It will consist of two 14-acre parks - one in California's Disneyland and the other in Florida's Disney World - with advanced sensor features to give visitors an 'immersive' experience.
In the park business sector, Disney also announced in Florida Disney resort area, Afanda and Disney park is located in the California scenic area will be Star Wars in 2017 and opened in 2019.
Enforcement of the rule at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, and Disneyland in Anaheim, California, will be enforced solely by a park worker's own judgment on age.
By Wednesday afternoon, however, more grim news from Florida cast a pall all the way to China: An alligator had dragged a toddler into a lake at a Disney World hotel.
Thee Star Wars attraction will open at Disneyland parks in California and Florida.
Thee Star Wars attraction will open at Disneyland parks in California and Florida.