• 但是明白必须挤出时间

    Well, I've learned that you have to make those hours.


  • 努力掩饰惊慌但是明白飞机机组乘客都会摔死

    I tried to hide my panic, but I could see that the flight staff and the other passengers on the plane could fell.


  • 休斯顿的时候希望不会离开了但是我明白篮球商业一面

    It was my hope when I came to Houston that Iwouldn’t leave, but I do understand this is the business side ofbasketball.


  • 倒是讲些朋友细节但是我明白自己对此话题过分热情反而这位妇女后悔说话有些轻率了。

    I try to squeeze out more details about her friend, but I see that my unseemly enthusiasm for the topic is making the lady regret her indiscretion.


  • 相信他们回答但是明白如果要求同样男女描述一下他们母亲,发现他们理想中的伴侣他们的母亲许多相似之处。

    I believe what they say. But I also know that if I were to ask those same men and women to describe their mothers, there would be many similarities between their ideal mates and their moms.


  • 大家现在可以说出自己的看法,展现自己的个性,建立自己的品牌,”科比,“对此不是很认同但是我明白其中的用处,也知道为什么出现这个现象。

    Guys have voices now, want to build brands,” Bryant said. “I don’t identify with it, but I understand where it’s going, why it’s going there.


  • 现在明白他们拒绝了请求有多么遗憾了,但是不要失去希望

    I see now it's a huge pity that they rejected your request, but don't lose hope.


  • 大致知道什么但是一些具体细节没弄明白

    I understood in general what she was talking about, but some of the finer details were beyond me.


  • 没有很多钱,但是我想给爸爸买点特别的东西,你明白的意思吧。

    I don't have much money, but I'd like to buy my dad something really special, if you know what I mean.


  • 然从第一天起明白这份工作不适合但是我对自己说对它很满意。

    I told myself that I was happy with my job, although I knew from the first day that it wasn't fit for me.


  • 那些岁月不见经传,但是相信很快就会明白,自从柏克莱登上舞台的那一刻起,人们的思维理解就变得更加简单了。

    He is not that well known these days but I think you will find that understanding what he has to say makes it much easier to understand where Berkeley was coming from.


  • 明白最好不要这样但是来说,跑步时候音乐重要听音乐听音乐的时候跑步的成绩区别很大。

    I understand that it'd be better not to do it but for me listening to music while running is very important and my results with and without music differ greatly.


  • 承认他已经明白意思但是确信他并没有回家毁掉拷贝

    He admitted that he did see my point, but I'm sure he didn't rush home and destroy his copy.


  • 明白在帮助放松,但是没有使鼓励显得真诚

    I knew she was helping me to feel more relaxed, but that didn't make her encouragements seem less true.


  • 但是明白获胜、巨额收益、名誉不会带来真正的幸福和快乐。

    But I also learned that this kind of thing-winning, financial success, fame-is not what brings happiness.


  • 知道爸爸妈妈在开公司但是发现并不完全明白

    He knows that his mom and dad run a business together, but I can see that it doesn't always add up in his mind.


  • 但是可以明白将参数,提高30的话0,就会得到一个很大

    But you can see as I go up to 30 I get a pretty big number.


  • 能够举出许多关于使用两个激励形式例子但是想你已经明白了这个观点

    I could go into many more examples of how I used these two forms of motivation, but you get the idea.


  • 实际上始终明白一点,但是这些语言分心,过一段时间就忘了

    Actually, I always knew that, but I’d getdistracted by the languages and forget it periodically.


  • 市面上很多关于妇科临床书籍但是这本书写明白有趣

    There are lots of clinical books out there about gynaecology but I wanted this to be frank and funny too.


  • 知道对于这件事,在未来也会一直这么但是现在认为更重要人们明白对待工作尽心尽责,全力以赴的”。”

    "I know I will be speaking into a gale about this," he said, "but I think it is important for people to know we are turning ourselves inside out to meet our obligations."


  • 不想表现得很贪心或者不领情但是该怎样才能让明白很重要呢?

    I don't want to appear greedy or ungrateful but how do I get him to see how important this is to me?


  • 虽然他们明白家庭放在最优先的位置,但是我他们知道职业生涯也是重要,很有价值

    So while I hope they understand that family is my top priority, I also love that they see me having a professional life that is rewarding and important.


  • 但是如果了解世界怎样运转的,必须明白数学一直存在

    But if I want to understand how my world works, I do need to appreciate that the maths is there.


  • 常常抓狂,但是现在明白意思

    It used to drive me nuts. But now I know what she means.


  • 明白的并不是男士剃须刀但是个人觉得的功能还是任何女士提供的要强大。

    I don't what it is about men's razors but I've always found them far superior to anything offered for women.


  • 这样幽默一个热情活力四射的金发女郎来说,意思可能有点晦涩,但是知道明白意思的。

    The humor here may be a bit dark for a bubbly blond but I think you get my drift.


  • 觉得应该都明白吧,但是还是提醒逛商店买东西的时候,你可是没有省钱,而是在花钱!

    I think you know this already, but it's worth reminding ourselves that when you shop during a sale, you aren't saving money. You are spending it.


  • 觉得应该都明白吧,但是还是提醒逛商店买东西的时候,你可是没有省钱,而是在花钱!

    I think you know this already, but it's worth reminding ourselves that when you shop during a sale, you aren't saving money. You are spending it.


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