• 但是老实说斯洛文尼亚理应获胜

    But to be honest, Slovenia deserved the win.


  • 但是老实说来,我们最后事情坐下来沉浸在电影故事剧情之中。

    But let's be honest, the last thing we want to do is sit inside story boarding a pre-existing movie.


  • 但是老实说除了少有时候赛季还没有座位上跳起来过

    But to be honest, apart from rare moments, I am yet to jump from my seat this term.


  • 或许可以网站重新运营但是老实说太难了,因为负担不起苹果打官司的费用。

    I may be able to put the site back online, but quite honestly it's unlikely because I can't afford a legal battle with Apple.


  • 也许吧……但是老实说如果要付5便士,我一定循环利用自己塑料袋

    Maybe I am... But seriously, with the 5p charge I'm definitely going to recycle my plastic bags.


  • 不要误解参加所有这些比赛确实好,但是老实说已经等不及回家了,”卡特到。

    "Don't get me wrong, it's great we have all these tournaments but I can't wait to get home to be honest," said Carter.


  • 记得那次点球大战,但是老实说特里走上来时,我什么感觉也没有,我怀疑那时候麻木了

    I do remember the penalty shoot-out, but to be honest, when John Terry walked up I felt nothing. I was numb, in a state of disbelief.


  • 但是老实说经历过,本科生的时候,我逻辑第一学期,我在那着,看起来有点你们当中的有些人。

    But I went through this I'll tell you when I was an undergraduate we did logic on my first term and I sat there looking a bit like how some of you are looking there.


  • 老实说称赞但是蒲包……戴安娜

    I can praise her ferns honestly... But the calceolarias, Diana!


  • 老实说并不是这些餐桌礼仪全部但是如果按照这些提示,你恰当餐桌礼仪更进一步了。

    And honestly, I'm not saying these are not the "be all, end all" of table manners, but if you follow these tips, you'll be a step closer towards proper table etiquette.


  • 老实说已经几个月没有用xcode3了,因此我对倒没有什么留恋的,但是如果理由保留X code 3的话,那就应该尽量避免升级Lion

    To be honest I have not used Xcode 3 for months so I will not miss it but if you have a reason why you need to remain with Xcode 3 you should probably avoid upgrading to Lion.


  • 但是老实说觉得——我告诉过米奇——这里来说最好地方,克里斯穆林蒂姆哈达威一起,,你是三分之一。

    But honestly, I felt—and I told Mitch thisThis’ll be the best thing in the world for you. With Chris Mullin and Tim Hardaway, you’re one of the three.


  • 老实说不是困难过去几个月的工作可能已经遇到过最辛苦的工作但是仍然时间

    To be honest, not really. I've probably worked the hardest I've ever worked the past few months for my job and I still found the time.


  • 但是所有一切都没有得到Apple的确认,老实说有些传言美妙了,不太真的

    But as wonderful as all those items sound, they remain unconfirmed by Apple. And frankly, some of the rumors sound too good to be true.


  • 老实说以为模特彻底结束了但是他们告诉,我可以宣传我的上半身,”说道

    'I honestly thought that my modelling dream was completely over, but they told me I could still sell my top half,' he said.


  • 老实说应该这个榜单中的边缘人物,但是无论如何都不能把他排除之外。

    Quite honestly, he's a guy who is probably on the periphery of this discussion, but one who should be a part of it nonetheless.


  • 老实说称赞但是蒲包…戴安娜

    I can praise her ferns honestly... But the calceolarias, Diana!


  • 还想其实可以治疗打嗝但是老实说一杯应该也可以解决这个问题,因为可乐化学成分没有提供特殊“防打嗝”魔力的。

    I would say that it can also cure hiccups but, frankly, a glass of water should do the same thing, as the chemicals in coke don't offer any special "anti-hiccup" magic.


  • 老实说开始喜欢这么做,事实上虽然吃饭时喜欢一杯冰水但是,现在,我是杯水是来而不是洗手了。

    I can honestly say I'm starting to enjoy it. In fact, while I still like ice water with my meal, I often find myself drinking from the glass, not washing with it.


  • 知道今年夏天我有多少转会资金但是我知道确实资金可用老实说,我认为现在这个阵容没有大的缺陷。

    I don't know how much money I will have to spend this summer but I do know funds will be made available. In truth, I do not feel there is much wrong with the squad.


  • 知道今年夏天我有多少转会资金但是我知道确实资金可用老实说,我认为现在这个阵容没有大的缺陷。

    I don't know how much money I will have to spend this summer but I do know funds will be made available. In truth, I do not feel there is much wrong with the squad.


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