you did that three or four months before, so I was way late.


  • 知道是否是拥有过的最好团队可以这么告诉他们非常的合作伙伴。

    I don't know if it's the best team I've ever had, but I can tell you this much, they're incredible people to be around.


  • 知道还记得吗,最好朋友牙买加平原,当都还是孩子时

    I don't know if you remember me, but we used to be best friends in Jamaica Plain when we were kids.


  • 知道怎么做认为简单的把教授当作门课然后列举23种模式思想

    Not that I know exactly what you should do, but I think what you should not do is have a class and just enumerate the 23 patterns.


  • 十分感激那些博客留言的人们,他们:“了解的,J.D.,知道是怎样实现的,但我努力坚持,尝试在几个的时间里持续更新一个博客。

    I appreciate the folks who come up to me and say, "you know, J."D., I don't know how you do it. I tried to keep a blog for a few months.


  • 只是明白所说的真正朋友是指什么我不知道这个因素,真正友情这个概念多大分量。

    Ok, I was just trying to see what you mean by true friend. But I don't know how far this is gonna take in terms of the concept of true friendship.


  • 如何解释这种感觉大声:“主啊知道在哪但我知道医治姐姐。”

    I do not know how to explain it, but I said out loud: "Lord, I do not understand where you are, but I know you just healed my sister."


  • 奶奶知道只想开始检查但我知道为什么还要重复次。

    Grandma, I know you just told it you want to spell check; I don't know why you have to tell it again.


  • 知道是否能听明白便打断了话头,“晚上飞行时候感觉离星星近些的。”

    But I don't know if he understands so I end by saying "When you fly at night you feel closer to the stars."


  • 我不知道下了它们,但我每次上楼时都会停在平台——知道那个平台上有个而且深座位典雅窗户——坐在一会窗外然后,‘愿上帝保佑那个种树是谁。

    you know that quaint window on the landing with the broad deep seat . . . and sit there looking out for a moment and say, 'God bless the man who planted those trees whoever he was.'


  • 知道,”萨姆回答,“知道那儿指示牌,因为天天早晨市场,但我知道的是这儿呀。”

    The policeman said to him, "Didn't you know that there was a sign telling you to stop at the crossroads before going over the main road?"


  • 或者有财务上的困扰吗?自由想得到的,当中很多确信如何才能获得甚至知道意味着什么。

    Freedom is something we all want, but many of us are not sure how to acquire it, or even what we mean by it.


  • 知道聪明朋友并且真的喜欢

    But I don't know, you're really smart about things, and you've been a good friend to me, and I really like you.


  • Sue回答,“知道什么想要知道我不讨厌。”

    Sue replied, "I don't know what to say to you." But I want you to know that I don't hate you.


  • 甘愿辞职去和周游世界,直到中的个人一份正当工作觉得那个一定知道什么样才是一份正当的工作。

    Enough to quit and float round the world with you untilone of us has to find an honest job. But I think that's gonna have to be you. I've no idea what an honest job is.


  • 知道准备了什么要求——礼物一定全面哦!

    I don't know what have you got for me, but I can and you ask oneyour gift must be comprehensive!


  • 例如:表示“”,可以这样说:很抱歉真的能; 愿意但我不知道怎样去做;也许下一次了,谢谢

    Sorry to say, I can't. I would be glad to, but I don't know how. Perhaps at another time. No thanks.


  • 知道这次灾难了解的多么深刻知道你将会深深的震惊

    I don't know how deep you know about this disaster, But I know you will be deeply shocked.


  • 知道这次灾难了解的多么深刻知道你将会深深的震惊

    I don't know how deep you know about this disaster, But I know you will be deeply shocked.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定